Proof of the Dems' Election Steal


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).

Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
If true this could lead to a civil war.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?
BULLSHIT....they are cheating.....the peoples votes were discarded....and replaced with phony software.....
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?
AOC is gone? Thank goodness.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?
BULLSHIT....they are cheating.....the peoples votes were discarded....and replaced with phony software.....
Ever lose before? Quit embarrassing yourself.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
If true this could lead to a civil war.

Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?

Nothing to see here

Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).

I gotta ask. Why do you waste your time with these lengthy posts? Donald Trump was a terrible President. So the voters showed him the door. There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. All of Trump's lawsuits concerning fraud are being dismissed. You've presented nothing that is anything approaching evidence. Just alt-right talking points.
He lost. Deal with it and move on.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
If true this could lead to a civil war.

Hold on. If true and there is legitimate proof that there is fraud and Trump actually garnered more votes. You don't believe that BLM and Antifa will go wild on steroids and now Trump's base comes at em and its a war? You don't think that happens? Explain why. Again this is strictly a hypothetical.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?

Nothing to see here

View attachment 417984View attachment 417984

And who says that 'Benford's law' is a reliable indication of voter fraud.

And of course, if this is compelling as you claim, why hasn't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

You have to ask yourself why the bullshit they're telling you differs so vastly from the argument they're making court.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).

I gotta ask. Why do you waste your time with these lengthy posts? Donald Trump was a terrible President. So the voters showed him the door. There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. All of Trump's lawsuits concerning fraud are being dismissed. You've presented nothing that is anything approaching evidence. Just alt-right talking points.
He lost. Deal with it and move on.
He wasn't terrible in the eyes of 72mil plus that is why. Link that "all" of the lawsuits are being dismissed. They did find fraud and or mistakes just not enough to overturn states. So yes, we can move on but why can you not be honest?
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).

I gotta ask. Why do you waste your time with these lengthy posts? Donald Trump was a terrible President. So the voters showed him the door. There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. All of Trump's lawsuits concerning fraud are being dismissed. You've presented nothing that is anything approaching evidence. Just alt-right talking points.
He lost. Deal with it and move on.
i gotta ask -

why do you waste your time trolling people asking silly questions?
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
If true this could lead to a civil war.

Hold on. If true and there is legitimate proof that there is fraud and Trump actually garnered more votes. You don't believe that BLM and Antifa will go wild on steroids and now Trump's base comes at em and its a war? You don't think that happens? Explain why. Again this is strictly a hypothetical.

'If true' is where your argument breaks.

As it works just as well for any conspiracy you want to imagine. Flat Earth, Shapeshifting lizard people, Q-army, anything.

The problem you have is a connection to reality with evidence. Not what you an imagine

So, nope.
Proof of the Dems' Election Steal
The obvious -- and overwhelming -- evidence.​

18 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jack Kerwick

The usual suspects in the media, i.e. both the Democrat operatives posing as “journalists” as well as anti-Trump Republican operatives posing as the same, are insisting that President Donald J. Trump has yet to supply any “proof” to substantiate his thesis that there has been voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election race.
Before proceeding, let me put the reader on notice that I have long since stopped trying to convince partisan ideologues who lean even remotely leftward to recognize the error of their ways, to say nothing of the egregiousness of the errors of their anti-Trump biases. What follows is aimed only at those who are genuinely interested in reason, in logic, and, critically, in facts.

This column is an irrationality-free zone.
For starters, it most definitely is not just Trump and his army of lawyers who are leveling allegations of voter fraud. Approximately 73 million Americans who voted to make American history and re-elect the President in numbers both appreciably greater than had voted for him in 2016 and that had ever been achieved by any other American presidential candidate also believe that these allegations are rooted in reality.
Thus, they are convinced that their vote has been suppressed. They have been, in effect, disenfranchised.
Second, while it is undoubtedly the case that intellectual dishonesty is endemic to the media class, what accounts for this is that the latter is comprised of, at best, intellectual mediocrities, lightweights who exhibit not only little if any acquaintance with a classical—a genuine—liberal arts education, but average, or below average, intelligence. The painful lack of erudition and critical thinking ability among the talkers and scribblers explains, at least to no slight extent, the staggering ease with which they make pronouncements that could be made by only idiots and liars.
This isn’t meant as a criticism. It’s a fact that must be stated in order to grasp why it is futile to note to a journalist or a commentator, especially a Trump-hating one, that the concept of proof, like the concepts of love, hate, fairness, and any number of others, is most assuredly not a unitary one.
The successful night had by Congressional Republicans and state legislatures and the hugely disappointing one suffered by Democrats; thousands of sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud; Biden’s votes’ violation of the mathematical principle known as “Benford’s Law,” as well as other analyses conducted by data analysts demonstrating the virtual statistical certainty that the Democrat challenger lost; scores of anecdotal accounts offered by eye witnesses, voters, on the ground (e.g.“SharpeeGate”); Biden’s underperformance relative to Hillary Clinton and, remarkably, Barack Obama in 2008 in just those Democrat strongholds that were already a given for any Democrat candidate, but his overperformance in only the battleground areas; the “irregularities” of the voting machines that were used in many states but for which the company that distributes them, Dominion, is widely known—the preponderance of evidence that Democrats “meddled” in the election of 2020 and stole victory from Trump is not only mounting; it eclipses astronomically the fake evidence on the basis of which Democrats in Congress and Big Media have been anchoring their charge of “Russian meddling” in the election of 2016 for the last four years.
Where’s the proof that the Democrats are guilty in spades of precisely that with which they have been incessantly (stupidly, dishonestly) charging Trump, Vladimir Putin, and “the Russians?” It is ubiquitous, comprised of numerous considerations that all with the will to see can discern for themselves.

Strangely, The media expects us all to believe a candidate who barely left his basement, limited his campaign, shows signs of dementia, is tainted with scandals, is lucky to draw a couple dozen supporters when he does speak publicly, whose party supports riots and defunding the police, pledges to stop oil drilling and fracking, somehow managed to obliterate Obama's 2008 record vote total by roughly 10 million votes with nearly 80 million in total. Needless to say, the contradictions involved in this election and the supposed end result feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone....
The evidence is cumulative. The 'Dead Voting', Statistical improbability, Dominion Software moving votes from Trump to Biden, hundreds of sworn testimonies, newly discovered discarded ballots by the thousands, memory cards being found with votes for TRump, etc. — ALL OF THEM FAVORING BIDEN.
So, in regards to the first question — ABSOLUTELY.
In regards to the second question: Was the fraud sufficient to hand the election to Joe Biden? The answer is YES!!
The one factor that has the potential to shift votes by the hundreds of thousands from Biden to Trump is the software used to tabulate the votes. Sidney Powell has been on top of this from the get go.... she better deliver because answering the second question very tough.
No one has yet come up with a reasonable explanation as to HOW most of the Republican candidates down ballot won and expanded the GOP population in the House; but, Trump "lost". This by itself does not pass the smell test.
The evidence presented is SOLID ENOUGH to justify state wide audits and recounts ( re-vote even ).
Get over it. Biden leads with over 7 Million votes. The voters did exactly what they wanted. To rid this country of an autocrat. To rid this country of a liar. To rid this country of an anti-democratic con artist. I can keep going, but the people spoke. How do you like them apples?

Nothing to see here

View attachment 417984View attachment 417984

And who says that 'Benford's law' is a reliable indication of voter fraud.

And of course, if this is compelling as you claim, why hasn't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

You have to ask yourself why the bullshit they're telling you differs so vastly from the argument they're making court.
They are presenting in court and it could be a deviation but the optics look bad. I am not saying there is or isn't fraud. But the fact that we cannot even have a dialogue about it without you getting defensive is interesting.

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