Project Daffy: Metro-Trump (Dianetics)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a modernism-omen involving Princess Teela and Grasshopper (two fictional 'modern mutants') engaging with Richard (Orwellian protagonist in The Beach) and Trinity (female crusader from Orwellian sci-fi film The Matrix) about the problematic anathema of toxic-waste (chemically undesirable 'by-products' of industrialization/civilization).

Is 'TrumpUSA' compatible with intellectual missionary work?

My next 'fable' will be reserved for the Writing section (if I write one, but I think this was my final one, so thanks for everything USMB!),



Grasshopper (Doug Taggart) was a fanatic whose bizarre super-suit afforded him the eerie ability to hop around with incredible swiftness and evasive speed (like a 'godly or demonic grasshopper'). Grasshopper wanted to destroy Princess Teela who was a blue-skinned female from Venus being kept hidden and safe from obsessed human scientists seeking to 'dissect' her DNA. Teela's bodyguard was of course the valiant democracy-defending masked vigilante Deadpool (Wade Wilson) who had an amazing cellular regeneration rate, enabling him to heal very quickly if injured during battle. Grasshopper wanted to kidnap Teela and gnaw off Deadpool's head, since Deadpool loved capitalism, while Grasshopper hated it(!). Grasshopper hated capitalism mostly because industrialization led to the modernism anathema of toxic-waste. Teela was to become a 'democracy muse' (like the Statue of Liberty), but Grasshopper didn't want her to inspire America at all.


American thespians Leo DiCaprio and Carrie-Ann Moss just made the new age 'systemics-imaginarium' films The Beach and The Matrix about immersing the imagination into Orwellian nightmares of a purely 'technocrat-era paranoia' nature. In The Beach, Leo plays an intellectually (and spiritually!) jaded American traveller named Richard who discovers the alienating heart of darkness while experimenting with inventive communal governance on a hidden idyllic island near Thailand. In The Matrix, Carrie-Ann plays an idealistic female guerrilla-fighter named Trinity who attempts to help the 'cyber-Messiah' named Neo subvert the immense 'cerebral empire' constructed by insectisoid-like giant A.I. machines. The characters of Richard and Trinity represented a pedestrian fascination with anti-Orwellian prose in the new world of network-driven schizophrenia (e.g., cyber-obsession). Grasshopper and Teela were just like Richard and Trinity --- experimentative about nouveau-propaganda.


Alien: Covenant was the hot new sci-fi horror film, composed/directed by Alien franchise mastermind Ridley Scott (director of Gladiator and Blade Runner). Alien: Covenant symbolized a modernism paranoia about the undesirable 'discovery' of savage intelligences (or creatures!) in a universe confounded by the complex problems of scientific ambition/voyeurism, networking betrayals by governing super-structures, and of course evolutionary leviathans (or monsters). Toxic-waste was the perfect 'propaganda-platform' for Grasshopper (Doug Taggart) and Deadpool (Wade Wilson) to wage a democracy-war (if only for the sake of religion). If Trinity (a woman-warrior signifying democratic ideals) really was like Princess Teela (a female-stranger signifying fear of savagery), then Deadpool would need to convince Grasshopper (who was now referring to himself as an 'anarchy prophet' ominously/eerily named 'Daffy' --- a sarcastic allusion to the offbeat socialism-sarcasm Looney Tunes character Daffy Duck). Was this an IQ Tribulation of some kind?


American President Donald Trump wanted his administration and the White House to take an active role, so he had his PR-advisors orchestrate an elaborate pro-sci-fi media-campaign designed to hype the numerous 'superpower' themed vigilantism-daydream comics-adapted films such as Elektra, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, and Wonder Woman. Trump knew that the heartbeat of America lay in its capitalism-allegorical 'folklore' and incredible America-defending fictional comic book 'superheroes' such as Ant-Man and Captain America symbolized all the pedestrian optimism that Grasshopper wanted to destroy by kidnapping Teela and preventing the heroic Deadpool from creating a 'beneficial ideological revolution' designed to make networking more...youthful. Grasshopper wanted to unleash a virus composed of predatory-spores which would destroy human brains while people slept (after a session of watching TV shows about capitalism fortune-hunting such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?). This was a battle between 'magicians' and mind-control was at stake(!). This was all thanks to the numerous 'human errors' made by countless generations of bureaucrats blissfully underestimating the psychological impact of creating layers of 'consumerism conveniences' which created a moral apathy.


After all was said and done, the Grasshopper-Deadpool War would determine how seriously impressionable humans (impressionable to cholesterol-aesthetics of course!) would take the modernism anathema of toxic-waste. Social critics and policemen alike knew that new age public forum 'prophets' (e.g., Howard Stern) and youth-driven society niches (e.g., punk-rock fans) would make toxic-waste a rallying-point around which to create all kinds of metaphysical sloth concerns (e.g., failures in the EPA and FDA and even the WHO --- World Health Organization). Toxic-waste paranoia had already generated a ton of avant-garde comic book oriented/stylized art in America such as The Toxic Avenger, Captain Planet, Poison Ivy, Plastic Man, and The Swamp Thing.


GOD: Americans really care about industrialization.
SATAN: They fear industry has led to avarice and apathy...
GOD: That's why Grasshopper (aka, 'Daffy') hates capitalism!
SATAN: Well, Deadpool (Wade Wilson) will defy him.
GOD: Are you a fan of The Toxic Avenger?
SATAN: I like it, but I prefer Captain Planet.
GOD: Captain Planet is a more 'standard' eco-conscious character.
SATAN: Yes, Leo DiCaprio is planning a film about him.
GOD: Leo is the head of an eco-activism group (the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation).
SATAN: I think various celebrities (e.g., Tom Hanks, Charlize Theron) advocate Leo.
GOD: Eco-consciousness is the real 'sanity' antidote to toxic-waste apathy.
SATAN: I wonder if all this 'toxic-waste passion' will inspire new age science/weaponry.
GOD: Are you referring to liquid-nitrogen 'ice-guns' and biochemical gas-grenades?
SATAN: Biochemical-warfare and toxic-waste are two sides of the same 'capitalism-coin.'
GOD: Most Americans are ignorant of the government's earnest attempts to destroy WMDs.
SATAN: WMDs (Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction) comprise the new evil.
GOD: If biochemical-warfare is evil, is toxic-waste criminal-insanity?
SATAN: Perhaps...
GOD: In that case, let's refer to Deadpool's crusade as 'Project Daffy.'
SATAN: Grasshopper will not be pleased/amused but perhaps he'll be healed.
GOD: All this capitalism-rhetoric feels like Scientology.




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