Progressive has no answer for why he supports illegal aliens


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The video here is beyond priceless. All this left-wing nitwit does is give left-wing platitudes the entire time. He fails to answer even a single question. Every time one is posed to him he doesn't even attempt to answer it. Instead, he starts with "I'll just say this....". That is a flat out admission alone. Why say this? Why not just answer the question?

I would want to crawl in a hole and die if I ever gave an interview like that. If you can't support your own position with articulate, intelligent reasons then you shouldn't hold that position.
The one tonight was much worse. The man was a total a$$ (not Tucker - -the so called professor.)

The video here is beyond priceless. All this left-wing nitwit does is give left-wing platitudes the entire time. He fails to answer even a single question. Every time one is posed to him he doesn't even attempt to answer it. Instead, he starts with "I'll just say this....". That is a flat out admission alone. Why say this? Why not just answer the question?

Wow that guy was a moron. He can't even answer questions directly, just spews out talking points.
Wow that guy was a moron. He can't even answer questions directly, just spews out talking points.
That's the entire left, really. No ability to think for themselves. No ability to support their position. No ability to answer questions honestly. Just ignore the issue and keep regurgitating propaganda.
The one tonight was much worse. The man was a total a$$ (not Tucker - -the so called professor.)

This reminds me of the age old adage: those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. This guy couldn't hold a job in the real world. He's completely incapable of delivering results. He just a scam artist who tries to dupe people into believing he is an "academic" by writing long run-on sentences with obscure words.
Liberals hate facts and truth. That's why he is not willing to answer the questions.

Liberals cannot talk about their true motivations. They have to lie to get their ideas across, because their ideas are against the own self interest of their constituents.
The majority of Liberals do not want to enforce current Immigration Laws nor do they want to admit they are for Open Borders. Most Conservatives are pro legal immigration and many have advocated an expedited immigration process but Liberals don't want to acknowledge that. It is easier to call anyone who does not back open borders or anyone who advocates enforcement of current immigration laws as being "racist" vs. making the economic, social, and security case for open borders.
Just think about this for a moment....
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."
-Thomas Sowell

Exactly. I wonder if snowflakes would like it if the Governor of any state decided to violate all endangered species regulations and allowed hunters to shoot any animal at any time in any quantity.

Shouldn't those in power get to choose which laws to follow?
Just think about this for a moment....
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."
-Thomas Sowell

Exactly. I wonder if snowflakes would like it if the Governor of any state decided to violate all endangered species regulations and allowed hunters to shoot any animal at any time in any quantity.

Shouldn't those in power get to choose which laws to follow?
And imagine if those in power assisted corporations in violating environmental laws. Imagine if they set up "pollution sanctuary cities" where they promised to help corporations pollute and protect them from the federal government.

Progressives would lose their fuck'n minds. They would riot in the streets.
Unlike conservatives....I'm not afraid of illegal aliens

I don't need walls to protect me....I'd just as soon give them work visas as to have to hunt them down and deport them
Just think about this for a moment....
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."
-Thomas Sowell

Snowflakes don't have to obey laws they don't like.
Everyone else has to obey laws Snowflakes like.

Snowflake logic
Just think about this for a moment....
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."
-Thomas Sowell

Exactly. I wonder if snowflakes would like it if the Governor of any state decided to violate all endangered species regulations and allowed hunters to shoot any animal at any time in any quantity.

Shouldn't those in power get to choose which laws to follow?
And imagine if those in power assisted corporations in violating environmental laws. Imagine if they set up "pollution sanctuary cities" where they promised to help corporations pollute and protect them from the federal government.

Progressives would lose their fuck'n minds. They would riot in the streets.

There you go.....great analogy!!

Sanctuary cities against OPPRESSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS!!!
The video here is beyond priceless. All this left-wing nitwit does is give left-wing platitudes the entire time. He fails to answer even a single question. Every time one is posed to him he doesn't even attempt to answer it. Instead, he starts with "I'll just say this....". That is a flat out admission alone. Why say this? Why not just answer the question?

The far left needs their cheap slave labor to wash their cars and do their lawns..

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