illegal immigration

  1. J

    As VP, what is Kamala Harris’s most noticeable achievement we now experience?

    . . To the best of my knowledge, as Vice President and appointed to deal with our southern border crisis - essentially appointed as border czar by President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris was successful in encouraging and allowing millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated...
  2. J

    Predicted consequences of Biden’s planned invasion, comes to fruition.

    . . . Biden has intentionally allowed hundreds of thousands of unvetted radical Muslims into our country, and they are now carrying out exactly what his Administration and our domestic enemies want . . . disruptive protests against the United States and threats towards American citizens. ...
  3. J

    Hate Trump crowd ignores consequences, of the current Democrat leadership's policies.

    Why does our hate Trump crowd ignore Trump’s policies which averted the following type of headlines?
  4. J

    Biden Administration lies in complaint against Texas border security law.

    . See: COMPLAINT AGAINST TEXAS BORDER SECURITY LAW Lie number 1: “The United States brings this action to preserve its exclusive authority under federal law to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens.” In fact, our Constitution is the supreme federal law, and nowhere in its wording has...
  5. J

    Largest ever migrant caravan coming, Biden is to fault says organizer.

    See: Largest migrant caravan in year heading to US – as leader mocks Biden’s border policies From the article: Seems to me the America people, and by that I mean its citizenry, has lost the will and desire to protect the United States from invasion. . JWK I never thought I would...
  6. J

    Texas House Oks bill to deport illegal entrant foreign migrants which is perfectly constitutional.

    See: It’s about frickin time! The unfortunate truth is, the American people have been led to believe that our federal government has been delegated an exclusive power to regulate immigration. What may come...
  7. J

    Biden’s lawsuit against Texas’ floating barrier fails to state an actionable harm.

    . Biden’s COMPLAINT to have Gov. Abbott remove a floating barrier erected to help protect the State of Texas from an ongoing invasion of illegal entrant foreign nationals, drugs, and human trafficking, fails to identify the “commerce” being affected by said barrier. The Rivers and Harbors Act...
  8. J

    Is today the day U.S. citizens surrender their country to a foreign national invasion?

    . See: Why the U.S. May Be Days Away From a Border Crisis Quote: "At 11:59 pm on Thursday, May 11, one emergency will officially end and another may begin. That’s when the Biden administration has scheduled the end of the COVID-19 health emergency, which also means the expiration of a...
  9. J

    Feds sue Arizona over shipping container wall

    . SEE: Biden admin sues Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers The FEDERAL COMPLAINT alleges that Arizona’s installation of shipping containers on lands within the Cocopah Indian Reservation over which the United States holds an easement unlawfully interferes with and encroaches...
  10. J

    Kari Lake is absolutely correct! AZ may protect its own border against an invasion!

    See: AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake Promises To Declare An ‘Invasion’ On The Southern Border "Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake reiterated her promise to declare the border crisis an “invasion” if elected. Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday, Lake said that the influx...
  11. J

    Biden Admin. paroles flood of migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Colombia

    One thing for sure is, if the current open border policy continues, our country will eventually be fundamentally transformed into the kind of countries from where these immigrants are coming from, i.e., Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Colombia, and are being immediately released into our...
  12. J

    Conflicts and consequences of Biden’s massive, unregulated immigration policy

    . Let us take a look at the rate of border crossings The number of known foreigner nationals crossing our southern border is now at about 2 million a year LINK, [also see the following LINK]. And that 2 million does not include got-a-ways, nor those entering undetected. If we use a...
  13. J

    Biden to usurp legislative power and create ‘online sign-up for asylum’ and flood U.S. with world’s poverty stricken

    See: Under Biden’s New ‘ONLINE SIGN-UP FOR ASYLUM,’ Illegal Immigrants Will Flock To US Airports July 17, 2022 "Biden administration “not only doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration, they’re trying to accelerate this,” said Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.). “They’re not working to stop it...
  14. J

    Mexico to spend 1.5 billion to help fill the U.S. with the world's poverty stricken

    . See: Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border . "Now, Mexico has agreed to pay for a host of projects through a joint multi-year effort along the two country’s borders, including “modernizing” ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of...
  15. J

    Thank you, Gov Abbott, for protecting our border against an invasion

    . . Thank you, Governor Abbott, for standing up to the Democrat Party Leadership’s desire to fill the United States with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries. And especially thank you, Governor Abbott, for exercising...
  16. J

    White House to Texas, stop meddling with immigration, perpetuates big lie!

    . See: White House warns Texas governor against 'meddling' on immigration “Immigration enforcement is a federal authority, and states should not be… meddling in it,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, accusing Abbott of having “a track record of causing chaos and confusion at...
  17. J

    U.S. border is being invaded and Biden Administration finally admits it

    see: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits Biden Admin Released Over 1 Million Illegal Immigrants Into The U.S. "Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Sunday that over 1.2 million and potentially as many as 1.4 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the United...
  18. J

    A small, but welcome piece of news: Biden may not end Title 42 on May 23rd

    See Court blocks Biden from lifting Title 42 border restrictions on May 23 "The restrictions, known as Title 42, allow authorities to expel nearly all migrants from the border in the interest of stopping the spread of COVID-19. The states of Missouri, Arizona and Louisiana brought suit earlier...
  19. J

    Biden encourages and participates in invasion at our southern border.

    . See:Fox News footage shows mass release of single adult migrants into US Jan. 23, 2022 ”Fox witnessed men go into a small, unmarked office, then re-emerge moments later as multiple taxi cabs then showed up to collect the migrants – who were then shuttled off to nearby Harlingen Airport...
  20. J

    Look what the Democrat Party Leadership has done to democrat voters.

    . The DPL (Democrat Party Leadership) has caused the price of gasoline to skyrocket to an average price of $3.76 per gallon, up about $1.25 per gallon since the Biden Administration took office. Because of the DPL’s policies which have caused the sharp rise in gas prices, the cost of almost...
  21. J

    Why is our mainstream media not reporting on the consequences of illegal immigration?

    . Isn’t is odd that after over 1.5 million poverty stricken poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, infected and criminal illegal entrants have been released into our nation’s interior in the last several months, that there are no stories appearing in our mainstream media how hospital emergency...
  22. J

    Mass immigration and the spread of infectious diseases

    If you don’t think the current mass immigration is a threat to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, 18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says Aug. 7, 2021 WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families...
  23. J

    The spreading of Covid, Illegal immigration, and “harboring” being a criminal offense

    See: 25K fully vaccinated people statewide have tested positive for COVID-19, DeSantis says August 03, 2021 MIAMI, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis said about 25,000 fully vaccinated people statewide have tested positive for COVID-19. DeSantis also said there has been a reduction of more than 70% in...
  24. J

    Biden Administration misappropriates over $2 billion in federal funds to finance his immigration policies.

    See Biden Admin Diverts $2 Billion from Healthcare Programs to Help Illegal Migrant Children May 18, 2021 “The $2.13 billion in funds that were redirected to the federal unaccompanied children program is more than its operating budget for the last two years, according to Politico. HHS took an...
  25. J

    Central America’s poverty stricken invasion of southern border draws National Guard

    See Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sending National Guard to southern border April 20, 2021 “Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency related to the widening border crisis. Border Patrol agents made about 168,000 arrests at the border in March, compared with about 71,000 in December.” The...
  26. The Original Tree

    1 Million Man Deportation Force

    The President needs to use his Emergency Powers & Declare a National Emergency and Declare an Imminent Threat to our Elections and Democracy and do a Mass Deportation of about 20 Million Illegals in the next 6 Months. He just got another $1.4 Billion for The Wall, but a Wall is not enough...
  27. The Original Tree

    Boycott, Divest and Sanction California

    California is really no Longer Part of America. It does not abide by our laws and traditions. It illegally attempts to negotiate trade deals and unconstitutional treaties with Foreign Nations. It's Sanctuary State Status is Unconstitutional and is in violation of Immigration Law. It's...
  28. J

    Open borders, the census, sanctuary states, and the rule of apportionment

    As we have seen firsthand, California, which happens to be a communist/socialist sanctuary State and openly encourages illegal immigration, gets the most number of Representatives [53 votes] in the House of Representatives because of our Constitution’s rule of apportionment, a rule which...
  29. J

    AOC’s squad of four should listen to Bernadette Lancelin: worry about America’s children!

    It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children. To get an idea of the...
  30. The Original Tree

    Mexican Drug Cartels Smuggling Diamonds In Immigrant's Butt Cavities

    This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020. New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity A...
  31. The Original Tree

    ISIS member tasked with 'bringing in migrants'

    The Next 911 Is Being Planned As We Speak! I have been telling people this. ICE and Border Patrol have been telling you they are capturing people on Terrorist Watch Lists at our Border. They so called Refugee Crisis, Caravans, Asylum Seekers, and Lax Border Policies and weak Immigration...
  32. DigitalDrifter

    ROTFLOL!! White House considered dumping illegals in Dim controlled sanctuary cities

    Oh god I wish they would have went through with this ! :auiqs.jpg: TRUMP EFFECT[/paste:font] White House considered dumping migrants in 'sanctuary cities' ICE lawyers rejected proposals to bus detained immigrants to Nancy Pelosi's district and other Democratic cities, The Washington Post...
  33. The Original Tree

    Sanctuary Status is a State & Local Program, and needs to be funded by State & Local Resources.

    This will eventually be the finding in Federal Court when Sanctuary Status for Cities and States is Challenged and appealed to the Supreme Court. The Federal Government does not Recognize nor does it have Sanctuary Status Programs. States and Cities are required to abide by Federal...
  34. J

    Delegation of legislative power and the National Emergencies Act

    . Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency. The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to...
  35. The Original Tree

    UK Stabbings Epidemic Being Called a National Emergency: Coming to America

    Violence in America in certain areas is escalating. Places like Chicago, Maryland and areas all across America where just a few decades ago, were safe, are increasingly becoming War Zones. But unlike The UK, who is in a very desperate situation, and who primarily is leaving The UK because of...
  36. The Original Tree

    Another DemNazi Voter goes to jail for killing then stuffing his girlfriend in a suitcase

    DemNazis are having a bad week. First Trump nails SOTU, then crushes his rally in El Paso. Warren is outted again as a liar and phoney, DemIslamoNazism and Antisemitism is on full display. The horrors of baby killing on full display, misogynist libtard art display shows Ivanka Trump look...
  37. The Original Tree

    Fentanyl as an WMD: Mexican National Busted at Border with enough to KILL 57 Million Americans!

    I am calling on THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, CONGRESS, DEA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, THE US MILITARY, AND PRESIDENT TRUMP to declare Fentanyl as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and as a Dangerous Chemical Weapon! When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course...
  38. The Original Tree

    Texas Cops Shot Up By Mexican Drug Cartels: Lefty Laughs & then gets Measels

    Do you think it's funny Nancy Pelosi? Do you Socialist DemNazis think increasing numbers of cops being shot and murdered is pleasurable, and gratifying to you? After all, you marched in front of the cameras, telling us what you really wanted. Dead Cops and Right Now! Do you find it amusing...
  39. The Original Tree

    Batman & The Rule of Law: Political Relevance

    Many people watch a movie like Batman Begins, and gloss right over some of the truths spoken in such a film, or in the comic books. Batman is the way he is, because of injustice, and not because of cruelty or a desire for vengeance, but because of the weak resolve of others who fail to act, and...
  40. The Original Tree

    The 1860s Called and they want their Social Policy Back!

    Here is The Democrat Platform in a Nutshell. They are still practicing The Politics of Slavery 160 years after The Civil War is over. What are they raging about now? A Damn Wall to limit the flood of Illegal Undocumented Brown People coming in the The US That The Elite Left needs to work on...

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