Professor refuses to use Trans pronouns.

Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
Why do you omit using "they"?

Feel free to add it in. they/their
The left not only wants to dictate what you can NOT say, they want to FORCE you to parrot statements that you KNOW are untrue.

It seems relevant to point to Orwell's concept of “Newspeak”. The idea was to alter language to make it difficult to express beliefs that were deemed subversive, with a hope that eventually this would make it difficult or impossible even to form thoughts and opinions that were contrary to the interests of Big Brother.

Surely, a similar principle is at work here—an idea that by forcing us to give voice to premises that we know to be false, we can be forced eventually to accept these lies as truth, and to become incapable of understanding or expressing the genuine truth.

It's a form of attempted mind control. If they can get us to deny the biological distinction between male and female, what other untruths can they get us to accept?
People lie all the time.

People should be free to "lie". People should also be free to tell the truth. Nobody should be compelled to parrot false statements.

Why do you oppose freedom of choice?

They have freedom of choice. Just like I have the freedom to call you "she". However, I suspect if you were my customer and I repeatedly insisted on calling you "she" even after you asked me not boss would either reprimand me or threaten me with firing.

Here's some friendly advice. Just pretend that the student involved in the matter was aborted, then you'll no longer give a fuck about what she wanted. After all, you certainly don't give a fuck about the wants of the 60 million American humans that were aborted. Why should this be any different? Just pretend she was aborted and then you'll feel all better.
What about a white kid in class that decides that he wants to identify as a slave master and expects black kids to act as his slaves in order to make him feel better?

What about it? How far into the ridiculous do you want to go? This is not simply a matter of language now.

Here's some friendly advice. Just pretend that the student involved in the matter was aborted, then you'll no longer give a fuck about what she wanted. After all, you certainly don't give a fuck about the wants of the 60 million American humans that were aborted. Why should this be any different? Just pretend she was aborted and then you'll feel all better.

Now you are asking me to humor your delusions after saying that we shouldn't do that.
What about a white kid in class that decides that he wants to identify as a slave master and expects black kids to act as his slaves in order to make him feel better?

What about it? How far into the ridiculous do you want to go? This is not simply a matter of language now.
I agree. It's all about submission.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.
People lie all the time.

People should be free to "lie". People should also be free to tell the truth. Nobody should be compelled to parrot false statements.

Why do you oppose freedom of choice?

They have freedom of choice. Just like I have the freedom to call you "she". However, I suspect if you were my customer and I repeatedly insisted on calling you "she" even after you asked me not boss would either reprimand me or threaten me with firing.

The teacher in the story didn't refer to her as "her". He referred to her by name and simply avoided referring to her as "her". But that wasn't good enough for the student nor the school.

I guess the argument comes down to the employer having the right to FORCE their employees to lie.

Here's some friendly advice. Just pretend that the student involved in the matter was aborted, then you'll no longer give a fuck about what she wanted. After all, you certainly don't give a fuck about the wants of the 60 million American humans that were aborted. Why should this be any different? Just pretend she was aborted and then you'll feel all better.

Now you are asking me to humor your delusions after saying that we shouldn't do that.
Now you're getting it.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.

No. I don't believe in compulsion. What I'm saying, again, is - why do you have to make it a huge deal? Why not be kind and respectful by choice? :dunno:
People lie all the time.

People should be free to "lie". People should also be free to tell the truth. Nobody should be compelled to parrot false statements.

Why do you oppose freedom of choice?

They have freedom of choice. Just like I have the freedom to call you "she". However, I suspect if you were my customer and I repeatedly insisted on calling you "she" even after you asked me not boss would either reprimand me or threaten me with firing.
The purpose of attendance is to learn. It is not important for you to agree with the "facts," only that you know what they are. It is also irrelevant whether you "like" the instructor or not. You paid for the education--you don't own the instructor. (woohoo, big wind storm here, the power just went out. Saved by the generator.) Just saying.
Can I call you "she"?

You could, but it would be untrue. The student involved was/is a BIOLOGICAL female. That is a FACT. Telling me that I MUST refer to her as "him" is forcing me to LIE.

Why does lying only seem matter when it comes to issues involving homosexuality/'s a very selectively applied sin.

People lie all the time. They lie when they say the most boring talk they ever listened to was "good". They lie when their friend makes a horrible birthday cake and they say it was "delicious". They lie when you ask them "does this make my butt look fat" and they say "no". But, they won't lie when a person requests that you refer to them as "he/him" or "she/her".
If someone chooses to tell a lie it is their decision. And some won't lie even then. You want to force others to lie. Take that choice away. You, who I suspect is a firm believer in my body my choice, would rip that choice out of everyone's mouth.

No. I don't believe in compulsion. What I'm saying, again, is - why do you have to make it a huge deal? Why not be kind and respectful by choice? :dunno:
Submit willingly.
People lie all the time.

People should be free to "lie". People should also be free to tell the truth. Nobody should be compelled to parrot false statements.

Why do you oppose freedom of choice?

They have freedom of choice. Just like I have the freedom to call you "she". However, I suspect if you were my customer and I repeatedly insisted on calling you "she" even after you asked me not boss would either reprimand me or threaten me with firing.

The teacher in the story didn't refer to her as "her". He referred to her by name and simply avoided referring to her as "her". But that wasn't good enough for the student nor the school.

I guess the argument comes down to the employer having the right to FORCE their employees to lie.

I didn't see that in the article. I don't think, personally, that he should have been reprimanded, it's a university after all and there is supposed to be free thought and free speech - as long as he was respectful and using the person's name allows for that.

But - an employer CAN require certain forms of address should be used - they have codes of conduct, they have dress codes. An employee could be reprimanded for telling a customer she looked ugly in the dress she was purchasing...even if it were true.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.

It doesn't matter what I request....and I am btw a girl...well old broad atleast so close enough.

You should not pretend a crazy a persons delusions are real----it is unethical and dangerous and very dishonest.

It's not pretending anything - it's just not judging a person and assuming they are a delusional nut because you don't agree.

If they aren't a delusional nut, you're just being an ass.

If they are a delusional nut, you aren't going to change their minds by attacking them. It's not dangerous. Nor is it unethical.

There are a lot of folks out there that it's just hard sometimes to determine what their gender is. What makes you the decider?
It's catering to the delusions-------a guy wanting to be a woman is still a guy. To call him female is dishonest and unethical. Which btw----all of these people are nuts---its not a "body problem"------its that their Brain isn't working quit right---its a mental problem which likely explains the high incidents of drug abuse, suicides, prison sentences, and oh yeah being officially declared nuts.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

There are folks out there who contend that they are Jesus H. Christ as well. Does it "show respect" to them to address them with Christ's proper pronoun of "Lord"?

I don't think so. I think it shows real respect just to address them as who they are. Not who the voices in their heads say they are.

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