Pro abortion protests at SC Justices homes are a violation of Federal Law.

Baby Killer Cultist meltdowns are fun to watch. :auiqs.jpg:
Hope you pro rapist don't have Thomas die he is getting old. And it just made the left realize how important the presidency is. Go ahead and fuck around and find out. 😂😂😂
Hope you pro rapist don't have Thomas die he is getting old. And it just made the left realize how important the presidency is. Go ahead and fuck around and find out. 😂😂😂
I will ask you to quote a post by me where I am "pro rapist", Baby Killer Cultist.
Abortion has always been murder. This happened because you people have started publicly taking pleasure in it.
Oh please. That would be like saying the reason we pass common sense gun legislation is because you people started publicly taking pleasure in mass shootings.

And there is an actual connection between you nuts who think Sandy Hook was a hoax and the January insurgency.

Trump received support from Alex Jones during his 2016 presidential campaign.

Former Trump adviser and Republican strategist Roger Stone was a paid Infowars host in 2015, and Stone connected Jones with Trump for an Infowars interview in December that year in which the soon-to-be president lauded Jones.

“Your reputation is amazing,” Trump told Jones on his show.

You guys are the lawlessness party. Won't even show up to testify.
Hope you pro rapist don't have Thomas die he is getting old. And it just made the left realize how important the presidency is. Go ahead and fuck around and find out. 😂😂😂
So there is a situation where the baby is going to die 3 months after it is born. It will spend the entire 3 months crying in agonizing pain.

Under the new laws, parents will be forced to have this baby rather than late term abort it. Republicans are sick.
So there is a situation where the baby is going to die 3 months after it is born. It will spend the entire 3 months crying in agonizing pain.

Under the new laws, parents will be forced to have this baby rather than late term abort it. Republicans are sick.
Baby sufferers and pro rapists and people that do incest. They are sick.
When were they going to tell us about this? At some point in the future, when it's too late because they already made it the law of the land, they were going to pass this and just hit us with it one day out of the blue. IDK when they were going to "slip it by us" but it certainly wasn't the other day when someone leaked it.

IDK why this is a big deal. If they believe abortion is murder they should say it loud and proud. Not deny it at their confirmation hearings then "slip it by us" out of the blue like were a bunch of fucking idiots.

Good Lord, another person who doesn't understand Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court is merely stating that abortion cannot be codified at the federal level using the Constitution's right to privacy or liberty. Roe v Wade was a horrible decision that was ill-conceived from the start. It is up to each state to make laws regarding abortion. It is about time that partisan politics are removed and this law is overturned.
So there is a situation where the baby is going to die 3 months after it is born. It will spend the entire 3 months crying in agonizing pain.

Under the new laws, parents will be forced to have this baby rather than late term abort it. Republicans are sick.

What are you talking about? The repeal of Roe v Wade does not outlaw abortion. If you live in NY, you will be able to have all sorts of horrid abortions, even late-term ones that very few are in favor of. If you live in Alabama, you may be much more limited.
Good Lord, another person who doesn't understand Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court is merely stating that abortion cannot be codified at the federal level using the Constitution's right to privacy or liberty. Roe v Wade was a horrible decision that was ill-conceived from the start. It is up to each state to make laws regarding abortion. It is about time that partisan politics are removed and this law is overturned.
Which is totally different than roe vs Wade. If you look into it a little bit longer. The supreme court stated that no state or governor should strip the rights of a women to decide her health care or family planning. Moving it to the state strips that right away from those women on the states.
Very few people understand RVW
Things were piecemeal state to state and rightfully I believe USSC stepped in to unify the policy nationwide. It never sanctioned abortion, rather it made making it illegal to be illegal. Now it’s thinking about reinstating the prohibition it took away and returning regulation to the state.
This was part of the problem with the Covid issue, padding it down to states, counties and municipalities. Some issues are too big for small time so we need a large comprehensive federal policy to cover everyone.
Very few people understand RVW
Things were piecemeal state to state and rightfully I believe USSC stepped in to unify the policy nationwide. It never sanctioned abortion, rather it made making it illegal to be illegal. Now it’s thinking about reinstating the prohibition it took away and returning regulation to the state.
This was part of the problem with the Covid issue, padding it down to states, counties and municipalities. Some issues are too big for small time so we need a large comprehensive federal policy to cover everyone.
So of you make something illegal to be illegal it legalizes it.

Or I'm I wrong?
Which is totally different than roe vs Wade. If you look into it a little bit longer. The supreme court stated that no state or governor should strip the rights of a women to decide her health care or family planning. Moving it to the state strips that right away from those women on the states.

What specific rights will women, as opposed to men, not have if Roe v Wade is overturned?
This is a PERFECT opportunity to demonstrate their hypocrisy. If some pro-life group went to the homes of the dissenters and exactly mimicked the numbers, volume, and annoyance, provided against these five, just measure how quickly Federal cops would descend!
Or go to the school board trustee's houses. The left is proving how hypocritical they are.
To think he was considered a nominee to sit on the SC by Obama.
Federal laws don’t apply when they stand in the way of the liberal political narrative. Now if the tables were reversed…..these clowns would be locked up, declared terrorists, and we would be treated to a congressional investigation.
The hypocrisy never ends, yet stupid uneducated morons keep electing these fascists.
That's another reason liberals cannot be in charge. If they don't agree with their agenda you're a terrorist.

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