Prince's Death & This New Flu: DANGER

We do not know yet he was an addict.

But that is pretty harsh. Some people do get addicted as a secondary to other issues. THEN you have the ones that just do it for recreation. I assume those are the ones you refer to.
As a child of the 80's, I loved Prince's music and who he was, and was deeply hurt today when I heard he had died. So many great memories. I was hoping I could go to one last concert with him performing, in honor of my wet and wild days. Sadly however, I think in this case, finding him dead like that in his own elevator, it sounds too much like a drug overdose. Similar to the way John Belushi overdosed.
If he had the flu no one knew. He wasn't sick. Six days ago his plane had to make an emergency landing to give him a save shot.

We are hearing so much now how can we know what is or is not true?

It still is no good reason to make fun of or laugh at kwim?

Tipsy is apparently a big TMZ hound, that's where that story came from. "Anonymous sources", and all that.

Tipsy has a tendency to believe anything that fits her preconceptions.
As a child of the 80's, I loved Prince's music and who he was, and was deeply hurt today when I heard he had died. So many great memories. I was hoping I could go to one last concert with him performing, in honor of my wet and wild days. Sadly however, I think in this case, finding him dead like that in his own elevator, it sounds too much like a drug overdose. Similar to the way John Belushi overdosed.

Very well could have been. We will know eventually....I guess.

I just didn't care for folks making light of it. *shrug*
Skye is a shallow person. I never figured her to be that cruel and obnoxious cuz usually I chalk it up to her drunk on her ass as usual. I guess what really clued me in on her true inner self was when she snickered about poor people and how she would never know how it felt to be that way...and in general, let everyone know she thinks she is privileged due to her families wealth and everyone here is beneath her..well..except I guess rich people don't have to worry about flu, cancers, HER mind. Money buys HER mind. Someday..she will realize that is just not the case.
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FLU stupid people can be?

flu LOL :laugh:...

my whole family tree would be dead by now

if it's flu

my GOD!!!

The flu kills more Americans than heroin overdoses do, every year.

yeah right ...

you know?


It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.
And people catch heroin overdoses?
I think the key word is preventable.


FLU stupid people can be?

flu LOL :laugh:...

my whole family tree would be dead by now

if it's flu

my GOD!!!

The flu kills more Americans than heroin overdoses do, every year.

yeah right ...

you know?


It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.
And people catch heroin overdoses?
I think the key word is preventable.

Where did you come upon this "key word", exactly?

It was definitely not in the conversation you quoted.


FLU stupid people can be?

flu LOL :laugh:...

my whole family tree would be dead by now

if it's flu

my GOD!!!

The flu kills more Americans than heroin overdoses do, every year.

yeah right ...

you know?


It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.
And people catch heroin overdoses?
I think the key word is preventable.

Where did you come upon this "key word", exactly?

It was definitely not in the conversation you quoted.
It was conspicuously left out of the failed analogy.
The flu kills more Americans than heroin overdoses do, every year.

yeah right ...

you know?


It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.
And people catch heroin overdoses?
I think the key word is preventable.

Where did you come upon this "key word", exactly?

It was definitely not in the conversation you quoted.
It was conspicuously left out of the failed analogy.


What "analogy"?

I think you might want to re-read the conversation between me and skye, you seem to have read things into it that simply don't exist.
Prince murdered by illuminati or just a fake death as Bowie? Answer is as simple as this:
What did the illuminati set of tarot cards known as "Daily Mail news" had to say about it ?
Three days before "Prince found dead": "Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospital"
In other words: no longer need to check the agendas or wait to perform the "public tribute" test.
Illuminati faked Prince«s death, same as as Amy Wneehouse alias Lady Gaga, or countless 2016 exampels, from David Bowie to Viola Beach.

Prince's fak death: set stage for the mahunt for non.whites and blacks in particular
This is the main agenda. In other words, Prince is in the same cast of black actors where:
- the ethnic indonesian playing suicidde bomber "black Obama" has the leading role;
- other names range from veterans( Al Sharpton to Bill Cosby) to more "dead" (Baltimore "Grey" to Ferguson "Brown")..

How does "dead Prince" advance the race war agenda?
By usimg tje same technique as "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" :to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
And that is the best example because there is also a DIRCT link to Hiillary.

Dead Prince, Hillary Clinton, Benghazi emails and NY Primaries: DOUBLE LINLK
1. The timing for Prince's fake death
To divert human cattle from the "results" of the NY primary, the "election" that one day earlier set the impossible milestone for multiplying votes: each Hillary vote was countyed 100 (you read well, ONE HUNDRED) times.

2. "Dead Prince", "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails": psy-ops based on same technique. .
More precisely to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
- Having the media non-stop repeat that "Prince was a genius" and go as far as have some tell that "Prince was the greatest ever" is part of diverting non-whites and blacks in particular from the coming genocide.
At the same time the pushing the grotesque pf ""Prince superstar" to the limits is also meant to foment racial hatred against blacks.
- "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" alias "Clinton under fire" diverts from Clinton's results rigged beyond what human cattle can imagine int their wildest dreams.
Suggesting that "Clinton is about to leave the race in disgrace" is part of having human cattle discard the possibility that "elections" are rigged to have Hitlery win.

Secondary agendas inlclude lauching a "new flu virus"
"Prince died of mysterious flu virus" is as part of the super virus pandemic agenda, a haox that was months earlier renamed for the nth time, last time from ebola to ZIKA:

Prince and Michael Jackson: contrast the deaths: parallel and reverse scripts
Dead Prince advances the same main agenda as dead Michael Jacjson, so no wonder that both are staged by the media the same way: as "possibly the greatest ever".
But unlike Prince Michael Jackson did die, or more precisely was murdered.
As for why the gap is as long as 7 years: for the same reason that the flu virus had to be renamed a few times: the BIG BANG script had to be postponed again and again since 2009.

18 April 2016 - The Daily Mail was telling the audience what was going to happen:
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospital
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event after hospitalization

Last Prophet's words from Apr 9, 2016
"But the script's real location for this milestone was the "Daily Mail", a "news" outlet that reads like an illuminati set of tarot cards.".
Illuminati set a milestone video for truth in plain sight about an ongoing genocide together with the "Pope"'s aannouncement of a visit to Lesbos.
The video psy-op, released Apr 6, 2016, is based on suggesting the opposite of what is coming (for non-white EU and US residents and citizens) and is alrady unfolding (for refugees and migrants entering Europe).
Auschwitz before Lesbos and Homos: Satanic Trilogy of genocidal announcements by "Holy Father".
Video "Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears"
Catholic Church Destruction, the illuminati script: Auschwitz Lesbos Homos genocidal announcements by fake Holy Father

Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries

Fake deaths: what the "public tribute" test is:
If no bufffer between public paying tribute and the open casket then we could exclude a fake death:
As this milestone set in Moscow March 2015 shows, an apparently open casket alone is NOT enough.
Illuminati Milestones: Boris Nemtsov' DUMMY funeral fake open casket

Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie with Amy Winehouse, Boris Nemtsov and Franklin Roosevelt.
Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie Jack Stevens with Amy Winehouse Lady Gaga

Avian flu 2006: why super virus pandemic HOAX NOT launched as bovine or swine flu
BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Avian flu pandemic hoax: pigeons in cities alone exposes it

Aug 2014- Ferguson to coming Baltimore riots, "dead" Brown to coming Gray
added Nov 2014: interracial rape culture pause by Bill Cosby
Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: Ferguson to Baltimore riots Brown to Gray interracial rape culture pause by Cosby
Last edited:
Prince murdered by illuminati or just a fake death as Bowie? Answer is as simple as this:
What did the illuminati set of tarot cards known as "Daily Mail" had to say about?
Three days in advance: "Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospita"
In other words: we no longer need to check the agendas or wait to perform the "public tribute" test to know that it was a fake death.
Reminder of what the funeral test is:
If no bufffer between public paying tribute and the open casket then we could exclude a fake death, such as Amy Wneehouse alias Lady Gaga, and countless 2016 exampels, from David Bowie to Viola Beach.

Prince's fake: "set stage for the mahunt for non.whites and blacks in particular" agenda
This is the main agenda, while secondary agendas seem to include lauching a new "flu virus" psy-op as part of the super virus pandemic HOAX, that was months earlier renamed from ebola to ZIKA:
In other words, Prince is in the same cast of black actors where_
- the ethnic indonesian playing suicidde bomber "black Obama" has the leading role;
- Other names range from veterans( Al Sharpton to Bill Cosby) to more "dead" ("Grey" to "Brown")..

How does "dead Prince" advance the race war agenda?
By usimg tje same technique as "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" :to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
And that is the best example because there is also a DIRCT link to Hiillary.

Dead Prince, Hillary Clinton, Benghazi emails and NY Primaries: DOUBLE LINLK
1. The timing for Prince's fake death
To divert human cattle from the "results" of the NY primary, the "election" that one day earlier set the impossible milestone for multiplying votes: each Hillary vote was countyed 100 (you read well, ONE HUNDRED) times.

2. "Dead Prince", "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails": psy-ops based on same technique. .
More precisely to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
- Having the media non-stop repeat that "Prince was a genius" and go as far as have some tell that "Prince was the greatest ever" is part of diverting non-whites and blacks in particular from the coming genocide.
At the same time the pushing the grotesque pf ""Prince superstar" to the limits is also meant to foment racial hatred against blacks.
- "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" alias "Clinton under fire" diverts from Clinton's results rigged beyond what human cattle can imagine int their wildest dreams.
Suggesting that "Clinton is about to leave the race in disgrace" is part of having human cattle discard the possibility that "elections" are rigged to have Hitlery win.

18 April 2016 - The Daily Mail was telling the audience what was going to happen:
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospital
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event after hospitalization

Fake deaths: the TEST - as this milestone set in Moscow March 2015 shows, an apparently open casket alone is NOT enough.
Illuminati Milestones: Boris Nemtsov' DUMMY funeral fake open casket

Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie with Amy Winehouse, Boris Nemtsov and Franklin Roosevelt.
Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie Jack Stevens with Amy Winehouse Lady Gaga

Avian flu 2006: why super virus pandemic HOAX NOT launched as bovine or swine flu
BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Avian flu pandemic hoax: pigeons in cities alone exposes it

Aug 2014- Ferguson to coming Baltimore riots, "dead" Brown to coming Gray
added Nov 2014: interracial rape culture pause by Bill Cosby
Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: Ferguson to Baltimore riots Brown to Gray interracial rape culture pause by Cosby

Last Prophet's words from Apr 9, 2016
"But the script's real location for this milestone was the "Daily Mail", a "news" outlet that reads like an illuminati set of tarot cards.".
Illuminati set a milestone video for truth in plain sight about an ongoing genocide together with the "Pope"'s aannouncement of a visit to Lesbos.
The video psy-op, released Apr 6, 2016, is based on suggesting the opposite of what is coming (for non-white EU and US residents and citizens) and is alrady unfolding (for refugees and migrants entering Europe).
Auschwitz before Lesbos and Homos: Satanic Trilogy of genocidal announcements by "Holy Father".
Video "Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears"
Catholic Church Destruction, the illuminati script: Auschwitz Lesbos Homos genocidal announcements by fake Holy Father

Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries
My toilet was clogged, you think it's related to Prince's death and the elections? I see the Illuminati's fingerprints all over it.
As a child of the 80's, I loved Prince's music and who he was, and was deeply hurt today when I heard he had died. So many great memories. I was hoping I could go to one last concert with him performing, in honor of my wet and wild days. Sadly however, I think in this case, finding him dead like that in his own elevator, it sounds too much like a drug overdose. Similar to the way John Belushi overdosed.

Very well could have been. We will know eventually....I guess.

I just didn't care for folks making light of it. *shrug*
What most people don't realize is that many artists drug themselves because they believe it gives them the creative edge necessary to stay ahead and relevant.
I'm not buying the death by flu story. Yes, he may have had it, sick people catch other illness with a weakened immune system. People in their 50s are not old by today's standards unless they did a lot of wear and tear on their bodies.

I've never taken a flu shot and am 61. I have had a few but they don't take me down, I can still work. I stay away from doctors and forgo anti-biotics. What I do is mega dose on vitamin C and juice veggies and fruit. Nutrition is the best remedy in my opinion. Your body doesn't have to work much for juicing and you get the maximum benefit.
I'm not buying the death by flu story. Yes, he may have had it, sick people catch other illness with a weakened immune system. People in their 50s are not old by today's standards unless they did a lot of wear and tear on their bodies.

I've never taken a flu shot and am 61. I have had a few but they don't take me down, I can still work. I stay away from doctors and forgo anti-biotics. What I do is mega dose on vitamin C and juice veggies and fruit. Nutrition is the best remedy in my opinion. Your body doesn't have to work much for juicing and you get the maximum benefit.
No surprises here. Sub-Humanoid Neanderthals like you are immune to the flu.
Last edited:
The strain of flu that caused Prince's hospitalization six days ago is the Percoset strain. He got a narcan save shot.
Prince murdered by illuminati or just a fake death as Bowie? Answer is as simple as this:
What did the illuminati set of tarot cards known as "Daily Mail news" had to say about it ?
Three days before "Prince found dead": "Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospital"
In other words: no longer need to check the agendas or wait to perform the "public tribute" test.
Illuminati faked Prince«s death, same as as Amy Wneehouse alias Lady Gaga, or countless 2016 exampels, from David Bowie to Viola Beach.

Prince's fak death: set stage for the mahunt for non.whites and blacks in particular
This is the main agenda. In other words, Prince is in the same cast of black actors where:
- the ethnic indonesian playing suicidde bomber "black Obama" has the leading role;
- other names range from veterans( Al Sharpton to Bill Cosby) to more "dead" (Baltimore "Grey" to Ferguson "Brown")..

How does "dead Prince" advance the race war agenda?
By usimg tje same technique as "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" :to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
And that is the best example because there is also a DIRCT link to Hiillary.

Dead Prince, Hillary Clinton, Benghazi emails and NY Primaries: DOUBLE LINLK
1. The timing for Prince's fake death
To divert human cattle from the "results" of the NY primary, the "election" that one day earlier set the impossible milestone for multiplying votes: each Hillary vote was countyed 100 (you read well, ONE HUNDRED) times.

2. "Dead Prince", "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails": psy-ops based on same technique. .
More precisely to suggest the opposite of what is coming or is unfolding.
- Having the media non-stop repeat that "Prince was a genius" and go as far as have some tell that "Prince was the greatest ever" is part of diverting non-whites and blacks in particular from the coming genocide.
At the same time the pushing the grotesque pf ""Prince superstar" to the limits is also meant to foment racial hatred against blacks.
- "Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails" alias "Clinton under fire" diverts from Clinton's results rigged beyond what human cattle can imagine int their wildest dreams.
Suggesting that "Clinton is about to leave the race in disgrace" is part of having human cattle discard the possibility that "elections" are rigged to have Hitlery win.

Secondary agendas inlclude lauching a "new flu virus"
"Prince died of mysterious flu virus" is as part of the super virus pandemic agenda, a haox that was months earlier renamed for the nth time, last time from ebola to ZIKA:

Prince and Michael Jackson: contrast the deaths: parallel and reverse scripts
Dead Prince advances the same main agenda as dead Michael Jacjson, so no wonder that both are staged by the media the same way: as "possibly the greatest ever".
But unlike Prince Michael Jackson did die, or more precisely was murdered.
As for why the gap is as long as 7 years: for the same reason that the flu virus had to be renamed a few times: the BIG BANG script had to be postponed again and again since 2009.

18 April 2016 - The Daily Mail was telling the audience what was going to happen:
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event 'to prove he's alive and well' hours after being rushed to hospital
Prince makes surprise appearance at dance event after hospitalization

Last Prophet's words from Apr 9, 2016
"But the script's real location for this milestone was the "Daily Mail", a "news" outlet that reads like an illuminati set of tarot cards.".
Illuminati set a milestone video for truth in plain sight about an ongoing genocide together with the "Pope"'s aannouncement of a visit to Lesbos.
The video psy-op, released Apr 6, 2016, is based on suggesting the opposite of what is coming (for non-white EU and US residents and citizens) and is alrady unfolding (for refugees and migrants entering Europe).
Auschwitz before Lesbos and Homos: Satanic Trilogy of genocidal announcements by "Holy Father".
Video "Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears"
Catholic Church Destruction, the illuminati script: Auschwitz Lesbos Homos genocidal announcements by fake Holy Father

Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries

Fake deaths: what the "public tribute" test is:
If no bufffer between public paying tribute and the open casket then we could exclude a fake death:
As this milestone set in Moscow March 2015 shows, an apparently open casket alone is NOT enough.
Illuminati Milestones: Boris Nemtsov' DUMMY funeral fake open casket

Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie with Amy Winehouse, Boris Nemtsov and Franklin Roosevelt.
Fake deaths: contrast David Bowie Jack Stevens with Amy Winehouse Lady Gaga

Avian flu 2006: why super virus pandemic HOAX NOT launched as bovine or swine flu
BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Avian flu pandemic hoax: pigeons in cities alone exposes it

Aug 2014- Ferguson to coming Baltimore riots, "dead" Brown to coming Gray
added Nov 2014: interracial rape culture pause by Bill Cosby
Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: Ferguson to Baltimore riots Brown to Gray interracial rape culture pause by Cosby
you are mentally ill pal. Get some help.

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