Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish...


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
I've noticed that this annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Are you among them?
I've noticed that this annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Are you among them?

I had to reprogram a voice mail/auto attendant system once
because someone was pissed that the system was set up
as 1 for Spanish and 2 for English.
I had to change that to have English as choice 1.... You go America... :D
Some interestingly 'excited' partisan responses so far...
not really

Many in the hispanic immagrant community have chosen not to either learn english or only know enough to get by.

and with so many of them companies should be sure to pander to them.

now if it was "press 3 for eboncis"...
I think a lot of Hispanics hate white people.
I think they are being pushed in that direction by the Democrat party.
I've noticed that this annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Are you among them?

I think that says a lot about people that this annoys them...

none of it flattering.

I'll tell you what annoys me.

It's not that I can push 2 for Spanish. It's that I have to push a bunch of other buttons talking to machines, before I ever get to a live person, and usually that live person is in India or the Philippines because they'll work for $3.00 a day and the company can't pay an American a fair wage.
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I've noticed that this annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Are you among them?

I think that says a lot about people that this annoys them...

none of it flattering.

I'll tell you what annoys me.

It's not that I can push 2 for Spanish. It's that I have to push a bunch of other buttons talking to machines, before I ever get to a live person, and usually that live person is in India or the Philippines because they'll work for $3.00 a day and the company can't pay an American a fair wage.

"Can't" or "Won't"? There's a big difference.
I've noticed that this annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Are you among them?

I think that says a lot about people that this annoys them...

none of it flattering.

I'll tell you what annoys me.

It's not that I can push 2 for Spanish. It's that I have to push a bunch of other buttons talking to machines, before I ever get to a live person, and usually that live person is in India or the Philippines because they'll work for $3.00 a day and the company can't pay an American a fair wage.

"Can't" or "Won't"? There's a big difference.

I should have said "Won't"... Probably would have worked better in the sentence, but I think you know what I mean.

Correction duly noted.

This is a prime example of the constant lowering of standards that is plaguing this country.

The Left wants to be "nice" and "fair" to immigrants, so they push this kind of thing. But, as usual, they're not looking at the deeper issue - is it really helping a Hispanic immigrant in the long run to make it easy for them to not speak English? How, precisely, does that help them in the job market? Is it not obvious that this will badly restrict them from getting good jobs?

Making something "easier" for someone does not necessarily mean that you're helping them. We continue to lower standards, and we continue to decline.

And the immigrants deserve better.

Just learn the language, so now that Chinese are biggest groups of immigrants, we're supposed to add that too? What about French and Russian, and German, and Italian, These people are getting the shaft!!!!!!!

And I would LOVE for the ebonics to go up, that would be hilarious. I would choose that one EVERYTIME

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