presidential eligibility: all settled


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
that's why it never comes up, since 2008.

natural born citizen, and it's unique grandfather clause have been defined by the supreme court. wikipedia is wrong.

when wong kim ark ran for president, in the 19th century, the supreme court was preparing for the 2008, 12 and 16 elections, and the eligibility issue is settled law. and like the obama birth certificate and other documentation, there is no need for any further discussion.

obama's obot army said so. so from now on, anyone who even discusses, no wait... even thinks about it, should be thought of as stupid and crazy and racist. anyone who doesn't like obama shouldn't be allowed to vote.... it's just not right. obama may end up as simply the most amazing fabulous president in American history. Washington and Lincoln never had it so good...

we could have some way of permanently marking in some way, maybe an asterisk next to their name on the voter registration list, or a scarlet letter voting jacket. once we put this into effect, we won't need the mainstream media anymore, so we could save some money that way, but then we'll have to have a lot more msnbc's so that they can still have a job. ;)

now that that's done, we can begin to enjoy all of the great community organising of chicago, which has gotten so much better in the last fifty years. the one city with no crime, thanks to those cheeky democrats, who really know what they are doing. the rest of the country should wake up and follow suit.

the 14th ammendment was written to replace that BS in article two... or as joe biden calls it, article one.

Fox News: Jeb Bush Goes Birther; Without 14th Amendment Rubio & Cruz Would Not Be Eligible - Birther Report
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Rubio is an anchor baby, born to two non-citizens.
Jindal hides behind using the name "Bobby".
Cruz dumped his Canadian citizenship last year BECAUSE he's running for prez, exactly like Mittens fired his illegal employees BECAUSE he was running for prez.
Trump has married two foreign women and one American and will soon be the proud father of what could be called an anchor baby, employs illegals, sends his business to China, never actually addresses issues except to say we should change the constitution and his used car salesman line "Trust me, I'm really rich".
Fiorina sent business to India.
Santorum is openly corrupt, having gotten caught in a (family values!) money laundering/sex scandal.
Huckster sells phony cures for cancer and diabetes, sells survival meals, has said he admires and stands by his friends who are draft dodgers, pedophiles.
Hebby is GW2.0. He's supposedly the "smart one" but you can't tell that from his speeches.

The list goes on and on and on ...
Your threads are always contaminated with that racism stuff.
So. What's wrong with being proud of your race and heritage as well as wanting to ensure its survival?

Its very obvious that you have nothing to be proud of.
Your threads are always contaminated with that racism stuff.
So. What's wrong with being proud of your race and heritage as well as wanting to ensure its survival?
Nothing if you can keep it from persistently interfering with your opinions and thoughts like a contaminate and obsession with totally unrelated topics, which you seem unable to do, often. You make it your brand. It is used like an argument default by some and I think you fit into that category. Makes most of your threads messy in my opinion.
Rubio is an anchor baby, born to two non-citizens.
Jindal hides behind using the name "Bobby".
Cruz dumped his Canadian citizenship last year BECAUSE he's running for prez, exactly like Mittens fired his illegal employees BECAUSE he was running for prez.
Trump has married two foreign women and one American and will soon be the proud father of what could be called an anchor baby, employs illegals, sends his business to China, never actually addresses issues except to say we should change the constitution and his used car salesman line "Trust me, I'm really rich".
Fiorina sent business to India.
Santorum is openly corrupt, having gotten caught in a (family values!) money laundering/sex scandal.
Huckster sells phony cures for cancer and diabetes, sells survival meals, has said he admires and stands by his friends who are draft dodgers, pedophiles.
Hebby is GW2.0. He's supposedly the "smart one" but you can't tell that from his speeches.

The list goes on and on and on ...
i thought that marriage was a path to citizenship, do you have a doubt, about his love for lovely women ??
Your threads are always contaminated with that racism stuff.
me ??
Not from me. I don't know anything about you. The post I made that said that was for steve.
ahh, thank you, i forgot i have stevie on pluto setting. you know, cause he's a racist. the ignore function of this board is like a really great bass player, it works so well, i forgot it was on.

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