President wants mandated paid sick leave because why?

Just because wages can fall to a certain level, does not mean they should be allowed to do so.

Why do you liberals think that everything is up to the government to fix? If your wages are falling, do something about it. Don't sit back and wait for the government to wipe and powder your ass.
I'm not a liberal. I don't have to be a whackadoodle to avoid the liberal notation, unless it's applied by a whackadoodle. If you want to advocate position supported by at best 40% feel free. I'm ok with worker's comp, osha, clean water, min wage and soc sec.
I'm not a liberal. just play one on the internets? Why is it that everything you're saying boils down to the government solving all your problems and powdering your ass?

I don't have to be a whackadoodle to avoid the liberal notation, unless it's applied by a whackadoodle. If you want to advocate position supported by at best 40% feel free. I'm ok with worker's comp, osha, clean water, min wage and soc sec.

What is that even supposed to mean? Where does worker's comp, osha, etc come into any of this? You really are a liberal after all, and a stupid one at that.

Please, give make a law so that everyone has mandatory sick days!! If you don't do it the water will be dirty!!
I'm not a liberal. just play one on the internets? Why is it that everything you're saying boils down to the government solving all your problems and powdering your ass?

I don't have to be a whackadoodle to avoid the liberal notation, unless it's applied by a whackadoodle. If you want to advocate position supported by at best 40% feel free. I'm ok with worker's comp, osha, clean water, min wage and soc sec.

What is that even supposed to mean? Where does worker's comp, osha, etc come into any of this? You really are a liberal after all, and a stupid one at that.

Please, give make a law so that everyone has mandatory sick days!! If you don't do it the water will be dirty!!
Under Thatcher and Reagan economics the only role of the govt is to facilitate individuals entering and exiting from free markets on the basis of what they perceive to be their best interests. Even defense rests upon this: it protects markets. If we have workers exiting employment because they lack protection from illness, and if the protection does not place any real burden on employers in accessing the employment market, there is no conservative argument against it.

If you oppose even that minimal level of regulation of markets to benefit the overall economy because of some belief that the govt has no role in regulating your behavior, you are something, but it is not a neoliberal or believer then Thatcherism.
I worked as an hourly tech in the Aerospace industry where the Union had negotiated 6 paid sick days a year. You were paid if you missed work and got paid once a year for the days you didn't take. I took a salaried position after about a year and got 12 days a year PTO. It was take 'em or lose 'em and when I left the company for another position they got 64 of my days back that I didn't use. I called that PPP, or 'piss poor planning' on my part. :)

I actually got pretty lucky with the job I just left. No sick pay, but double PTO for both sick and vacation time. Catch is, they don't usually pay out unused time if you leave, but when I left they agreed to pay out my unused time.

I probably could have negotiated for some pay, or just taken Mondays and Fridays off for a couple of months, but the new and better position didn't fit that time frame. A Douglas Rep with an office next to me did that for three months before he retired. Likewise on the no sick pay, just personal time off in the salaried Engineering position.
Why wouldn't he want it ? He's a liberal who like all of these bastards believes that the private industry is a bottomless pit filled with treasure to be shared by all regardless of whether they earned it or not.

Isn't it the right wingnuts in this country who continuously sing the praises of capitalism? Like the claim that private industry can do everything better than the government can? Well, I guess it isn't actually true, then, is it? Many people do, in fact get sick days, some of it paid, some of it not. And I suspect that those who do offer it don't see the benefit as a "bottomless pit filled with treasure". I find it disturbing how the conservatives in this country have become completely lacking in moral fiber and/or compassion for one's fellow man, as demonstrated by some of the responses in this forum. Or perhaps they never really had any to begin with and only recently decided to have a coming out party. Who knew?
Any business worth working for will offer some paid off sick days. Any business that doesnt isn't worth working for. People get sick and if one is sick they don't belong at work. One's health is far more important than ANY job. If you don't offe3r your employees sick time, don't hire, do it yourself.
I'm not a liberal. just play one on the internets? Why is it that everything you're saying boils down to the government solving all your problems and powdering your ass?

I don't have to be a whackadoodle to avoid the liberal notation, unless it's applied by a whackadoodle. If you want to advocate position supported by at best 40% feel free. I'm ok with worker's comp, osha, clean water, min wage and soc sec.

What is that even supposed to mean? Where does worker's comp, osha, etc come into any of this? You really are a liberal after all, and a stupid one at that.

Please, give make a law so that everyone has mandatory sick days!! If you don't do it the water will be dirty!!
Under Thatcher and Reagan economics the only role of the govt is to facilitate individuals entering and exiting from free markets on the basis of what they perceive to be their best interests. Even defense rests upon this: it protects markets. If we have workers exiting employment because they lack protection from illness, and if the protection does not place any real burden on employers in accessing the employment market, there is no conservative argument against it.

If you oppose even that minimal level of regulation of markets to benefit the overall economy because of some belief that the govt has no role in regulating your behavior, you are something, but it is not a neoliberal or believer then Thatcherism.

Well, that's a load of horseshit.

Nobody is exiting the workforce because they lack "protection" from illness. Paid sick time is not "protection" from illness. It's pay to not work.

The vast majority of employers already provide some kind of option for their employees. Employers who don't can deal with the consequences. If part of those consequences is that they can't maintain employee morale because everyone has to work sick all the time, that's for the employer to deal with. If the workers want paid sick time, that for them to negotiate with their employer to find an option that works for both sides. These things don't require government intervention.

There is no problem here. So what are you trying to fix?
Any business worth working for will offer some paid off sick days. Any business that doesnt isn't worth working for. People get sick and if one is sick they don't belong at work. One's health is far more important than ANY job. If you don't offe3r your employees sick time, don't hire, do it yourself.

Who are you to decide if a company is worth working for? That's for the employee to decide.
I'm just not seeing an econ or social argument against mandating a x number of paid sick leave days. A employer does not have an unfettered right to unsafe working conditions, he may not racially or gender discriminate in hiring, and the gop is not going to make headway in eliminating a minimum wage ... and even advocating such is stupid, both economically and politically.
Next let's mandate vacation time, regardless of hours worked, free lunch (we do it for the children), also how about fuel allowance for driving to work.
Fuck it. Don't even come to work. We'll pay you anyway.
No....wait......that last one IS the government's place

That's exactly the point. Your examples all require some expense to the employer, while the expense of sick leave is either nonexistent or easily compensated with tax deduction/exemption. So, you're argument is simply "the slippery slope." But, you do not point out the social or econ negative to sick leave.
Nor do I care to.

It is, simply, not my government's place to determine what perks employers should be required to offer.
We have FMLA for emergencies.
Everybody has health insurance now, so it's not the financial hardship to miss a couple days of work bleeding hearts would have us think.
Get some AFLAC, or similar secondary insurance to pay you for lost time
The vast majority of jobs already provide some form of paid time off for illness. But they also do it in different ways, and traditional paid sick leave is starting to become an inferior product. Do we really need the government getting involved in yet another employment issue?

ya know if I was a from another country and listening to this president I would think to my self why in the hell is Americans so unheathly and sick all the time? What the hell is going on?
Businesses that don't offer at least a few paid sick days obviously don't care about their workers. Every job I worked before I started my own business offered at least 20 paid sick days plus 5 personal days. I did however have a college degree. All the more reason to get educated.
Any business worth working for will offer some paid off sick days. Any business that doesnt isn't worth working for. People get sick and if one is sick they don't belong at work. One's health is far more important than ANY job. If you don't offe3r your employees sick time, don't hire, do it yourself.

Who are you to decide if a company is worth working for? That's for the employee to decide.

It wasn't a decision. It was an opinion, which he is most certainly entitled to.
I also wonder when Obama will attack the point system most companies have when you call in sick or come in late?
For example my company fines you a half a point for be late and two points for calling in sick, 9 points in 365 days your ass is fired :)
So then don't call in sick. Show up with the runs and leave a mess on the floor. B ut I suppose a half assed company like that would deduct 5 points for messing the floor. They have you right where they want you.
To say that means you think workers are on the same level as the one doing the paying. That's been debunked long ago.
by whom?

The definitions of owner and worker. If you think you're on the same level as your boss, try telling him/her what to do. Because my job schedule allows it, I do part time residential remodeling. I hire people to do all sorts of work. Because I pay them, they do what I say not the other way around.
And the law can mandate what you must pay, the working conditions and even fine you for not providing a HC benefit.

Just because the government can, does not mean that the government should.
Just because wages can fall to a certain level, does not mean they should be allowed to do so.
Sure they should. Who the hell are you to tell a business owner what he/she should be paying an employee. You don't fund it so STFU about how much it should be.
To say that means you think workers are on the same level as the one doing the paying. That's been debunked long ago.
by whom?

The definitions of owner and worker. If you think you're on the same level as your boss, try telling him/her what to do. Because my job schedule allows it, I do part time residential remodeling. I hire people to do all sorts of work. Because I pay them, they do what I say not the other way around.
And the law can mandate what you must pay, the working conditions and even fine you for not providing a HC benefit.

And I can get rid of as many as I want, make the conditions legal to the minimum, and cut hours so I don't have to provide HC benefits. Don't like it, tough shit.
all true. But you can be regulated by workers who vote pols to their liking.

And I can continue to do the same things to stay under the regulations. Don't like it, tough shit.
Fuck Obama & his communist ideas. I do not offer paid sick leave & never will. I pay for production. They don't work they don't get paid. Period

And no doubt you have the most loyal employees on the planet. Or not.
No turnover in 5 years & my lead craftsman has been with me for 13 years now.

Stupid useless liberal posters don't know shit. Their bubble is so isolated they have no concept of real world shit.
Fuck Obama & his communist ideas. I do not offer paid sick leave & never will. I pay for production. They don't work they don't get paid. Period

And no doubt you have the most loyal employees on the planet. Or not.
No turnover in 5 years & my lead craftsman has been with me for 13 years now.

Stupid useless liberal posters don't know shit. Their bubble is so isolated they have no concept of real world shit.

Wow, you must have the dumbest employees on the planet. Congratulations.

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