President Trump: "This Bill Will Make the Border Worse. It Will Make Crime Worse. It Will Make the Economy Worse. It Will Make Inflation Worse…”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It's true! Not one bit of money in this catastrophe was allocated to finish the border wall in order to stop third world brown criminals from pouring into America.

Didn't the orange douchebag promise to build the wall using Mexico's pesos? Whatever happened to that?
Biden, Pelosi and Schumer wanted one last $Trillion Dollar$ looting spree before the Kleptocrats lose the House.

We are so broke now after two years of the Grey Goose that there isn't possibly a thing left the GOP can afford to spend a dime on now.

I can see it now: within a few more years, the USA reaches 40 trillion in debt as Washington tries to outspend its way out of debt ahead of the inevitable collapse of the United States by borrowing more from China.
I don't know if they are doing everything they can to pilfer as much money as they can before republicans take the house.

Or if they are just pulling the pin on all the grenades to try and do as much damage as they can on the way out the door.

But trump is right. He might sound like a dick at times on stuff like this, but when it comes to these matters he is right a lot more often than he is wrong.
It's true! Not one bit of money in this catastrophe was allocated to finish the border wall in order to stop third world brown criminals from pouring into America.

It's true! Not one bit of money in this catastrophe was allocated to finish the border wall in order to stop third world brown criminals from pouring into America.

Oh noes! Not the Brown Criminals!
Oh noes! Not the Brown Criminals!
Meanwhile in China. They will be major players in passenger jets and produce many of the electric vehicles and use the technology that we pay for. I wonder if they will be malevolent to us or benevolent when they rule the world.
It's true! Not one bit of money in this catastrophe was allocated to finish the border wall in order to stop third world brown criminals from pouring into America.

It started in 2014. No need to border wall.
Didn't the orange douchebag promise to build the wall using Mexico's pesos? Whatever happened to that?
He was in the process of doing just that, but lost the election....Xiden stopped it, undid or is attempting to undo the policies that were working, and invited a surge at the border.....these are the reasons we have a human rights crisis on the border and Xiden is called the Cartel President. Please focus on the here and now, elections have consequences....if you voted for Xiden, then the blood of the little girls getting raped by these cartels on the border....are on your hands

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