President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

I am paid in the knowledge that as a responsible, mainstream Republican that I will always unmask the loony far right and the irresponsible libertarians on the Board here.

Lump it, gang.

Too bad there aren't more of you NON- KOOL AID DRINKING Repubs around :(

He is Maverick. :lol:

What is it you do when Your Party Members Vote with the Republicans? What is it you do to them?

The Democrat controlled Senate is against Obama?

Why do you keep saying that. You know the "filibuster party" rules. Can't you ever be honest? Ever?

The filibuster party, you cretinous asshole, is the minority party.

By definition, and common sense, the minority party does not "control."

They can't.

You are simply an abject filthy deliberate liar.

You didn't mind it when the Dims were the minority Party and engaged in filibustering.

Your only standard is "double," you rat twat.
The Democrat controlled Senate is against Obama?

Why do you keep saying that. You know the "filibuster party" rules. Can't you ever be honest? Ever?

The filibuster party, you cretinous asshole, is the minority party.

By definition, and common sense, the minority party does not "control."

They can't.

You are simply an abject filthy deliberate liar.

You didn't mind it when the Dims were the minority Party and engaged in filibustering.

Your only standard is "double," you rat twat.

His only standard is what he can get out of anything.
The fact remains the appointment will stand regardless what the wacks from the far right and libertarian want to whine about. No one cares.
The fact remains the appointment will stand regardless what the wacks from the far right and libertarian want to whine about. No one cares.

That's not a "fact."

It is a mere assertion of Fakey's belief.

It may turn out to be correct. Sometimes schmucks like Fakey do get some predictions right.

But there is actually no doubt of any kind whatsoever that the President founded his action upon a state of "facts" that are false and were known by him to BE false at the time.

President Obama is a liar.

And if challenged, his self-confirming "appointments" made, as they were, in violation of the Constitution, should fall.
Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?

Huh uh.

From the OP's link:

Expressly to keep that from happening, Republicans in the Senate have had the Senate running in "pro forma" sessions, meaning open for business in name with no actual business planned. Democrats started the practice when George W. Bush was president to halt him from making recess appointments.

The Senate held such a session on Tuesday and planned another one on Friday. Republicans contend Obama cannot make a recess appointment during a break of less than three days, based on years of precedent.

The conservative butthurt is strong in this thread. :uhoh3: :boohoo: "pro forma" (see above) !!! READ!!! :bang3: | National News | Pensacola News Journal
The president said the U.S. couldn't return "to the days when the financial system was stacking the deck against ordinary Americans," citing his decision to install former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray as the director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while the Senate was on break, circumventing Republican opposition to the appointment.

Obama said his "New Year's resolution" to all Americans was to "keep doing whatever it takes to move this economy forward and to make sure that middle-class families regain the security they've lost over the past decade."

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Obama's DOJ says 'recess' appointment illegal

When President Obama's Department of Justice (DOJ) defends Obama's "recess appointment" -- made today after the Senate adjourned yesterday -- his lawyers will have to argue against the position they took on recess appointments last year, during a Supreme Court hearing.

Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal told Chief Justice John Roberts that "the [congressional] recess has to be longer than 3 days" for the president to have the power to make a recess appointment, recalls House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, while criticizing Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

"It turns out that the action not only contradicts long-standing practice, but also the view of the administration itself," Boehner's office notes on his blog.

Katyal's comment on recess appointment powers came during a 2010 case involving whether the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) could operate even when it had only two of the five NLRB members seated. Katyal had to explain why Obama hadn't recess appointed the necessary NLRB members. From the transcript, courtesy of the Speaker's blog:

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: And the recess appointment power doesn't work why?

MR. KATYAL: The -- the recess appointment power can work in -- in a recess. I think our office has opined the recess has to be longer than 3 days. And -- and so, it is potentially available to avert the future crisis that -- that could -- that could take place with respect to the board.
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Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?

Huh uh.

From the OP's link:

Expressly to keep that from happening, Republicans in the Senate have had the Senate running in "pro forma" sessions, meaning open for business in name with no actual business planned. Democrats started the practice when George W. Bush was president to halt him from making recess appointments.

The Senate held such a session on Tuesday and planned another one on Friday. Republicans contend Obama cannot make a recess appointment during a break of less than three days, based on years of precedent.

The conservative butthurt is strong in this thread. :uhoh3: :boohoo: "pro forma" (see above) !!! READ!!! :bang3:

The typical liberal dishonesty and hypocrisy is stronger than any imagined conservative "butthurt."

The Senate was simply NOT in recess.

They should know and they themselves said so. Who else CAN say otherwise? The fucking President? No. Wrong. You liberoidal Obamabutt smoochers are disgusting.
Obama's DOJ says 'recess' appointment illegal

When President Obama's Department of Justice (DOJ) defends Obama's "recess appointment" -- made today after the Senate adjourned yesterday -- his lawyers will have to argue against the position they took on recess appointments last year, during a Supreme Court hearing.

Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal told Chief Justice John Roberts that "the [congressional] recess has to be longer than 3 days" for the president to have the power to make a recess appointment, recalls House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, while criticizing Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

"It turns out that the action not only contradicts long-standing practice, but also the view of the administration itself," Boehner's office notes on his blog.

Katyal's comment on recess appointment powers came during a 2010 case involving whether the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) could operate even when it had only two of the five NLRB members seated. Katyal had to explain why Obama hadn't recess appointed the necessary NLRB members. From the transcript, courtesy of the Speaker's blog:

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: And the recess appointment power doesn't work why?

MR. KATYAL: The -- the recess appointment power can work in -- in a recess. I think our office has opined the recess has to be longer than 3 days. And -- and so, it is potentially available to avert the future crisis that -- that could -- that could take place with respect to the board.

Obama's DOJ says 'recess' appointment illegal | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

that's just... different.
Were they in session when they passed pay roll tax extension?

As expected, the House quickly approved the two-month extension of the Payroll Tax Cut in a pro forma session this morning presided over by Speaker Boehner himself:

The House on Friday morning approved a bill extending the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance for two months, and also prevents a planned cut to reimbursements for Medicare physicians.

Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.) asked for unanimous consent, which was declared approved by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). The bill is H.R. 3765.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who tried unsuccessfully to force a vote on the Senate bill earlier in the week, spoke briefly before the bill was accepted to thank Republicans for finally agreeing to the extension. | National News | Pensacola News Journal
The president said the U.S. couldn't return "to the days when the financial system was stacking the deck against ordinary Americans," citing his decision to install former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray as the director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while the Senate was on break, circumventing Republican opposition to the appointment.

Obama said his "New Year's resolution" to all Americans was to "keep doing whatever it takes to move this economy forward and to make sure that middle-class families regain the security they've lost over the past decade."


He says (Obama) as he prints money like Zimbabwe's Mugabee did. If the President was interested in the "middle class", he would stop printing money, stop spending the country into slavery, and allow the energy fields to turn up production. He would encourage business, instead of dividing the country based on "groups": this group, hate that group (if you are too lazy to hate someone yourself send us your money or your vote, and we will hate them for you!).
Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?

Huh uh.

From the OP's link:

Expressly to keep that from happening, Republicans in the Senate have had the Senate running in "pro forma" sessions, meaning open for business in name with no actual business planned. Democrats started the practice when George W. Bush was president to halt him from making recess appointments.

The Senate held such a session on Tuesday and planned another one on Friday. Republicans contend Obama cannot make a recess appointment during a break of less than three days, based on years of precedent.

The conservative butthurt is strong in this thread. :uhoh3: :boohoo: "pro forma" (see above) !!! READ!!! :bang3:
Stamp your feet and pout some more. Hold your breath until you turn blue.

Obama still violated the Constitution. Insisting otherwise only makes you look like a brainless Obamabot.

Of course, that's only because you are.
Were they in session when they passed pay roll tax extension?

As expected, the House quickly approved the two-month extension of the Payroll Tax Cut in a pro forma session this morning presided over by Speaker Boehner himself:

The House on Friday morning approved a bill extending the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance for two months, and also prevents a planned cut to reimbursements for Medicare physicians.

Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.) asked for unanimous consent, which was declared approved by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). The bill is H.R. 3765.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who tried unsuccessfully to force a vote on the Senate bill earlier in the week, spoke briefly before the bill was accepted to thank Republicans for finally agreeing to the extension.

If President Obama is "right" that they were not in session, then the two month bullshit extension is also not actually Law.

If the extension IS law (and President Obama thanked them for it, and signed it, so he must think it is), then the President unequivocally KNOWS that he's a liar for claiming that the Senate was NOT in session when he "appointed" those officials using the recess appointment power.

So, either President Obama is a fucking liar, or he's a fucking liar.

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