Pres. Trump Speaks Out Against Big Tech Censoring


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I was hoping something might to be done to stop the collusion.

Pres. Trump Speaks Out Against Big Tech Censoring Conservatives: 'Cannot Be Allowed to Happen'


Pres. Trump Speaks Out Against Big Tech Censoring Conservatives: 'Cannot Be Allowed to Happen'
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?

Gfy yourself you partisan hack artist and stop acting like a wannabe Mussolini.

Take SPLC they run around deeming everyone under the sun a hate group if they they don't follow the leftist (and yours) agenda but in actuality are a hate group themselves.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.
You say they remove hate speech? Do you consider me one to sling hate speech, OldLady?
The Left LOVES to censor. The entire concept of "hate speech" is leftist, fascist censorship of anything they don't like nor agree with.

I don't think there should be legislation against big tech, and big media, but the LEFT does have a virtual MONOPOLY on the dissemination of information, and they do CENSOR.
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Hate speech to liberals is anything they don't agree with. But when they tell their minions to harass Trumps people. There is no hate speech there.
Hate speech to liberals is anything they don't agree with. But when they tell their minions to harass Trumps people. There is no hate speech there.
Not just Trump people, any gop that dare post facts. I swear they have paid squads monitoring even gop candidates pages and reporting anyone that dares post anything factual, particularly if they keep their profiles private. And there is a reason to keep them private, to avoid harassment.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?

Gfy yourself you partisan hack artist and stop acting like a wannabe Mussolini.

Take SPLC they run around deeming everyone under the sun a hate group if they they don't follow the leftist (and yours) agenda but in actuality are a hate group themselves.
You ignored my question. Who does determine it, if the owners of the site don't, should it be YOU?
Hate speech to liberals is anything they don't agree with. But when they tell their minions to harass Trumps people. There is no hate speech there.
That`s worse than the president telling his goons to beat up protesters and he`ll pay their fines? Harassment? Poor little Snowflakes.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.
You say they remove hate speech? Do you consider me one to sling hate speech, OldLady?
I don't know, depotoo. Did they pull you off somewhere? What did they say was the reason, if so?
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?

Gfy yourself you partisan hack artist and stop acting like a wannabe Mussolini.

Take SPLC they run around deeming everyone under the sun a hate group if they they don't follow the leftist (and yours) agenda but in actuality are a hate group themselves.
You ignored my question. Who does determine it, if the owners of the site don't, should it be YOU?

If I don't own it how could I you stupid bitch

I owned a forum for years and rarely censored anything except attacks on family. Guess which side bitched the most because I wouldn't? Hint it wasn't the crowd on the right
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It isn’t just the site, it is the left reporting posters under bogus reasons because they post something they don’t like. They obviously don’t check their claims, they just ban them.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?

Gfy yourself you partisan hack artist and stop acting like a wannabe Mussolini.

Take SPLC they run around deeming everyone under the sun a hate group if they they don't follow the leftist (and yours) agenda but in actuality are a hate group themselves.
You ignored my question. Who does determine it, if the owners of the site don't, should it be YOU?
Hate speech to liberals is anything they don't agree with. But when they tell their minions to harass Trumps people. There is no hate speech there.
That`s worse than the president telling his goons to beat up protesters and he`ll pay their fines? Harassment? Poor little Snowflakes.

But Maxine doing it and you didn't bat an eye
The Left LOVES to censor. The entire concept of "hate speech" is leftist, fascist censorship of anything they don't like nor agree with.

I don't think their should be legislation against big tech, and big media, but the LEFT does have a virtual MONOPOLY on the dissemination of information, and they do CENSOR.
That is such bulloney. What is GAB? What is Breitbart, InfoWars, the ten zillion conservative sites and radio shows and of course the Sinclair conglomerate which owns now what percent of the viewing audience in flyover country?
Will you people STOP with the whining? No, you cannot control everything. That is just how it is. Live with it and instead of crying over how everyone doesn't agree with you, try coming up with some reasonable arguments in your favor instead.
Not that a lot of what this bum does is defensible, but you loons could sure do better than B..B...B.. BUT CLINTON or OBAMA
Such bullshit.
BLM, Antifa, and the Democrats can say anything, and do anything they want including violence, and destruction, but that's OK to the Left. Trump utters a sentence, and the world ends for them. Good!
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.

The problem is it's not even across the board and exactly who determines what "hate speech" is? Some snot nosed millinenal at Fascistbook? Or Twitter?
Who determines what it isn't? Some snot nosed person such as yourself? Each private platform has a TOS. Facebook pulled down Antifa's D.C. page prior to the Rally2 last weekend. Was that unfair, you think?

Gfy yourself you partisan hack artist and stop acting like a wannabe Mussolini.

Take SPLC they run around deeming everyone under the sun a hate group if they they don't follow the leftist (and yours) agenda but in actuality are a hate group themselves.
You ignored my question. Who does determine it, if the owners of the site don't, should it be YOU?

If I don't own it how could I you stupid bitch
I guess I really hit a nerve with that one. If you folks won't police your own and have the cajones to stand up to hate groups, we will. They don't belong here.
That is such bulloney. What is GAB? What is Breitbart, InfoWars, the ten zillion conservative sites and radio shows and of course the Sinclair conglomerate which owns now what percent of the viewing audience in flyover country?
Will you people STOP with the whining? No, you cannot control everything. That is just how it is. Live with it and instead of crying over how everyone doesn't agree with you, try coming up with some reasonable arguments in your favor instead.
Not that a lot of what this bum does is defensible, but you loons could sure do better than B..B...B.. BUT CLINTON or OBAMA
Such bullshit.

They are a drop in an ocean compared to the NYT, Washpo, AP, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, Facebook, Google, MSN, Twitter, Apple, Comcast, etc. Who's the loon now? Look in the mirror granny.
I posted all of 3 posts, in my entire time on a media platform, to a gop candidates page refuting someone else’s post, with links. I only joined due to my need for my water rescue group using its platform. Kept to myself, on their closed page, but ventured to look at a local candidates page to check something, corrected a post, and then got banned. They threatened to report me as a bot due to my security settings, did, and then I got locked out that same night. I think you’ve known me long enough to know I am not a bot. Please admit to that.
So the President is opposed to removing hate speech and threatening speech from a private plaform.
What a shocker.
This man REALLY needs to move off Breitbart for his indepth news sources.
You say they remove hate speech? Do you consider me one to sling hate speech, OldLady?
I don't know, depotoo. Did they pull you off somewhere? What did they say was the reason, if so?

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