Prepare for Bad News from the Ukraine.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

It can be good news too if the Ukraine can present a position at the negotiating table that Russia could accept. That would in fact be practically the same as what Russia offered before the war.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has argued. The official also lamented the apparent failure of the military bloc’s defense industry to establish provide Kiev with the munitions it requires.

It can be good news too if the Ukraine can present a position at the negotiating table that Russia could accept. That would in fact be practically the same as what Russia offered before the war.
Good thing Joe supported a useless war
The Wilsonian strain of American foreign policy would astound George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Quincy Adams: three of our nation’s greatest foreign policy practitioners. As Angelo Codevilla explained so brilliantly in his last book America’s Rise and Fall Among Nations (2022), Washington, Hamilton, and Quincy Adams all pursued “America First” foreign policies. They eschewed sentimental attachments to other nations and sought to avoid foreign entanglements that could lead the country to war. America’s early “ruling class” promoted America’s true national interests instead of global crusades for democracy and human rights. With Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, America’s new ruling class, “the Progressives,” premised foreign policy on the idea that America’s “primary concern must be with mankind as a whole, and with America only incidentally and derivatively.” Looking only after America’s interests would be too parochial for progressives who appear to view themselves as “citizens of the world” rather than American citizens.
Here is the remedy
Good thing Joe supported a useless war
America decided that it was time to test the water on Russia's capability. There's perhaps some benefit in getting a definitive answer!

I think we can at least say that America knows now that this was it's last opportunity.

I 'will' say though that it was the only possibility of settling the score forever. The only other way involved nuclear weapons.

Let's all hope that America can face the answer it got and a nuclear world war is avoided.
America decided that it was time to test the water on Russia's capability. There's perhaps some benefit in getting a definitive answer!

I think we can at least say that America knows now that this was it's last opportunity.

I 'will' say though that it was the only possibility of settling the score forever. The only other way involved nuclear weapons.

Let's all hope that America can face the answer it got and a nuclear world war is avoided.
Seems like a pretty stupid line of reasoning.....
My guess is that as long as Russia can continue to grind the UAF into the mud and snow -- fourth army of women , kids and OAPs -- it will be happy to do so : particularly if results and losses ratios between ten and twent to one post Bahkmut, are maintained.

Kyiv has nothing to offer Moscow and they would much prefer to hold the full run of the southern coast , majoring on Odessa and other near ports .
With nothing much to deflect Moscow from achieving this, only something very big could thwart Russia --- ME escalation being one obvious possibility .
The sad thing is that the current situation could have been 'easily' avoided had certain incompetent upstarts in Kiev spent this year accumulating recourses, hardware and manpower rather than mindlessly burning all that out in mindless attacks; and another incompetent bureaucrats in the WH hadn't encouraged them to do so. But who cares now, really. We have what we have.
America decided that it was time to test the water on Russia's capability. There's perhaps some benefit in getting a definitive answer!

I think we can at least say that America knows now that this was it's last opportunity.

I 'will' say though that it was the only possibility of settling the score forever. The only other way involved nuclear weapons.

Let's all hope that America can face the answer it got and a nuclear world war is avoided.
Idiot. Sending weapons was a diplomatic move. Then it crossed over into more than that before Biden made a decision whether we were going to use Ukraine as a proxy contra Russia. Biden never made that decision. Thus, our Ukraine policy has been drifting rudderless for over a year while we are pissing away money on them with ZERO end game plan related to American national interest. This has been an abject disaster by Biden.
Idiot. Sending weapons was a diplomatic move. Then it crossed over into more than that before Biden made a decision whether we were going to use Ukraine as a proxy contra Russia. Biden never made that decision. Thus, our Ukraine policy has been drifting rudderless for over a year while we are pissing away money on them with ZERO end game plan related to American national interest. This has been an abject disaster by Biden.
Your behaviour has improved but you can still leave out childish attempts to insult others!

A discussion could be possible but first I need to determine whether or not you are capable of maintaining control over your rage.

I'll be brief: Sending weapons and military aid to the Ukraine was planned to be america's proxy war, and it was in progress years before Biden became president.

The ball's in your court on the question of whether any discussion can take place between us.
Your behaviour has improved but you can still leave out childish attempts to insult others!

A discussion could be possible but first I need to determine whether or not you are capable of maintaining control over your rage.

I'll be brief: Sending weapons and military aid to the Ukraine was planned to be america's proxy war, and it was in progress years before Biden became president.

The ball's in your court on the question of whether any discussion can take place between us.
America decided that it was time to test the water on Russia's capability. There's perhaps some benefit in getting a definitive answer!

I think we can at least say that America knows now that this was it's lastU
Putin tested the West's post Trump will, and Biden and Nato didn't even bat an eye when Putin threatened nukes. SoD Austin predicted Ukraine couldn't defeat Russia, but Russia's population is declining and their best and brightest left Russia.

Esssentially Nato used Ukraine to avoid Putin in the Baltics.
Putin tested the West's post Trump will, and Biden and Nato didn't even bat an eye when Putin threatened nukes. SoD Austin predicted Ukraine couldn't defeat Russia, but Russia's population is declining and their best and brightest left Russia.

Esssentially Nato used Ukraine to avoid Putin in the Baltics.
A lot of people suffered in that nation for nothing. And as usual, Americans paid for most of it. And try to force us to pay the trillions of dollars to rebuild it.
Putin tested the West's post Trump will, and Biden and Nato didn't even bat an eye when Putin threatened nukes.
Biden and Nato not batting an eye was what should have been expected. Putin would be expected to do the same.
What would you have rather seen?
SoD Austin predicted Ukraine couldn't defeat Russia, but Russia's population is declining and their best and brightest left Russia.
Austin sure did get that right.
Russia's best and brightest are still in Russia and are producing superior weapons of war compared to America. That could also be true of China and Iran.
Esssentially Nato used Ukraine to avoid Putin in the Baltics.
That makes no sense but do try to explain?

America gambled on the Ukraine, supplied with US weapons and support, could beat Russia. Because of Russia not immediately going in with strength, it appeared that could be true for a couple of months. Then the whole idea fell apart for America.

Now the Ukraine is thoroughly defeated and practically completely destroyed. Only nuclear war or peace can bring peace and stop the Ukraine's bleeding.

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