Preoccupation with Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

But there is no such thing as Trump OCD / TDS .....
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump
I've been here since 2016, to this day OP's are still being started about Hillary by some people.

Trump hasn't even left office. And the last days of his tenure have been eventful, to say the least. But here you are trying to act like talking about those events is a sign of acting like a child? Do you know what I consider being childish? Starting OP's calling people out in an obvious attempt of deflection to not having to talk about how objectively horrible Trump's last days in office are.
Shows what children many libbies are. He’s gone. You won.
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump
Have y'all stopped taking about Obama and the Clintons, yet? :cool-45:
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. .....
That's how it works when you've got NOTHING ..... just bitch about "the other guy", the idea being that you are "better" than him without having anything to offer ... and hoping nobody notices.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

After the Jan 6th attempt at overthrowing the US Government, we are on vigil. We'll forget about Rump the day after they lock his butt up and seize all his assets. On that day, the Nation will be safe once again. We need to lock up ALL Rumpster traitors that contributed to the Jan 6th invasion.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. .....
That's how it works when you've got NOTHING ..... just bitch about "the other guy", the idea being that you are "better" than him without having anything to offer ... and hoping nobody notices.
That's how it works when you've got That's how it works when you've got NOTHING
You just described in one word what Biden has achieved in 40 years of government service...NOTHING.
Shows what children many libbies are. He’s gone. You won.
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump
Have y'all stopped taking about Obama and the Clintons, yet? :cool-45:

Can't stop talking about Obama. His 3rd term starts next week!
After the Jan 6th attempt at overthrowing the US Government, we are on vigil. We'll forget about Rump the day after they lock his butt up and seize all his assets. On that day, the Nation will be safe once again. We need to lock up ALL Rumpster traitors that contributed to the Jan 6th invasion.
This is the most naïve statement I have seen in a very long time. No, my friend, I have a very strong feeling that things are about to get more dangerous than you can imagine. Biden is going to get you into another nasty war. Maybe several of them.
Shows what children many libbies are. He’s gone. You won.
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump
Have y'all stopped taking about Obama and the Clintons, yet? :cool-45:
Can't stop talking about Obama. His 3rd term starts next week!
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

The democrats at all levels of our civilization will NEVER be satisfied with Donald Trump's apparent defeat and ouster. In order to feel complete safety in their unprecedented recent crimes democrats will not be able to stop their oppression of the American people until all vestiges of Trump and his supporters have been purged, coast-to-coast, from the minds of every living American.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. .....
That's how it works when you've got NOTHING ..... just bitch about "the other guy", the idea being that you are "better" than him without having anything to offer ... and hoping nobody notices.
That's how it works when you've got That's how it works when you've got NOTHING
You just described in one word what Biden has achieved in 40 years of government service...NOTHING.
I tend to agree with you.
He’s gone You won But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward.

It never WAS about Biden. That's the great lie about him being the most popular president in history! I bet you can't find even one thread here extolling the great ideas, plans or agenda that Joe envisions!

And if you ever do, then I'll ask you why those ideas weren't implemented during the EIGHT YEARS while Biden and Obumma owned the White House and had control of most or all of the Congress?

If Joe didn't get it done then or during his 48 years in government, it is a FOOL'S ERRAND to believe he'll do it now.

Whatever Joe does will be at the behest of whatever puppet strings yank him around now grabbing power for themselves.
Last edited:
It never WAS about Biden. .....
Whatever Joe does will be at the behest of whatever puppet string yank him around now grabbing power for themselves.
Yep! You've got another Bush Baby Junior on your hands. Time for another illegal war and American boys coming home in body bags.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

But there is no such thing as Trump OCD / TDS .....
There is a very prevalent unhealthy obsession over Trump. I think this again reflects on the uncompetitive nature of so many libbies. In True competition there are winners and losers and not mere participation. So the satisfaction to the winner is that he bested the loser. That’s enough satisfaction. The winner does not hate the loser and feel the need to disparage him further nor have his existence erased. .
After the Jan 6th attempt at overthrowing the US Government, we are on vigil. We'll forget about Rump the day after they lock his butt up and seize all his assets. On that day, the Nation will be safe once again. We need to lock up ALL Rumpster traitors that contributed to the Jan 6th invasion.
This is the most naïve statement I have seen in a very long time. No, my friend, I have a very strong feeling that things are about to get more dangerous than you can imagine. Biden is going to get you into another nasty war. Maybe several of them.
I think so, too. It's the only way to distract us. And "unify" us, as if. There's a hope ----- not really.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

But there is no such thing as Trump OCD / TDS .....
There is a very prevalent unhealthy obsession over Trump. I think this again reflects on the uncompetitive nature of so many libbies. In True competition there are winners and losers and not mere participation. So the satisfaction to the winner is that he bested the loser. That’s enough satisfaction. The winner does not hate the loser and feel the need to disparage him further nor have his existence erased. .
Liberals are obsessed with everything.
I know some assholes who are obsessed that geese are force fed to be fat but not obsessed that those very same geese will be slaughtered, cooked and eaten.
Liberals are fucked up.
Shows what children many libbies are
He’s gone
You won
But there is No Talk about what good Biden may bring moving forward. Instead just continued lambasting of Trump. They need to make it as if he never existed to quell their fluttery snowflake emotions. Living on feelings over facts never works and the fact that Biden won has been overridden by addled hoaxster ( 1-32) snowflakes who Still Feel mad about Trump

Oh, supporters of Mr. Biden know that they are not allowed to criticize the man who dethroned The Donald.

And they know that praising Mr. Biden can become very boring.

So the liberal media are going to milk The Donald's legal problems for all it's worth.

If the media were to concentrate on its love for Mr. Biden, readers and viewers would lose interest and stop reading or viewing, sending some of those news sources into bankruptcy.

So you can be sure that the media will ignore any unpleasant news about the Biden administration and concentrate on The Donald, as they have for the last four years.

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