Flashback: Left-Wing Terrorists Bombed The Senate In 1983. Bill Clinton Let Them Out Of Prison Early — At Jerry Nadler’s Request


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)
The word hypocrisy means nothing to half the nation...

That's only because to them, it ISN'T hypocrisy! Leftists were born with two right sides to their brain and no left (a bitter irony). Or maybe an under-active corpus callosum. So they can contradict themselves with aplomb yet still always agree with it that it makes perfect sense!
The word hypocrisy means nothing to half the nation...

Yes . . . fully half of our fellow American voters only wanted to win, to see Donald Trump ousted, and they did not care then, do not care now about the cost to achieve their so long lusted after "victory". As I had been saying for years on this message board, the democrats, even down to the lowliest of individual voters, were ready, willing and able to make deals with devils in any form in order to defeat one man: Donald Trump. Now the fruits of democrat pacts with pure evil will come to fruition and all 350 million of us will suffer the end of our civilization. What a day to celebrate, huh?

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

Second time today I've seen some Traitoridiot citing Bill Clinton's pardons from twenty years ago in a desperate attempt at spotlight-shifting.

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

The marxist religionists sect of the statist left parent cult(dark side of humanity) are hopelessly lost to the perversion of people control. Their entire lives are consumed with hatred, bitterness, revenge, greed, power & control(PC), laziness, social gossiping, keeping up with the Joneses, narcissistic based visions of self grandeur & the list of their maladies goes on & on forever. The statist left simply exemplify everything that is right with wrong.

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

Second time today I've seen some Traitoridiot citing Bill Clinton's pardons from twenty years ago in a desperate attempt at spotlight-shifting.
or one of your posts 10 minutes ago

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

Second time today I've seen some Traitoridiot citing Bill Clinton's pardons from twenty years ago in a desperate attempt at spotlight-shifting.
or one of your posts 10 minutes ago

I haven't brought up Bill Clinton all day actually. I've observed when the Deflectionists have though.

Did I miss some?

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

The marxist religionists sect of the statist left parent cult(dark side of humanity) are hopelessly lost to the perversion of people control. Their entire lives are consumed with hatred, bitterness, revenge, greed, power & control(PC), laziness, social gossiping, keeping up with the Joneses, narcissistic based visions of self grandeur & the list of their maladies goes on & on forever. The statist left simply exemplify everything that is right with wrong.

That's nice, dear. :cuckoo:
The word hypocrisy means nothing to half the nation...

Yes . . . fully half of our fellow American voters only wanted to win, to see Donald Trump ousted, and they did not care then, do not care now about the cost to achieve their so long lusted after "victory". As I had been saying for years on this message board, the democrats, even down to the lowliest of individual voters, were ready, willing and able to make deals with devils in any form in order to defeat one man: Donald Trump. Now the fruits of democrat pacts with pure evil will come to fruition and all 350 million of us will suffer the end of our civilization. What a day to celebrate, huh?

And who knew that Tom Hanks would offer his narrator services as the voice of Big Brother.
It's all very surreal.....
The word hypocrisy means nothing to half the nation...

Yes . . . fully half of our fellow American voters only wanted to win, to see Donald Trump ousted, and they did not care then, do not care now about the cost to achieve their so long lusted after "victory". As I had been saying for years on this message board, the democrats, even down to the lowliest of individual voters, were ready, willing and able to make deals with devils in any form in order to defeat one man: Donald Trump. Now the fruits of democrat pacts with pure evil will come to fruition and all 350 million of us will suffer the end of our civilization. What a day to celebrate, huh?

And who knew that Tom Hanks would offer his narrator services as the voice of Big Brother.
It's all very surreal.....

My father was huge Tom Hanks fan until recently. Hanks bills himself as some kind of American's American, a Christian and patriot. Further, he attempts and fails to channel John Wayne in his newest movie, News Of The World, which just doesn't pull off the Western genre revival it attempts. Hanks, in my opinion, is just another Hollywood radical leftist megalomaniac masquerading as a wholesome American hero.

Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)

The marxist religionists sect of the statist left parent cult(dark side of humanity) are hopelessly lost to the perversion of people control. Their entire lives are consumed with hatred, bitterness, revenge, greed, power & control(PC), laziness, social gossiping, keeping up with the Joneses, narcissistic based visions of self grandeur & the list of their maladies goes on & on forever. The statist left simply exemplify everything that is right with wrong.

That's nice, dear. :cuckoo:


Jerry Nadler Secured Clemency For A 1983 Terrorist Who Bombed Capitol (thefederalist.com)
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Tristan Justice

On his final day in office, Jan. 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of a pair of radical leftists serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol building, where a 1983 blast shattered the second floor of the Senate wing.
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg each served 16 years of lengthy sentences, with Rosenberg escaping 42 years of a 58-year sentence and Evans cutting short a 40-year sentence by 24 years.
The FBI landed formal indictments on Evans and Rosenberg in the 1988 “Resistance Conspiracy” case for their involvement in the bombing of the Capitol along with five others. Evans and Rosenberg had already been in police custody for other crimes of the radical left-wing terror group May 19th Communist Organization (M19), named for the birthdays of Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. According to a historical chronology of the left-wing group by the Smithsonian Magazine, M19 also carried out successful bombings of an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, the South African consulate in New York, and D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard.
“The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern,” the magazine reported. “A warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).”
According to the New York Post in 2001, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, who today serves as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, played a “crucial role” in Clinton’s decision to commute Rosenberg’s sentence. Nadler’s rabbi, a Nadler spokesman at the time told the Post, gave “compelling information from [Rosenberg’s] parole hearing” to the Manhattan congressman, who, in turn, passed on the material to the White House counsel’s office. That transfer, the Post reported, played a “key role” in the president’s decision to include Rosenberg on his list of 140 last-minute pardons just moments before George W. Bush took the White House.
Rosenberg’s case is a reminder of the long, growing list of left-wing acts of terrorism either excused or endorsed by Democrats and their allies in corporate media, who now condemn the violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol that came from right-wing extremists last week.
Rosenberg is now a prominent left-wing activist, who, early last summer sat on the board of Thousand Currents which poured $10 million into causes for social justice including Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.
It was only several months ago, however, that Nadler dismissed violence by Antifa, the radical left-wing terror group of the 21st century, as a “myth,” while the militant anarchists erupted a historic summer of unrest that tore apart downtown city centers.
“Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?” asked writer-producer Austen Fletcher.
“That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher clarified, as its Portland militants held the city under siege.
“Yes,” Nadler concluded.

Progresive Marxist/DSA Democrats have overthrown the government. What a sad point in history.
We should also remember that Obama's wing man Eric Holder played an infamous important part of President Clinton’s 176 pardons.
Sixteen Scandals: The Legacy of Eric Holder (redstate.com)
There were importance different between the 1983 bombing and and Jan 6 attack. The Jan 6th attack on the capital was perpetuated by a hundred or more insurgents and was instigated by the president who summoned the insurgents to Washington and the capital. There purpose was to capture, do body harm to congressmen and to hang the vice president. 4 people died in the event. The perpetrators were republican and Donald Trump supporters.

The 1983 bombing was perpetuated by 6 people. The purpose of the bombing was to do property damage. The 1983 bombers took pains to warn people of the attack to assure there were no deaths or injuries which there weren't. The perpetrators were members of Resistance Conspiracy, a branch of Communist Party and had no know affiliation with the Democrat nor Republican party.

Clinton's commutation of the sentences of two of the 6 bombers was after serving over 10 and 16 years in a federal prison on a 35 year charge for buying illegal firearms. They had already served years for destruction of government property. Clinton's reasoning in commutating the sentence was 35 years was an excessive sentence for the firearms violation.

Last edited:
or one of your posts 10 minutes ago

Then we shouldn't leave out your messiah Barry...

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