CDZ Pregnant lady murdered!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?

The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.
If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.


Yes, if the whole concept behind prochoice is not to dictate on behalf of the woman,
then to her if she is pregnant with a child, and that child is killed where to her it is the murder
of her child, then yes, it should be considered a murder of a person.

It had the same affect on her as murder to kill her child.

Terri Schiavo should also have been considered a human being
worth saving because most of her family also believed that.

The decision should have been respected for the family,
not dictate by the court to take "one side over another" when
the person in question left no written directives.

The state should not be in the business of dictating
to anyone "spiritual beliefs or decisions" about the lives of their loved ones.

By the time we set up means of mediating to have a consensus on
such sensitive cases, then the same process would sensitize
people and raise awareness so much, we could even prevent
abuse, violence and murder by applying this level of conflict resolution in general,
to facilitate civics education, and uniform resepct for law and order in society.

It would have a ripple effect to start respecting Consensus decisions
as the basis of law in cases involving faith-based, spiritual,
religious or political beliefs that are inherent to each person
and not to be dictated by govt.
So it is a different crime to kill a pregnant woman who wants the child than to kill one who doesn't want one?

How do you even get to a concept of double murder if you deny recognition of the child's life?
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?

Quick somebody called PP so they can pretend they obtained the baby via a legal abortion, and sell the XXXX out of it!
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Men are empowered to kill pregnant women, because the government currently approves of coercing late term abortion, and killing viable infants for profit.
And often, women are killed because they refuse to get an abortion in the last trimester....according to the baby killers, the men are therefore justified in killing them.
Of course, all a guy has to do is drag his ready-to-birth woman into a planned parenthood clinic, and they will help him restrain and abort her....
It's a good point and one I've pondered myself before. I don't know the answer to this. I would think it is completely subjective on whether or not the woman in question wanted the baby and was planning on keeping the baby.
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.

That is a great point Emily. Everyone always wants to blame mom. It takes TWO people to make a pregnancy. Men need to remain virgins until they are married. Then, they should remain faithful to their wives. Men should not pursue teenage girls. Men should be sure to wear protection at all times themselves. If they want to ensure that they don't impregnate a woman, they should have a vasectomy.

I've read some things about other forms of male birth control that are currently being studied and worked on. I say, the more birth control options, the better. :)
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.

That is a great point Emily. Everyone always wants to blame mom. It takes TWO people to make a pregnancy. Men need to remain virgins until they are married. Then, they should remain faithful to their wives. Men should not pursue teenage girls. Men should be sure to wear protection at all times themselves. If they want to ensure that they don't impregnate a woman, they should have a vasectomy.

I've read some things about other forms of male birth control that are currently being studied and worked on. I say, the more birth control options, the better. :)

I say put the fuckers in jail who abuse and kill pregnant women and children.

Let's start with the murderers at Planned Parenthood.
Wait..first we'd have to get the left to admit that killing a woman in order to kill her unborn baby is actually a crime.
We'd also have to get them to admit that it's a crime to force that woman to undergo a dangerous late term abortion....
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.
You have it backwards! At what point are we going to start targeting the women equally as men for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion. As things stand now, the man must assume responsibility for the pregnancy and the resulting child from the point of the sexual act. He has no vote concerning aborting the newly created life. The woman, on the other hand may decide to abort whether the man wants the child or not. It is quite ironic when the subject of abortion rights are discussed that most pro-choice people say that the man needs to keep his pants on if he does not want to be responsible for a child, yet they never apply this same standard to the woman.

That being said, I agree, both the man and woman should take responsibility for preventing the pregnancy if no child is wanted at the time.
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.
You have it backwards! At what point are we going to start targeting the women equally as men for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion. As things stand now, the man must assume responsibility for the pregnancy and the resulting child from the point of the sexual act. He has no vote concerning aborting the newly created life. The woman, on the other hand may decide to abort whether the man wants the child or not. It is quite ironic when the subject of abortion rights are discussed that most pro-choice people say that the man needs to keep his pants on if he does not want to be responsible for a child, yet they never apply this same standard to the woman.

That being said, I agree, both the man and woman should take responsibility for preventing the pregnancy if no child is wanted at the time.

That is because of nature. Not everything in life is "fair." The point is that she is the one who would be taking ALL the risks with her health. The man has none of that. When the day comes that the baby can be transferred out of the woman and placed in the man, then you have an argument.
The murderer was charged and convicted of double homicide. One for the Mother and one for the "medical waste" in her womb......Would the verdict be different if she was murdered on her way to an abortion clinic?


If to the mother she lost a child, then it should be treated the same as a murder.

My question Zander At what point is the prolife movement going to "man up"
and start targeting men equally as women for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion.
At least half of the responsibility belongs with the men, if not more in the case of rape, incest or other forced impregnation.

Don't you think we might actually get somewhere if
we quit targeting just the women "after pregnancy has occurred"
and start looking at prevention as the responsibility of BOTH sex partners.
You have it backwards! At what point are we going to start targeting the women equally as men for responsibility about sex and pregnancy to avoid abortion. As things stand now, the man must assume responsibility for the pregnancy and the resulting child from the point of the sexual act. He has no vote concerning aborting the newly created life. The woman, on the other hand may decide to abort whether the man wants the child or not. It is quite ironic when the subject of abortion rights are discussed that most pro-choice people say that the man needs to keep his pants on if he does not want to be responsible for a child, yet they never apply this same standard to the woman.

That being said, I agree, both the man and woman should take responsibility for preventing the pregnancy if no child is wanted at the time.

That is because of nature. Not everything in life is "fair." The point is that she is the one who would be taking ALL the risks with her health. The man has none of that. When the day comes that the baby can be transferred out of the woman and placed in the man, then you have an argument.
Kaitlin Jenner is working on it.

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