Predictions for 2010

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
1) Double dip recession

2) Unemployment hits 14%

3) Credit Bubble pops

4) Iran tests 1st nuclear weapon

5) Obama's favorable rating hits 19

6) Democrats lose House & Senate

7) Gasoline hits $ 7.00 a gallon
Predictions from those wishing for an economic collapse because that is the only way Republicans could ever be able to be elected again
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Predictions for 2010?

Osama's body will be found, and he won't be alive.

Obama's polling numbers below 30 percent.

Iran is going to launch a missile in spring or summer, with an actual warhead being sent around October/November 2010.

That will start WWIII.

Oh yeah..........the poor and middle class are going to revolt against Wall St., resulting in a major bloodbath and martial law being installed.

Because..........remember...........only 3 more years until the end of the world!

December 21st, 11:00 am EST, 2012.
Thread bookmarked. This one reminds me a whole lot of the "Obama will never be President" threads that filled all the political messages boards on the web back in 2008. The PUMAs would vote for McCain, the birth certificate would stop him, the Michelle "Whitey" video would come out, etc, etc, etc.

How'd that one work out?
Predictions for 2010

1. Unemployment drops to 7%

2. Dow Jones hits 12000

3. Healthcare passes

4. Republicans pick up seats in the House and Senate but are still a minority

5. Sarah Palin implodes because of a quote she can't take back

6. Kim Jung Il and Castro die. Clinton forges new US relationships with restructured Communist regimes
1) Double dip recession

2) Unemployment hits 14%

3) Credit Bubble pops

4) Iran tests 1st nuclear weapon

5) Obama's favorable rating hits 19

6) Democrats lose House & Senate

7) Gasoline hits $ 7.00 a gallon

I think Iran is going to blow apart any minute now! It looks bad over there.
Democrats losing House and Senate may be a stretch.
Democrats losing House and Senate may be a stretch.

I definitely think they will lose their "supermajority." Course that won't matter. They can't do shit with a "supermajority." :lol:

Blame game is what they are best at.
Thread bookmarked. This one reminds me a whole lot of the "Obama will never be President" threads that filled all the political messages boards on the web back in 2008. The PUMAs would vote for McCain, the birth certificate would stop him, the Michelle "Whitey" video would come out, etc, etc, etc.

How'd that one work out?

The knuckleheaded baboon actually got elected President..

Tell me.. How IS that one working out? :eusa_eh:
Here is a prediction for 2010, that depending on where you are Jan. 1 will be 2010, the rest is a wait and see. We should all know by now,no matter where you come down in the political side , right, left, center, making predictions is fun but more often than not tends to turn out a lot different than any of us ever expect.
Thread bookmarked. This one reminds me a whole lot of the "Obama will never be President" threads that filled all the political messages boards on the web back in 2008. The PUMAs would vote for McCain, the birth certificate would stop him, the Michelle "Whitey" video would come out, etc, etc, etc.

How'd that one work out?

The knuckleheaded baboon actually got elected President..

Tell me.. How IS that one working out? :eusa_eh:

No better or worse than expected. He's just another status-quo politician.
Joe Biden will be found dead. But no one will notice.

Ted Kennedy will be found alive. But no one will notice.

The end of the Bush tax cuts and new taxes to pay for health care will wreck the economy, causing a stagflation that will make us wish for the good ole days of Jimmy Carter.
Did anyone else notice something?

Our token conservative, Shallow Skeeve is predicting death, destruction and poverty.

Our token liberal/progressive (whatever ya wanna call him), rightwinger, is predicting unity and wealth.

Kinda makes you wonder why anyone would go with conservatives.
Did anyone else notice something?

Our token conservative, Shallow Skeeve is predicting death, destruction and poverty.

Our token liberal/progressive (whatever ya wanna call him), rightwinger, is predicting unity and wealth.

Kinda makes you wonder why anyone would go with conservatives.

Because the same people predicting wealth and prosperity also predicted that Obama would be a post-partisan president, that the stimulus bill would keep unemployment under 8%, and that Obama's openness to Muslim countries would usher in a new era of cooperation and understanding.
Since their predictions have been miserable failures so far I don't see any reason to believe them now.
Did anyone else notice something?

Our token conservative, Shallow Skeeve is predicting death, destruction and poverty.

Our token liberal/progressive (whatever ya wanna call him), rightwinger, is predicting unity and wealth.

Kinda makes you wonder why anyone would go with conservatives.

Because the same people predicting wealth and prosperity also predicted that Obama would be a post-partisan president, that the stimulus bill would keep unemployment under 8%, and that Obama's openness to Muslim countries would usher in a new era of cooperation and understanding.
Since their predictions have been miserable failures so far I don't see any reason to believe them now.

I'll just choose not to listen to any predictions - we all know how spot-on all the conservatives were back when everyone was saying there was no chance that Obama would win - all the PUMAs were gonna vote for McCain, the Michelle "whitey" video was gonna come out, someone was gonna find his "real" birth certificate, etc.

My prediction is simple - More of the same.
Did anyone else notice something?

Our token conservative, Shallow Skeeve is predicting death, destruction and poverty.

Our token liberal/progressive (whatever ya wanna call him), rightwinger, is predicting unity and wealth.

Kinda makes you wonder why anyone would go with conservatives.

Because the same people predicting wealth and prosperity also predicted that Obama would be a post-partisan president, that the stimulus bill would keep unemployment under 8%, and that Obama's openness to Muslim countries would usher in a new era of cooperation and understanding.
Since their predictions have been miserable failures so far I don't see any reason to believe them now.

Obama's openness to Muslim countries?

That would be Republicans. Republicans are the ones who invaded "Muslim" countries to "improve" their lives and bring US style democracy. How did that work out?

Let's see. In Iraq, they made "Islam" the national religion, and wrote a Republican supported constitution that says, "All legislation to be based on Islam" (Article 2), a constitution that pretty much puts women under Sharia law returning them to the Dark Ages for generations.

Republicans stood by and while Iraq gave us the "purple finger" (for which, Republicans have a lot of pride), have pretty much wiped out their own Christian population,either through murder or driving them out of the country and burning their churches.

Good Job Republicans. And you know what? THEY WANT TO "FINISH" THE JOB!!!! What does that mean when Republicans say they want to FINISH THE JOB?

The economy - check

Iraq - check

The Iraqi Christians - check

Bin Laden - check

Rebuilding New Orleans - check

Bringing jobs to America - check

Cutting taxes for the rich - check

Health care - check

Gay marriage - check

Education - check

Energy - check

Republicans have pretty much done everything they wanted. What does it mean to "finish the job"?
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What a bunch of depressing gloom mongers!

Not happy unless the country is collapsing around them. I got news for you. Regardless of who the President is, this is still the most powerful economic engine on earth. The US is still the wealthiest country on earth.

The economy is recovering and will continue to do so. Employment numbers will rebound. We won't get back to the previous economic levels immediately, its going to take some time.
Shit is gunna happen around the world. Some things we can do something about, some we can't.
You know what? The world as a whole is in great shape. When the worst we have to worry about is some raghead terrorists we are not that bad off. Remember the days of Europe in constant turmoil? The Soviet Union ready to invade? We don't fear nations anymore, we fear ideologies.

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