Poverty. What is it Between America's Capitalist Society and Other Capitalist Societies.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
keep in mind by world standards the USA doesnt have poverty and we are the richest country on the planet bar none,,, the implementation of socialist policies is whats brought us down and has never ever picked a country up,,

so when these others you worship can achieve that then we can talk,,
The ownership of slaves in the Southern economy did not help spread the wealth it actually made it decline for the majority of people living in the south.
Anytime you have a uneven distribution of wealth a civilization will die out from a lack of economic activity. Right now, the US govt. has to infuse money into the system to keep it from collapsing. Is this capitalism or state sponsored capitalism?
In the modern era we have had 3 global booms dominated by American Corporations, Software, Dot.com and Tech. And with our GlobalCorp alliance with the CCP I don't see much changing. China is a big market for our GlobalCorps (not even including mfg there and shipping back here) also. And the problem with spreading the wealth is most of those corporations are publicly traded, and our government is broke.

Generally people then bring up Nordic Euro countries as a model. But they are small ethnostates of the same people not a huge mass immigrant country like the USA. They generally have more "free stuff" programs but higher income taxes and everyone gets benefits as they don't create income class warfare over it. Easier to manage that in smaller ethnostates.
People come here from Asian countries with little or nothing, yet within a generation, their families are thriving. Others have families that have been in this country for generations yet they fail.

In both cases, what determines success or failure isn't the system, but the ingrained value systems of the people involved.
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
Capitalism has been so poorly applied over the last 40 years that its weaknesses have opened the door to a more socialist model.

What the lousy "capitalists" can't get through their heads is that the key is in identifying and maintaining a proper equilibrium between a strong safety net and the dynamic positives of capitalism.

The "the government is the problem" simpletons don't realize that a strong safety net is not only proper for an intelligent and advanced society; it also provides economic insurance against a socialist revolution.

So now, socialism is more attractive than ever to some, and these lousy "capitalists" can't understand why.
keep in mind by world standards the USA doesnt have poverty and we are the richest country on the planet bar none,,,

That's a great place to start because I've never lost track of that fact

the implementation of socialist policies is whats brought us down and has never ever picked a country up,,

That's a talking point worthy of honest debate! I would suggest that America has maintained more distance from socialism or communism than any of the world's leading democracies. Agreed?

so when these others you worship can achieve that then we can talk,,

I'm just asking everybody to talk about the fact that America's quality of life has fallen to 15th. in the world. That's not good for the richest country in the world, bar none! To me it's a clear irrefutable fact that the wealth is not being shared.

What can you offer for a reason?
The ownership of slaves in the Southern economy did not help spread the wealth it actually made it decline for the majority of people living in the south.
Anytime you have a uneven distribution of wealth a civilization will die out from a lack of economic activity. Right now, the US govt. has to infuse money into the system to keep it from collapsing. Is this capitalism or state sponsored capitalism?
It's not just black people and the south that are being cheated out of a share of the wealth, but you did mention a part of the obvious outcome and so made a valuable contribution to the discussion.
I'm just asking everybody to talk about the fact that America's quality of life has fallen to 15th. in the world. That's not good for the richest country in the world, bar none! To me it's a clear irrefutable fact that the wealth is not being shared.
did you ever consider the ones that claim thats where we sit on that scale are people from other countries that have their own people risking their lives to get here???

no other country in the world has the immigrant demand we have,, that alone puts us at #1
In the modern era we have had 3 global booms dominated by American Corporations, Software, Dot.com and Tech. And with our GlobalCorp alliance with the CCP I don't see much changing. China is a big market for our GlobalCorps (not even including mfg there and shipping back here) also. And the problem with spreading the wealth is most of those corporations are publicly traded, and our government is broke.

Generally people then bring up Nordic Euro countries as a model. But they are small ethnostates of the same people not a huge mass immigrant country like the USA. They generally have more "free stuff" programs but higher income taxes and everyone gets benefits as they don't create income class warfare over it. Easier to manage that in smaller ethnostates.
I acknowledge your contribution to this topic as being excuses for why America doesn't have the quality of life that's equal to those ethnostates. The only question it raises for me is, are you suggesting that Canada is an ethnostate, and also, what is that in your mind?
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
Capitalism has been so poorly applied over the last 40 years that its weaknesses have opened the door to a more socialist model.

What the lousy "capitalists" can't get through their heads is that the key is in identifying and maintaining a proper equilibrium between a strong safety net and the dynamic positives of capitalism.

The "the government is the problem" simpletons don't realize that a strong safety net is not only proper for an intelligent and advanced society; it also provides economic insurance against a socialist revolution.

So now, socialism is more attractive than ever to some, and these lousy "capitalists" can't understand why.
Look at their spending bills. Blow jobs for the Kennedy Center, Smithsonian, corporate bailouts......Government could do UBI for all adults at $1,000 a month non taxable what is that 200 Billion? And they spent almost 5 trillion in 2020. UBI is a bad idea for many reasons.
People come here from Asian countries with little or nothing, yet within a generation, their families are thriving.

As they come to Canada and other countries, and even more! And are not stopped by an apartheid wall.

Others have families that have been in this country for generations yet they fail.


In both cases, what determines success or failure isn't the system, but the ingrained value systems of the people involved.

Using racism that's meant to suggest it has something to do with either success or failure has no place here, and it isn't even a tangible suggestion that it could apply to the fact that America's quality of life has fallen to 15th. No people lack a value system that can be attributed to their race, their ethnicity, their religion, or their country of origin. Get back to me with your ideas on some other thread that applies to your preferences.
15th. is not a bad position in comparison to third world countries!
Not so great when compared to the top ten.

Please stay on topic. We're not going to have much time here.
In the modern era we have had 3 global booms dominated by American Corporations, Software, Dot.com and Tech. And with our GlobalCorp alliance with the CCP I don't see much changing. China is a big market for our GlobalCorps (not even including mfg there and shipping back here) also. And the problem with spreading the wealth is most of those corporations are publicly traded, and our government is broke.

Generally people then bring up Nordic Euro countries as a model. But they are small ethnostates of the same people not a huge mass immigrant country like the USA. They generally have more "free stuff" programs but higher income taxes and everyone gets benefits as they don't create income class warfare over it. Easier to manage that in smaller ethnostates.
I acknowledge your contribution to this topic as being excuses for why America doesn't have the quality of life that's equal to those ethnostates. The only question it raises for me is, are you suggesting that Canada is an ethnostate, and also, what is that in your mind?
Canada has brought in a lot of immigrants in recent years so my guess is that they are trending away from that. Sometimes you just get lucky like Norway with state run oil company, Oil Pension Fund....if they didn't have oil not as many nice benefits. They seem to manage it well, that is the key keeping it free of corruption.
People come here from Asian countries with little or nothing, yet within a generation, their families are thriving.

As they come to Canada and other countries, and even more! And are not stopped by an apartheid wall.

Others have families that have been in this country for generations yet they fail.


In both cases, what determines success or failure isn't the system, but the ingrained value systems of the people involved.

Using racism that's meant to suggest it has something to do with either success or failure has no place here, and it isn't even a tangible suggestion that it could apply to the fact that America's quality of life has fallen to 15th. No people lack a value system that can be attributed to their race, their ethnicity, their religion, or their country of origin. Get back to me with your ideas on some other thread that applies to your preferences.
15th. is not a bad position in comparison to third world countries!
Not so great when compared to the top ten.

Please stay on topic. We're not going to have much time here.
Race was never mentioned only by you.
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
Capitalism has been so poorly applied over the last 40 years that its weaknesses have opened the door to a more socialist model.

What the lousy "capitalists" can't get through their heads is that the key is in identifying and maintaining a proper equilibrium between a strong safety net and the dynamic positives of capitalism.

The "the government is the problem" simpletons don't realize that a strong safety net is not only proper for an intelligent and advanced society; it also provides economic insurance against a socialist revolution.

So now, socialism is more attractive than ever to some, and these lousy "capitalists" can't understand why.
Some good ideas! It's very true that it has a lot to do with a strong social net. Do you think that concept is understood by many Americans? A majority of Americans?

The US system is on the brink of failure for lack of, and the political strife tells it is so.
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
Capitalism has been so poorly applied over the last 40 years that its weaknesses have opened the door to a more socialist model.

What the lousy "capitalists" can't get through their heads is that the key is in identifying and maintaining a proper equilibrium between a strong safety net and the dynamic positives of capitalism.

The "the government is the problem" simpletons don't realize that a strong safety net is not only proper for an intelligent and advanced society; it also provides economic insurance against a socialist revolution.

So now, socialism is more attractive than ever to some, and these lousy "capitalists" can't understand why.
Some good ideas! It's very true that it has a lot to do with a strong social net. Do you think that concept is understood by many Americans? A majority of Americans?

The US system is on the brink of failure for lack of, and the political strife tells it is so.
Right now, at this moment in our history, basic communication has been so damaged that I don't know if there is anything that a majority of Americans can agree on. Especially something as complicated as this.

We now have two realities. I have no idea how a republic is supposed to survive in this condition.
It's a question that was asked in an old thread but it wasn't framed correctly. The old thread asked the question of comparing America's capitalism with communism or socialism, and that is wrong right from the beginning!

Clearly the question is on why America's greedy style of capitalism needs to be compared to 'socially responsible' capitalism in the world's leading democracies.

And so, in a nutshell: Americans permit their government to steal the wealth away from the working people and allow huge income inequality to exist. No country, even America with it's great wealth, can allow that situation to continue to exist in this 21st. century. There must be some attempt to spread the wealth around for the betterment of the people and the country.

America's current situation of strife and near civil war is being caused by it's system of greedy capitalism.


Can this question be debated in the safe place the CDZ creates for this forum? Indeed, the most important reason to have a CDZ section!
Capitalism has been so poorly applied over the last 40 years that its weaknesses have opened the door to a more socialist model.

What the lousy "capitalists" can't get through their heads is that the key is in identifying and maintaining a proper equilibrium between a strong safety net and the dynamic positives of capitalism.

The "the government is the problem" simpletons don't realize that a strong safety net is not only proper for an intelligent and advanced society; it also provides economic insurance against a socialist revolution.

So now, socialism is more attractive than ever to some, and these lousy "capitalists" can't understand why.
Look at their spending bills. Blow jobs for the Kennedy Center, Smithsonian, corporate bailouts......Government could do UBI for all adults at $1,000 a month non taxable what is that 200 Billion? And they spent almost 5 trillion in 2020. UBI is a bad idea for many reasons.
UBI is a bad idea because it takes the logical answer of providing an adequate social net to an extreme.
People come here from Asian countries with little or nothing, yet within a generation, their families are thriving.

As they come to Canada and other countries, and even more! And are not stopped by an apartheid wall.

Others have families that have been in this country for generations yet they fail.


In both cases, what determines success or failure isn't the system, but the ingrained value systems of the people involved.

Using racism that's meant to suggest it has something to do with either success or failure has no place here, and it isn't even a tangible suggestion that it could apply to the fact that America's quality of life has fallen to 15th. No people lack a value system that can be attributed to their race, their ethnicity, their religion, or their country of origin. Get back to me with your ideas on some other thread that applies to your preferences.
15th. is not a bad position in comparison to third world countries!
Not so great when compared to the top ten.

Please stay on topic. We're not going to have much time here.
You seem to be very confused when it comes to the clean debate section. It does not mean that you are the designated judge of all posts. It does not mean that only statements agreeing with you are allowed. It does not give you control over what everybody gets to say.

You got that, kid?

There have been many studies about generational poverty, and I would suggest you read some. Dysfunctional attitudes are passed from generation to generation until they become a self filling prophesy.
Right now, at this moment in our history, basic communication has been so damaged that I don't know if there is anything that a majority of Americans can agree on. Especially something as complicated as this.

We now have two realities. I have no idea how a republic is supposed to survive in this condition.

A main point to consider is that the stagnant situation has been broken through and that's always better than marking time.
The working people who support Trump and the working people who support Biden are likely closer to becoming a cohesive force against the establishment than ever before.

Both sides are coming to the understanding that the establshment R is the same bullshit as the establsihment D.

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