Trump Derangement Syndrome


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Well, most know what it is or at least they should though many do not have a good understanding how it has had so much influence on clueless democrats but also on some cuelesss republicans.

In a nutshell....what it means is an irrational hatred of Trump....mainly instigated by the msm in their very successful effort to demonize Trump.

If you ask one of these dupes why they hate Trump they will usually come up with some or all of the following.

He is a orange man....what do they mean by this? What is wrong with orange or having a orange complexion? --though not really true of Trump it is something he was tagged with and has stuck...and I think it clearly and obviously places a emphasis on color and more specifically on a white male....which by their definition is a manifestation of 'racism' though I do not like using that worthless woid.....I prefer to call it an attempt to demonize white males.

He is fat....definitely not a good thing to be fat...healthwise or for anything else....unless one is starving might be useful then as it would enable one to survive longer....anyhow we live in a society where fat people are discriminated against...perhaps the group most discriminated against in America and there are lots and lots of them.

But of course it has nothing to do with one's intelligence or capacity to be a great leader or President.

Then along comes ....he is a liar. Now of course everyone lies....most especially politicians....not a good thing but that is just the way it is...but placing such a emphasis on that they turn around and vote for Pedo Joe, one of the biggest if not the biggest liar in American Political History.....he was forced to drop out of his first run for the presidency way back in the 80's for lying and plagarism...he was censured by the senate for lying.

Not even to mention it is very difficult to find anything Trump has lied about that is of much significance....any lie he allegedly told could be debated by intelligent people and there would be a difference of opinion on whether or not he actually lied.

Not the case with Pedo joe...he has told such bald faced lies it cannot be denied he is a not only a liar but a huge liar and he even lies about major events in his life....he tries to excuse by saying he forgot....who forgets a major event in their life? Like where you went to school, what degrees you have etc.

I could go on and on but this is getting too long already....I will mention one more....that is cited often by the clueless....oh Trump is a great divider....biden will unite the nation and he is much nicer and treats people much nicer than Trump.

What hogwash....biden has insulted more folks than Trump ever thought of insulting but the media covers for the time he called a young female college student...a dog faced pony soldier.....simply because he did not like a question she asked him....he never answers tough question.

Not even to mention he has no capability, skills or even desire to unite the nation....look what he has done since the election to further divide the nation....calling republicans nazis etc.

Thus it is quite obvious that the election of Pedo Joe was based on propaganda that those who voted for biden was saturated with by the msm.
Thus it is quite obvious that the election of Pedo Joe was based on propaganda that those who voted for biden was saturated with by the msm.

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