Post your COVID illness and death experiences for a COVID reality test


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Only include people who you have/had contact with often, such as family, friends, co-workers. No hearsay, friends of friends blah blah blah. There's a politic aspect to a reality check, which is why I posted this here.

1. Describe your social life. so there's an understanding how many people you know and why. General terms does the trick.

2. Placeholder to describe those who were diagnosed with COVID whether they were sick or not.

3. Placeholder to describe those who died of COVID whether it's BS or not.

4. Placeholder to describe those who had a reaction to the "vaccine".

1. I'm retired. I know a lot of people, but generally keep to myself, the world frightens me ;) In other terms very little social life pending the end of a rather large project. Big family, my kids have many friends who I know well.

2. Yeah I was probably sick with it Dec. 2019. Two of three kids had it, a girlfriend, a niece & nephew, and perhaps another 10-13 people were diagnosed with it, not a large number, maybe 5% of the people I know, max.

3. One supposedly died of it, listed 3rd of five reasons for his passing, which is good enough to report it a COVID death. It was BS, the guy had heart/lung, older than dirt and smoked 82 years, dementia etc. He said fuck it and checked out, COVID served the numbers.

4. Last I knew one had headaches ever since the shot lasting months. Another 2-3 had negative reactions.
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Two nieces who are RNs, both contracted the illness prior to being vaccinated. Both recovered with no known lasting effects. Neither was hospitalized. One was 41, the other 22. A couple of neighbors got sick with it without the vaccine available yet. Neither was hospitalized but reported it making them very ill for a few weeks.

Every single one of them was as conscientious as possible in being masked, distanced, and practicing best hygiene. That's the common denominator that is making people angry about these mask rules. The studies showing they make no discernable improvement in the number of cases are just ignored by the idiots trying to force them on children in school and anyone daring to go into public spaces.

I haven't heard of any deaths in my area, among people I'm in contact with daily.
Only include people who you have/had contact with often, such as family, friends, co-workers. No hearsay, friends of friends blah blah blah. There's a politic aspect to a reality check, which is why I posted this here.

1. Describe your social life. so there's an understanding how many people you know and why. General terms does the trick.

2. Placeholder to describe those who were diagnosed with COVID whether they were sick or not.

3. Placeholder to describe those who died of COVID whether it's BS or not.

4. Placeholder to describe those who had a reaction to the "vaccine".

1. I'm retired. I know a lot of people, but generally keep to myself, the world frightens me ;) In other terms very little social life pending the end of a rather large project. Big family, my kids have many friends who I know well.

2. Yeah I was probably sick with it Dec. 2019. Two of three kids had it, a girlfriend, a niece & nephew, and perhaps another 10-13 people were diagnosed with it, not a large number, maybe 5% of the people I know, max.

3. One supposedly died of it, listed 3rd of five reasons for his passing, which is good enough to report it a COVID death. It was BS, the guy had heart/lung, older than dirt and smoked 82 years, dementia etc. He said fuck it and checked out, COVID served the numbers.

4. Last I knew one had headaches ever since the shot lasting months. Another 2-3 had negative reactions.
wife and kids had it in either September or February.
No one got sicker than a temperature. normal care and time everyone recovered. No one's had it since.
None of our friends had it.
None of our kids friends had it.
My sisters and their families haven't had it.
We're all trying to figure out who actually had it after March.
This thing is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo contagious. yet it escapes all of my family and friends.

it must work like magic CO2
Only include people who you have/had contact with often, such as family, friends, co-workers. No hearsay, friends of friends blah blah blah. There's a politic aspect to a reality check, which is why I posted this here.

1. Describe your social life. so there's an understanding how many people you know and why. General terms does the trick.

2. Placeholder to describe those who were diagnosed with COVID whether they were sick or not.

3. Placeholder to describe those who died of COVID whether it's BS or not.

4. Placeholder to describe those who had a reaction to the "vaccine".

1. I'm retired. I know a lot of people, but generally keep to myself, the world frightens me ;) In other terms very little social life pending the end of a rather large project. Big family, my kids have many friends who I know well.

2. Yeah I was probably sick with it Dec. 2019. Two of three kids had it, a girlfriend, a niece & nephew, and perhaps another 10-13 people were diagnosed with it, not a large number, maybe 5% of the people I know, max.

3. One supposedly died of it, listed 3rd of five reasons for his passing, which is good enough to report it a COVID death. It was BS, the guy had heart/lung, older than dirt and smoked 82 years, dementia etc. He said fuck it and checked out, COVID served the numbers.

4. Last I knew one had headaches ever since the shot lasting months. Another 2-3 had negative reactions.
1-Work mostly from home, small circle of friends. Family lives out of town.

2-A few people from work were diagnosed. I probably had it but it lasted la few days. I drank a bunch of Bordeaux and slept. One guy from work, hospitalized but recovered (~57).

3-Bosses grandmother died with, or from it (~85 ).

4-I know of five people who have taken the vaccine (all coworkers)--no bad reactions that I know of, but then I don't know them well enough to ask. One guy volunteered that he had no adverse reaction.
With all the experimental hysteria you would think I know 10 dead and 200 who got sick
In fact, zero dead, 10 infected and one 85 year old lady who was hospitalized two weeks and is still not well
Six family members tested positive in Jan 2021. Aged 3 to 69. One, 66 yo, got pretty sick, respiratory, prompted the testing because we were worried. No other family members had symptoms more severe than a bad cold. The effected member was sent home and told to drink pedialyte and ensure, rest. All recovered with no lasting effects or reinfections. Another couple, aged 79 and 81, no symptoms and no lasting effects. All of us lived normal lives with no social distancing and only masking when businesses required it. We all quarantined after testing positive. No deaths of anyone known to me, many infections but no hospitalizations. Still living as normal lives as Biden and Inslee will allow.
Well, so far this has sure been scary right, no wonder all the frenzy (COUGH!). I'm not devaluing losses of those who may have them, but so far?

Keep them coming, it's a reality test :cool:
Family, neighbor's and friends had it including me at the various time period.

All survived except one that already had things going on with his health. Had a cough he said for two years, and was frequently going to the doctor more and more over time. He contracted the shingles virus, and then he got COVID-19 to boot.

He passed due to serious complications regarding his overall health conditions I'm guessing.

Everyone else has survived it thank God.

Nasty little Wuhan "flu type/respiratory like" virus/illness this Covid is.

Stay well everybody.
Close friend died of it early on. Yes he had heart issues (well regulated) . Died after 6 weeks of fighting it

Another friend got it and nearly died. Lung embolisms, strokes.

Many other friends got it and survived. Nearly all said it was the sickest they had ever been.
Close friend died of it early on. Yes he had heart issues (well regulated) . Died after 6 weeks of fighting it

Another friend got it and nearly died. Lung embolisms, strokes.

Many other friends got it and survived. Nearly all said it was the sickest they had ever been.

Definitely a problem with underlying conditions. I'm calling BS on kids wearing masks.

A gal I know has a granddaughter whose 30 year old boyfriend was/is in the hospital a month or so in miserable near death condition. Whatever they unleashed on us (IMO) doesn't agree with him, she's not aware of underlying problems otherwise.

Me personally, I had a low temperature & soar throat. Didn't test for it, but that was before the frenzy and I haven't had either of those symptoms in decades. My friends had it the same time, fevers, no big deal. I've felt a lot worse by far.

It took all of one plane trip and bar for my son and his girl to get it, figures. Otherwise they're on controlled boats. It was nothing to him. His girlfriend was sick same time and had it a little rough. I know one gal who says it fucked up her carpal tunnel ongoing. She's 60ish, overweight and sedentary anyway. Flu will do that.
Definitely a problem with underlying conditions. I'm calling BS on kids wearing masks.

A gal I know has a granddaughter whose 30 year old boyfriend was/is in the hospital a month or so in miserable near death condition. Whatever they unleashed on us (IMO) doesn't agree with him, she's not aware of underlying problems otherwise.

Me personally, I had a low temperature & soar throat. Didn't test for it, but that was before the frenzy and I haven't had either of those symptoms in decades. My friends had it the same time, fevers, no big deal. I've felt a lot worse by far.

It took all of one plane trip and bar for my son and his girl to get it, figures. Otherwise they're on controlled boats. It was nothing to him. His girlfriend was sick same time and had it a little rough. I know one gal who says it fucked up her carpal tunnel ongoing. She's 60ish, overweight and sedentary anyway. Flu will do that.
I have seen studies that suggest that people with Type A blood are more susceptible than type O--have seen no reports on other blood types. Also have heard of people that have treated with Vitamin D and Zinc. I was hardly affected--type O and I used pedialyte. I use vitamin D3 and a multivitamin with Zinc on a regular basis and have for a few years.
I had a real bad flu in nov 2019,, covid wasnt on the board so dont know if it was it,,
both the wife and I had it in sept 2020 and little to no symptoms other than she lost taste and smell,,

at least 8 of our family members had it and no serious symptoms other than sniffles and coughs,,

a co worker of my wife had it and got over it but died from the over treatment due to lung infections from having a tube down his throat for to long,,

of whats left of my circle of friends there is nothing to report,,,

I work with several other contractors and they all just laugh and go back to work,,,

OH one contractor got it and was really sick for a week but his 2 kids and wife didnt get it while being in the same house the whole time and he didnt isolate other than laying in bed,,,
Close friend died of it early on. Yes he had heart issues (well regulated) . Died after 6 weeks of fighting it

Another friend got it and nearly died. Lung embolisms, strokes.

Many other friends got it and survived. Nearly all said it was the sickest they had ever been.
I have a buddy who just caught it, he said it's God awful.
I haven't had a death experience (thank God) but my wife tested positive and was on oxygen (at home) until she recovered. I didn't have much symptoms but today I get a phantom smell that comes and goes something like burning leaves.
Since leftists only want to chime in with BS, if at all, I'm going to pop a scenario for them that's more pleasing to the ear.

My mother, father, sister, aunts children, boyfriend, personal trainer, manicurist & puppies died of covid, and nearly everyone I know has had it with severe permanently lasting symptoms that shrunk my balls, which is why I can't work anymore because it's just not worth the risk.

This weed is though, jesus, 45 thc in bud off the local is progressive man.
My Covid sickness started last month on the 11th, but my case was labeled a mild one because it only consisted of a fever, a mild cough, and a slight infection in my right ear. My sense of taste and smell never went anywhere unlike my appetite. Normally I don't have the ability to get full. While I was sick, I had to force myself to eat.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I do have one cousin who did not make it. What makes her passing so mind boggling in a way is the fact that she was a nurse. You would think that anything needed to keep her here would've been right there for her. Sadly I was told that she was not at one of the better hospitals in the Queens area of New York. Also, she of course wasn't the only one in medical need.
I had a real bad flu in nov 2019,, covid wasnt on the board so dont know if it was it,,
both the wife and I had it in sept 2020 and little to no symptoms other than she lost taste and smell,,

at least 8 of our family members had it and no serious symptoms other than sniffles and coughs,,

a co worker of my wife had it and got over it but died from the over treatment due to lung infections from having a tube down his throat for to long,,

of whats left of my circle of friends there is nothing to report,,,

I work with several other contractors and they all just laugh and go back to work,,,

OH one contractor got it and was really sick for a week but his 2 kids and wife didnt get it while being in the same house the whole time and he didnt isolate other than laying in bed,,,
Yep, I had it and didn't isolate either, uhhhh I mean other than to just stay in the bedroom until I felt like coming out in order to watch TV at a safe distance from my wife and her mom. They never caught it from me thank goodness.
I have a buddy who just caught it, he said it's God awful.
Some are affected that way, and some who caught the flu back in the day are affected exactly the same. Flu is dangerous also, and especially if it's certain strains of it. Most will be ok, but for some it could spell disaster.

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