Possible solution to at least some of the abortions...


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
I usually am not in that involved in abortion issues, but they're gross actions are the Texas Republicans got me to thinking there's got to be a better way. I do not know if the technology exists yet. But instead of attacking each other, or applied standards that are unacceptable to many. We should work together to solve the dilemma, the very real human dilemma. All the women who are pro-life and in their childbearing years should be willing to except transplanted fetuses from the women who want / need abortions. Depending on the number of women willing to do this on both sides would determine how many fewer abortions are there would be. It's an idea anyway. Does anyone know if this is possible ? What do you think of the proposal. And there are no references on this, I started the idea. I would prefer only constructive criticism but I understand this site very well, there are too many assholes on here I can live with that. I'm just trying to help. Why hasn't anybody suggested this sooner ?
I usually am not in that involved in abortion issues, but they're gross actions are the Texas Republicans got me to thinking there's got to be a better way. I do not know if the technology exists yet. But instead of attacking each other, or applied standards that are unacceptable to many. We should work together to solve the dilemma, the very real human dilemma. All the women who are pro-life and in their childbearing years should be willing to except transplanted fetuses from the women who want / need abortions. Depending on the number of women willing to do this on both sides would determine how many fewer abortions are there would be. It's an idea anyway. Does anyone know if this is possible ? What do you think of the proposal. And there are no references on this, I started the idea. I would prefer only constructive criticism but I understand this site very well, there are too many assholes on here I can live with that. I'm just trying to help. Why hasn't anybody suggested this sooner ?
Embrios are implanted using IVF all the time, but harvesting them before the woman even knows she is pregnant might be a problem.
Embrios are implanted using IVF all the time, but harvesting them before the woman even knows she is pregnant might be a problem.
Correct, but the sooner it can be re-implanted in a willing substitute the better. It takes two to create this problem, I thought it might serve some justice for two to solve this problem.
Correct, but the sooner it can be re-implanted in a willing substitute the better. It takes two to create this problem, I thought it might serve some justice for two to solve this problem.
I didn't intend to encourage such a silly idea. 6 to 10 days after firtilization, the embrio implants in the uterus. At that point, removing it would destroy it.
I didn't intend to encourage such a silly idea. 6 to 10 days after firtilization, the embrio implants in the uterus. At that point, removing it would destroy it.
I guess the technology doesn't exist yet then. Thank you.
I usually am not in that involved in abortion issues, but they're gross actions are the Texas Republicans got me to thinking there's got to be a better way. I do not know if the technology exists yet. But instead of attacking each other, or applied standards that are unacceptable to many. We should work together to solve the dilemma, the very real human dilemma. All the women who are pro-life and in their childbearing years should be willing to except transplanted fetuses from the women who want / need abortions. Depending on the number of women willing to do this on both sides would determine how many fewer abortions are there would be. It's an idea anyway. Does anyone know if this is possible ? What do you think of the proposal. And there are no references on this, I started the idea. I would prefer only constructive criticism but I understand this site very well, there are too many assholes on here I can live with that. I'm just trying to help. Why hasn't anybody suggested this sooner ?
There is a little thing like blood type and tissue rejection. The process is really a transplant with all of the attendant issues and dangers. Likely the fetus would not survive. If tissue rejection didn't kill it anti rejection drugs would. Certainly something needs to be done to the women too lazy to take care of business in a timely manner. I am inclined to treat these irresponsible women as any responsible citizen treats a feral cat colony. Give them an abortion on one condition. They name the father,. After the abortion mother has her tubes directed and tied and father has a vasectomy. Likely the man would be overjoyed at a free vasectomy. In fact this is a solution to all single mothers. It's a simple matter to slip in a Snip immediately after childbirth. It was done to Native American women by the thousands.
I usually am not in that involved in abortion issues, but they're gross actions are the Texas Republicans got me to thinking there's got to be a better way. I do not know if the technology exists yet. But instead of attacking each other, or applied standards that are unacceptable to many. We should work together to solve the dilemma, the very real human dilemma. All the women who are pro-life and in their childbearing years should be willing to except transplanted fetuses from the women who want / need abortions. Depending on the number of women willing to do this on both sides would determine how many fewer abortions are there would be. It's an idea anyway. Does anyone know if this is possible ? What do you think of the proposal. And there are no references on this, I started the idea. I would prefer only constructive criticism but I understand this site very well, there are too many assholes on here I can live with that. I'm just trying to help. Why hasn't anybody suggested this sooner ?

There is only one method to stop unwanted pregnancies. That is to allow women to control their bodies with some firm of contraception.
The critics of this are religious based and not pro life but PRO BIRTH.
They ridicule a young woman with a child because it's their own filthy religion which forbid contraception. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

The other embarrassing revelation is how religious people cannot bring up the courage to discuss sex with a pre pubital daughter. My little girl wouldn't do that. She'll learn that at school behind the toilets. She learnt it alright, the hard way.
They become enraged when you suggest a 13 year old girl should be on the pill for fear she might enjoy the pleasures of the flesh that they feel they have a right to control because of their God.
The same exists in Africa with millions of unwanted children dying needlessly because of their filthy religion.

What's happening in Texas is the pro religious government is emphasising they have divine power from God to save pursue that agenda. Not to mention the delusion they believe there is a god. That and nothing else is driving the whole abortion issue in this country.

If the girl reaches puberty, she's ready to get pregnant. As the Muslims.
Do something about it.
Abortion is not in need of a "solution," but the fact is that the technology exists to greatly reduce the number of people who experience an unwanted pregnancy. All kids should receive an accurate and thorough sex education., and contraceptive measures should be available to all. The real villains in this piece are those who seek to make sure that people don't have access to birth control measures and perhaps don't even know that they exist and/or how to use them. These people who want to establish forced ignorance as the norm are people who have an extremely evil motive. They are on a total control trip at the expense of others. they should never be given any respect.

The means of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy should always be in the hands of the female partner. Condoms break, and, unfortunately, some men are extremely irresponsible.
Colin norris Stann was proposing live transplant of a fetus from one woman's uterus to another woman's uterus. That is entirely different from implanting an embryo developed in vitro. You would have blood and tissue from the birth mother which you do not have in vitro.
Colin norris Stann was proposing live transplant of a fetus from one woman's uterus to another woman's uterus. That is entirely different from implanting an embryo developed in vitro. You would have blood and tissue from the birth mother which you do not have in vitro.
Oh really. I'm so pleased you pointed that out.
I'm so prehistoric I'm still stuck on that silly immaculate conception

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