Possible Biin Laden replacement taken out

There is no 'the Al Qaeda' anymore. It's too late for that.

On March 11, 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel's document "Al Quaeda's Strategy to the Year 2020".[40][41] Abdel Bari Atwan summarizes this strategy as comprising five stages:

  1. Provoke the United States into invading a Muslim country.
  2. Incite local resistance to occupying forces.
  3. Expand the conflict to neighboring countries, and engage the U.S. in a long war of attrition.
  4. Convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against countries allied with the U.S. until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the 7 July 2005 London bombings.
  5. The U.S. economy will finally collapse under the strain of too many engagements in too many places, similarly to the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Arab regimes supported by the U.S. will collapse, and a Wahhabi Caliphate will be installed across the region.
al-Qaeda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al Qaeda is winning, you stupid fucks.

While Bush was President we killed a hell of lot more leaders of that group.

You mean like Bin Laden? Oops.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Bush invited them in. Saddam and Bin Laden were deadly enemies. If Bush had gotten Bin Laden, the public never would have let him invade. It's why he had to make the "bogus connection". It's called "hindsight".

While Bush was President we killed a hell of lot more leaders of that group.

You mean like Bin Laden? Oops.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Bush invited them in. Saddam and Bin Laden were deadly enemies. If Bush had gotten Bin Laden, the public never would have let him invade. It's why he had to make the "bogus connection". It's called "hindsight".

Hate to break it to you but Bush never claimed AlQaeda was in Iraq before we invaded. He never claimed Saddam had anything to do with Sept 11 2001. He did claim, and it was proven by captured documents, that Saddam was attempting to lift sanctions, that he intended to return to mass production of Chemical and biological weapons, he intended to return to research on making a nuke.

The reality is that Bush ( if we are going to claim Presidents kill terrorists) killed more terrorists and more terrorist leaders then Obama.

There is evidence that Saddam was shopping around for a terrorist organization to carry out his attacks for him. Also proven by captured documents.
While Bush was President we killed a hell of lot more leaders of that group.

You mean like Bin Laden? Oops.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Bush invited them in. Saddam and Bin Laden were deadly enemies. If Bush had gotten Bin Laden, the public never would have let him invade. It's why he had to make the "bogus connection". It's called "hindsight".

Hate to break it to you but Bush never claimed AlQaeda was in Iraq before we invaded. He never claimed Saddam had anything to do with Sept 11 2001. He did claim, and it was proven by captured documents, that Saddam was attempting to lift sanctions, that he intended to return to mass production of Chemical and biological weapons, he intended to return to research on making a nuke.

The reality is that Bush ( if we are going to claim Presidents kill terrorists) killed more terrorists and more terrorist leaders then Obama.

There is evidence that Saddam was shopping around for a terrorist organization to carry out his attacks for him. Also proven by captured documents.

Iraq was under sanctions. It's economy was in shambles. People were barely getting enough to eat. There were no plans to mass produce chemical and biological weapons. They had no way to make a nuke. This is all right wing hysteria. It's been proven to be false. Come back to the real world. Think about what it takes to do these things. The money. The science. The means. All of a sudden, you start getting a completely different picture than right wing swill.
You mean like Bin Laden? Oops.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Bush invited them in. Saddam and Bin Laden were deadly enemies. If Bush had gotten Bin Laden, the public never would have let him invade. It's why he had to make the "bogus connection". It's called "hindsight".

Hate to break it to you but Bush never claimed AlQaeda was in Iraq before we invaded. He never claimed Saddam had anything to do with Sept 11 2001. He did claim, and it was proven by captured documents, that Saddam was attempting to lift sanctions, that he intended to return to mass production of Chemical and biological weapons, he intended to return to research on making a nuke.

The reality is that Bush ( if we are going to claim Presidents kill terrorists) killed more terrorists and more terrorist leaders then Obama.

There is evidence that Saddam was shopping around for a terrorist organization to carry out his attacks for him. Also proven by captured documents.

Iraq was under sanctions. It's economy was in shambles. People were barely getting enough to eat. There were no plans to mass produce chemical and biological weapons. They had no way to make a nuke. This is all right wing hysteria. It's been proven to be false. Come back to the real world. Think about what it takes to do these things. The money. The science. The means. All of a sudden, you start getting a completely different picture than right wing swill.

MORON ALERT. Russia, China and France were working to remove the sanctions. Captured Iraqi Government papers prove that Saddam maintained the capability to return to mass production and research. The only idiot here is you.

As for money do you happen to recall Saddam had billions? That even under sanctions he was making money? You are BEYOND stupid.
A Trillion dollars and still no WMDs.

No one said we invaded for WMD's we invade because of what he would do in the future. But to the point, we DID find WMD's they just weren't reported until years later.

Actually the WMDs found were found long before we invaded Iraq, and were left over from Desert Storm. Bush certainly used fear to launch his war in Iraq.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4RZO8y-R9k]YouTube - ‪WMD Lies - (Bush Administration) George W. Bush and his Lying Friends‬‏[/ame]
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