Did "palestine" genocidist 'Saleh al-Arouri' ran out of children to hide under?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Don't anti-Israel racist-jihadis cowards always surround themselves with kids???

Look at Sinwar for example.


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Hamas deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri killed in alleged Israeli strike in Beirut.
Israel mum on blast at Hamas office in Dahiyeh suburb said to kill 7 including terror chief; all eyes on Hezbollah, which said it would respond to any targeting of Hamas in Lebanon
By TOI Staff and Agencies
2 January 2024, 8:39 pm
Updated: Today, 1:07 am.
Hamas’s deputy leader abroad Saleh al-Arouri, wanted for years by Israel and seen as the group’s prime orchestrator of West Bank terrorism, was killed Tuesday evening in an Israeli strike in the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, officials with Hamas and the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah said.

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said the blast was carried out by an Israeli drone.

Israeli officials declined to comment. Unnamed US officials told the New York Times and Washington Post that Israel was responsible.

The explosion shook the Lebanese capital’s southern suburbs, which are a stronghold of Hezbollah, an ally of Hamas. The explosion caused a fire on Hadi Nasrallah Street, south of Beirut.
Hamas confirmed that seven people in total were killed in the explosion, a precision strike on a third-floor apartment said to serve as an office for the terror group. The others besides Arouri were identified as military commanders Samir Findi and Azzam Al-Aqraa, along with Hamas figures Mahmoud Shaheen, Muhammad Bashasha, Muhammad al-Rayes and Ahmed Hammoud.

According to reports, Findi oversaw Hamas military activities in Lebanon — including the firing of rockets at Israel — and was considered the terror group’s point man with the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. Al-Aqraa reportedly orchestrated terror activities in the West Bank from overseas.
He was having an extra marital love affair with an extremely sexy Lebanese goat and the Israeli drones caught him humping his sweetheart in the open.
He was having an extra marital love affair with an extremely sexy Lebanese goat and the Israeli drones caught him humping his sweetheart in the open.
Will he sill get Arafat-look-alike 72 old "virgins"
In xxx rated jihad "paradise?"
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Allah akbar!!!
The cool zionists knew when to hit this racist-Arab-terror mastermind.
It just shows how arrogant Hamas has become. I'm thinking the only way they'll be meeting in groups anytime soon will be in bunkers, like Haniyeh and Nasrallah.
Meanwhile, may the recently departed rest in pieces...
They will all be held to account. Even if it takes 50 years, Israel will exterminate them one by one. They’re still hunting Nazis in their 90’s, hiding in remote places in S. America.
They will all be held to account. Even if it takes 50 years, Israel will exterminate them one by one. They’re still hunting Nazis in their 90’s, hiding in remote places in S. America.
It reminds Golda Meir's plan post 1972-Munich massacre by racist Arab pAlEsTiNIAns.
Good morning Frilly Trilly Trolls . So ,this is where you are skulking ..
Things go from bad to worse for you .

You should have first trained your teenage conscripts before going to war with fully trained and battle hardened professionals .

I hear that Nutty has withdrawn five brigades because of exceptional losses and battle tiredness .
Fancy not being able to quell those naughty Freedom Fighters .
Makes Israel a figure of fun for the outside world .

What do you think , Frilly Trillies ?
They will all be held to account. Even if it takes 50 years, Israel will exterminate them one by one. They’re still hunting Nazis in their 90’s, hiding in remote places in S. America.
The eliminated arch-terrorist al Arouri was also at Oct 7 atrocities planning.
(1) Of course, most people are delighted that a Hamas leader has been neutralized.

(2) BUT some scrupulous observers are asking: Is it really right for Israel to send a drone into the supposedly independent nation of Lebanon?

(3) Wouldn't Israel be in the right to be outraged if some foreign nation sent a drone into Israel?
(1) Of course, most people are delighted that a Hamas leader has been neutralized.

(2) BUT some scrupulous observers are asking: Is it really right for Israel to send a drone into the supposedly independent nation of Lebanon?

(3) Wouldn't Israel be in the right to be outraged if some foreign nation sent a drone into Israel?
4- You missed the part where Southern Lebanon is harboring Iranian sponsored Hezbollah animals that are shooting missiles at Israeli cities, So of course Israel has every right to send a drone to take the miserable IslamoNazi subhumanoid out.
It just shows how arrogant Hamas has become. I'm thinking the only way they'll be meeting in groups anytime soon will be in bunkers, like Haniyeh and Nasrallah.
Meanwhile, may the recently departed rest in pieces...

Yes, Mr. DeSantis, Palestinians are Indigenous, Descended from the Canaanites, and Palestinian Identity is not New
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - Here is Part 2 of my argument with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis concerning his uninformed and bigoted comments about Palestinians. Part I is here Who are the Palestinians? Nowadays, they are the Arabic-speaking inhabitants of the area stretching from the Jordan...
www.juancole.com www.juancole.com

What we now call Palestinians are for the most part descendants of groups who have been in the Near East for four thousand years, at least.

A branch of the Canaanites became Jews, while others became Nabataeans and Phoenicians.

Rome conquered this region beginning in the first century BCE and then extended its holdings into Nabataea (106 AD), Syria and Lebanon. From the 300s the Roman state increasingly backed Christianity, so that most Levantines adopted that religion, though large numbers of Jews held out.

From the 630s the Near East began coming under Arab Muslim rule and over hundreds of years many people converted to Islam, including many Jews and Christians. So some of the ancestors of today’s Palestinians were themselves Jewish converts to Christianity or Islam.

“Palestine” as a term for a geographical unit and sometimes a regional identity appears in Arab Muslim sources. The “Jund Filastin” (Filastin is the Arabic transcription of Palestine) was a military district of Syria (Sham) in the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires. The chroniclers of later empires that ruled this area referred to it as “Filastin.” There were mints for coins there and the word occurs on some medieval coins
Yes, Mr. DeSantis, Palestinians are Indigenous, Descended from the Canaanites, and Palestinian Identity is not New
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - Here is Part 2 of my argument with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis concerning his uninformed and bigoted comments about Palestinians. Part I is here Who are the Palestinians? Nowadays, they are the Arabic-speaking inhabitants of the area stretching from the Jordan...
www.juancole.com www.juancole.com

What we now call Palestinians are for the most part descendants of groups who have been in the Near East for four thousand years, at least.

A branch of the Canaanites became Jews, while others became Nabataeans and Phoenicians.

Rome conquered this region beginning in the first century BCE and then extended its holdings into Nabataea (106 AD), Syria and Lebanon. From the 300s the Roman state increasingly backed Christianity, so that most Levantines adopted that religion, though large numbers of Jews held out.

From the 630s the Near East began coming under Arab Muslim rule and over hundreds of years many people converted to Islam, including many Jews and Christians. So some of the ancestors of today’s Palestinians were themselves Jewish converts to Christianity or Islam.

“Palestine” as a term for a geographical unit and sometimes a regional identity appears in Arab Muslim sources. The “Jund Filastin” (Filastin is the Arabic transcription of Palestine) was a military district of Syria (Sham) in the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires. The chroniclers of later empires that ruled this area referred to it as “Filastin.” There were mints for coins there and the word occurs on some medieval coins
Your premise is incorrect Many of the so called Palestinians originally came from adjacent vast Arab lands to make better money in Israel because the pay was sometimes as much as ten times what they could earn in their original country… So families with last names such as Hourani came from Houran in Syria to partake of the better wages and people with last names like Tzurani came from Lebanon.. Zrakawi from Jordan.. Masri from Egypt.. Hijazi from Arabia.. Mushrab from Maghreb and the list goes on and on…Now the other side of the coin is if you claim the Palestinians were part of a larger area etc etc then using the same even playing field the Jews that emigrated from other areas that were Muslim lands have the same right to be there as do the Muslims you cannot have it both ways.. But we know you will try…
Your premise is incorrect Many of the so called Palestinians originally came from adjacent vast Arab lands to make better money in Israel because the pay was sometimes as much as ten times what they could earn in their original country… So families with last names such as Hourani came from Houran in Syria to partake of the better wages and people with last names like Tzurani came from Lebanon.. Zrakawi from Jordan.. Masri from Egypt.. Hijazi from Arabia.. Mushrab from Maghreb and the list goes on and on…Now the other side of the coin is if you claim the Palestinians were part of a larger area etc etc then using the same even playing field the Jews that emigrated from other areas that were Muslim lands have the same right to be there as do the Muslims you cannot have it both ways.. But we know you will try…

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:​

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.​
Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:​
If you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth and the world is willing to go along with it for various reasons…The baby ( that being the Jews and the state of Israel) was supposed to be stillborn the astonishment was that not only was the baby born but it thrived and excelled so they had to come up with an alternate baby to take its place that is where the Palestinians come in…

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