Portland now offering bereavement for women who have an abortion.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Since it is just a clump of cells, will they do this for women who have their gallbladder taken out as well?
What about for women who kill their husbands (or lesbian lovers)?
Well that depends.

So long as the people killed are not members of Congress its now Ok.

You can burn, loot, kill as much as you want so long as those in Congress are not directly effected by it.

But if they are effected by it, police can shoot to kill and become media heroes overnight.
If you cared so little for the baby that you'd abort it then you aren't upset enough to get off work.

Like my grandma used to tell me when I was a kid "if you're not sick enough that you can play video games you aren't sick enough to stay home from school".
Comparing a gall bladder to a human being is symptomatic of the callus way we treat human life. Ample evidence indicates that women sometimes suffer PTSD symptoms after abortions but nobody wants to talk about it.
Comparing a gall bladder to a human being is symptomatic of the callus way we treat human life. Ample evidence indicates that women sometimes suffer PTSD symptoms after abortions but nobody wants to talk about it.
They don't talk about it, because they would have to admit abortion is morally wrong.

You don't feel remorse unless you have done something wrong.
1. Why would liberals offer bereavement leave for a 'clump of cells? Could they be acknowledging the death / sacrifice of an actual baby / human being?

2. In the vast majority of abortions the choice to have one is based on eliminating 'a problem' that was going to inconvenience their lives.

Bereavement leave should not be granted for selfishly sacrificing a life for that reason.
Another reason women earn less than men as a whole.

The father should also get bereavement.

Since it is just a clump of cells, will they do this for women who have their gallbladder taken out as well?
It is oxymoronic statement bereavement leave for the killing of a human being because the woman was too dumb to use birth control?

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