Portland kidnappers are LE or military?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Big to do over on Twatter. All riled up about how awful it is that men and women in unidentible uniforms (camoflage) are "kidnapping" some "innocent" "protesters" and taking them to unknown areas and lots of boo hooing and omg's and "this is illegal" and much hand wringing along with great scalding tears.

Cities are being destroyed, "protesters" are dragging people from their cars, attacking LE, burning, looting stores and in general are domestic terrorists and now they are crying because someone is finally doing something (homeland security?) to make them stop their bullshit by doing to them far less than what they have been doing since that asshole Floyd died.

Personally, I am thrilled it's being done and hope it continues in every state that has a dem governor and mayor who have done NOTHING to protect innocent civilians while the terrorists terrorize. Seems dems are against being stopped by scarey guys in camo.

What are your thoughts about it?

Here is a link to browse:

One such tweet of many by the sobbing masses who WANT the terrorizing to continue because its "peaceful protesting". *eye roll*

“.Usually, when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street, we call it kidnapping. The actions of the militarized federal officers are flat-out unconstitutional and will not go unanswered.” [ACLU]


Free countries also don't allow or condone large masses of people to destroy private property, pull people out of their cars and beat them, attack and kill LE. Those who do those things should not be surprised when they are gathered up and hauled off. They are terrorists.
No, it is not ok, Gracie.
Uh, yes, it is ok. Loot, riot, destroy, attack...you get hauled off. Period.
We have never needed or used Secret Police/Gestapo before, why do we need them now?
Because we are not what we used to be. Things have changed. Which means enforcement is being changed too. NONE of this would be necessary if this was not still going on months later. Won't change tomorrow either. But maybe..just maybe...some idiots will go home and stfu.
No, it is not ok, Gracie.
Uh, yes, it is ok. Loot, riot, destroy, attack...you get hauled off. Period.
We have never needed or used Secret Police/Gestapo before, why do we need them now?
Because we are not what we used to be. Things have changed. Which means enforcement is being changed too. NONE of this would be necessary if this was not still going on months later. Won't change tomorrow either. But maybe..just maybe...some idiots will go home and stfu.
You are making excuses for Trump creating a Gestapo in America. These are not officers from your community who are identified and following laws. These are secret unidentified persons of unknown character and qualifications. More banana republic crap.
There HAS to be a thorough investigation of this outrage. It is a direct violation of who we are as a country. No law enforcement personnel should be on the streets of the US without uniform and identification. Otherwise, they are thugs. Congress absolutely MUST investigate this garbage, identify all involved, and bring all of this out into the open.

The people who were involved in this secret-police operation must come forward, identify themselves, and apologize to the American People.. I never thought that I would see something like this in my country. The feds responsible MUST MAKE A PUBLIC STATEMENT that explains themselves. People who praise this are covering themselves in shame, yet call themselves Americans.
The chaos these assholes are causing in Portland doesn't serve anyone but Americans who want communism, ie. Democrats. Anything bad that happens to those people is fine with me. They're depriving Americans of their freedom and liberty. Fuck antifa and BLM.

When was this ever about communism or depriving Americans of their freedom and liberty? These protesters are protesting the denial of freedom and liberty. That's why they are there. It's the "conservatives" who attack the freedom and liberty of their fellow Americans on the basis of skin color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the like. Stop attacking your fellow Americans.
Great news. Now the terrorists are being terrorized for a change. This also helps keep the officers from being killed, the element of surprise at work. Throughout American history police didn't wear uniforms. There is no law requiring them to wear uniforms, either. That came later, for public relations reasons, not laws.

Hopefully they're being warehoused prior to being loaded into shipping containers and deported.

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