Too bad the German resistance to Hitler failed

He was trying to make Germany great again.

That's true, Von Stauffenberg was trying to make Germany great again- but the liberals in Berlin foiled the attempt. Just like the libs are trying to foil Trump's destruction of the US deep state.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That's true, Von Stauffenberg was trying to make Germany great again- but the liberals in Berlin foiled the attempt. Just like the libs are trying to foil Trump's destruction of the US deep state.
One of the problems was that Stauffenberg and the other main plotters were professional soldiers. Killing Hitler was a job to planned by a professional asassin.

would have saved millions of lives.
Actually, keeping Hitler alive may have saved the world.

After all, Hitler was not that bright and insisted on micromanaging the military. Hitler was also a junkie, which further impeded what little judgment his sick twisted mind had.

Putting someone like Rommel in there to run the war probably would have prolonged things or worse.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

Well, it is good that you know you are being an asshole. I guess.

Smearing people with the slurs of fascism and genocide, simply for being nationalistic or nostalgic is truly the action of a real asshole.

I mean, like I'm not sure just "asshole" covers it. Your action there, is taking the deaths of millions and cheapening that atrocity, for a cheap partisan zinger.

That is vile.

Also, doing that type of shit, if someday a real Nazi, hints the scene, will people believe it, when the slur "nazi" had been used cheaply and constantly by assholes for generations?

YOu are beyond vile.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.

He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Obama and Hitler were also their countries worst ever leaders. Both were racists, both divided their country and both brought on an economic mess.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

Well, it is good that you know you are being an asshole. I guess.

Smearing people with the slurs of fascism and genocide, simply for being nationalistic or nostalgic is truly the action of a real asshole.

I mean, like I'm not sure just "asshole" covers it. Your action there, is taking the deaths of millions and cheapening that atrocity, for a cheap partisan zinger.

That is vile.

Also, doing that type of shit, if someday a real Nazi, hints the scene, will people believe it, when the slur "nazi" had been used cheaply and constantly by assholes for generations?

YOu are beyond vile.
Nope, when some political cult leader follows the nationalist formula they knowingly join a club that has a sizable body count.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Being able to get the history channel does not make you a student of history.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Obama and Hitler were also their countries worst ever leaders. Both were racists, both divided their country and both brought on an economic mess.
Things were fine when Donnie took over. He took every opportunity to claim credit for good news but now he's running away from everything like a coward. Classic authoritarian bullshit. The buck Never stops at Trump for you does it? Classic authoritarian blind follower. They called them "good Germans" in those days.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

Well, it is good that you know you are being an asshole. I guess.

Smearing people with the slurs of fascism and genocide, simply for being nationalistic or nostalgic is truly the action of a real asshole.

I mean, like I'm not sure just "asshole" covers it. Your action there, is taking the deaths of millions and cheapening that atrocity, for a cheap partisan zinger.

That is vile.

Also, doing that type of shit, if someday a real Nazi, hints the scene, will people believe it, when the slur "nazi" had been used cheaply and constantly by assholes for generations?

YOu are beyond vile.
Nope, when some political cult leader follows the nationalist formula they knowingly join a club that has a sizable body count.

No, they don't. Nationalism is a nearly universal force in NATIONS. That you want to pick out Nationalists that you dislike, and smear them, is just you being an asshole.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Being able to get the history channel does not make you a student of history.

Actually its you libs that really don't understand history. Otherwise you wouldn't be repeating the errors of the past.

The thing is, your leaders live like kings, while the liberal people suffer. In Germany, their socialized medicine scheme left the people to be treated by quacks like Joe Mengele--- while the liberal fuhrer had a tremendous private physician Ted Morrell who was on the cutting edge of medical practice. Similar to liberals like the Castros who went to top doctors while their people lived in squalor.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Obama and Hitler were also their countries worst ever leaders. Both were racists, both divided their country and both brought on an economic mess.
Things were fine when Donnie took over. He took every opportunity to claim credit for good news but now he's running away from everything like a coward. Classic authoritarian bullshit. The buck Never stops at Trump for you does it? Classic authoritarian blind follower.

Because only "authoritarian" politicians take credit for good things that happen during their administrations?

LOL!!! You lefties will just say ANYTHING, no matter how stupid it is, or how stupid it makes you look, if it gives you the thinnest excuse to try a partisan zinger, won't you?

With zero shame too. You are utterly soulless.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

As a student of history, I see Hitler and Obama as being a lot more similar. Both had risky medical schemes- both were hot to trot for gun control- both had a cult of personality. I remember Obama being worshipped like a greek god in Denver during the 2008 convention if no one else does.
Obama and Hitler were also their countries worst ever leaders. Both were racists, both divided their country and both brought on an economic mess.
Things were fine when Donnie took over. He took every opportunity to claim credit for good news but now he's running away from everything like a coward. Classic authoritarian bullshit. The buck Never stops at Trump for you does it? Classic authoritarian blind follower.

Because only "authoritarian" politicians take credit for good things that happen during their administrations?

LOL!!! You lefties will just say ANYTHING, no matter how stupid it is, or how stupid it makes you look, if it gives you the thinnest excuse to try a partisan zinger, won't you?

With zero shame too. You are utterly soulless.
You misunderstand, he took full ownership of the state of the country when things were OK but as soon as the shit hit the fan he started casting about for a scapegoat. Doesn't matter if his scapegoats are plausible because he knows you and the rest of the Trumpbots will buy anything. We as Americans never used to understand how men like Hitler and dozens of others could lead their loyalists so far outside the bounds of rationality. We no longer have to wonder, we are living it.
He was trying to make Germany great again.

That is an asshole statement.
Yes it is, I meant it that way. Hitler was just one of many who used a similar nationalist, nostalgic sentiment and ended up ruining their country, their reign ending in disgrace and defeat.

Well, it is good that you know you are being an asshole. I guess.

Smearing people with the slurs of fascism and genocide, simply for being nationalistic or nostalgic is truly the action of a real asshole.

I mean, like I'm not sure just "asshole" covers it. Your action there, is taking the deaths of millions and cheapening that atrocity, for a cheap partisan zinger.

That is vile.

Also, doing that type of shit, if someday a real Nazi, hints the scene, will people believe it, when the slur "nazi" had been used cheaply and constantly by assholes for generations?

YOu are beyond vile.
Nope, when some political cult leader follows the nationalist formula they knowingly join a club that has a sizable body count.

No, they don't. Nationalism is a nearly universal force in NATIONS. That you want to pick out Nationalists that you dislike, and smear them, is just you being an asshole.
You know that special feeling you get when anyone mounts some patriotic display and you automatically believe whatever bullshit they say? That is nationalism as a political tool.

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