Pope Francis doesn't know who our Creator is.

The so called great apostacy was not about the Catholic Church. That is a false teaching. Their sinners are certainly easy to point fingers at, and the accuser has done a wonderful job of pointing out the sins.

However, as I pointed out, there is only one church that is carrying out Jesus's commandments and imitating on earth as it is in heaven. As witnessed by John when he was granted the heavenly vision of the mass. Protestants will actually hold it against any Catholic for venerating saints. Imagine that. More angry about a statue of a saint than one of Thomas Jefferson.

There was never suppose to be thousands of interpretations. Paul writes that we are to hold fast to the traditions as he passed them on to us. It is imperative that we stay faithful to the Body of Christ, represented by the Church.

You want to only focus on the sins of the church? You should be careful with that. You would not want me to do that with protestants, would you? You see how it works, when you don't do unto others as you want done to you? It is sneaky, and certainly tempting to follow false teachings. Especially ones that are centuries old.

Except if you are going to judge things by its fruits, as Christ the Lord said, then why is it you throw out the good fruits of the Saints? WHy throw out the good works? Oh, here we go. Another false teaching that good works means nothing. Totally false. You are the one that said something about fruits, and if I point out the good works, there is the same protestant saying the good works mean nothing. How hypocritical.

One major issue is Mary. Well, Christ said from the cross to the disciple whom He loved .......BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER. If we are not going to say that one of the last things said by OUR LORD from the cross was not eternal, then how can we pick and choose which were eternal and which were not? Besides, it affirms the eternal meaning of those words in Revelation 12:17....

Revelation 12:17
New King James Version (NKJV)
17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, all of those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.


Now combine that with what the disciple is doing at the foot of the cross, and you see, even those words spoken by Christ were eternal. For he was bearing witness to Christ.

All of revelation gives us images of saints and angels making prayers in the form of incense that rises before the throne of God (Revelation 5:8). Again the woman that gave birth to the male child who sits at the right hand of God. The WOMAN THAT GAVE BIRTH. All of these are imitated on earth as it is in heaven. (even with in our sinful fallen state) Those that are not faithful and do not put Christs words into PRACTICE are like a fool that builds their house on soft sand. So when the winds come and floods buffet the house (church scandals, etc etc) the house is not strong enough to remain.

You can stick with the false, flimsy notion that everything else Christ said as recorded by the gospels were eternal words with the exception of those words. That is quite a convenient interpretation. He said forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. We know those words too are eternal, and not just meant for the Romans and Jews of the day. It is ridiculous. You will not convince me cause you say writings have been saying the church has had the great apostacy or the whore babylon cause some false teacher said it centuries ago.

Unless you really want me to list the bad fruits of protestants over the years.

Besides, most protestants have no clue how the church (or bible) was formed. They certainly do not have the tmeline of events. It is almost as though the church stopped forming from the end of Acts, till the beginning of the reformation. That has to be one of the most ridiculous notions I have ever heard. If that is the case, then you all better throw out the entire bible, since that so called whore of babylon declared its canon. I can give you an approximate timeline.

Again, if you go into a list of sins through out the centuries of the Catholic Church, I will be more than happy to sling mud about protestants. I may start with the KKK. However that is not fruitful and a waste of time. It will only enhance our sinful pride.

Again, there are many things that the church does that is good. Also, the teachings that is is some great apostacy or the whore of babylon is totally false. Get out of that bandwagon thinking, and understand that all of the things you have been taught are really false.

I hope that that WORD person is not trying to communicate with me. I have rarely seen such bloviated arrogance. I have seen it, but it is rare.

The main problem is they do not teach Jesus' truths.

Every branch of the trinity religions belong in the great apostasy,( 1 cor 1:10)----- a major player of Babylon the great.
It can do all the good it wants--Matt 7:21-23-- if it is not doing Gods will or they are workers of iniquity--they will not enter Gods kingdom. Hail Marys = 0-- repentence = 100%-acts 3:19-- and according to 1 cor 6:9-11--- repentence = the stopping of the doing of the sin.

Jesus taught us how to pray---Our Father( YHWH(Jehovah)--- don't you think Jesus' teachers teach Jesus' truths?

Jesus didn't teach anyone how to pray. It is our invisible heavenly Father who teaches us everything about the past, present and future because He is our Creator, not the flesh of a saint called Jesus. No flesh can be a Creator because not even our flesh was created, it is only an illusion that comes from processed information, which is actually our created existence in the mind of our Creator.

Matt 6:9-----
"I must admit, against all better judgement, I like this Pope."

(Inspired by "Dune") :)

Even though a Jew (a real one, not a Christian pretending to be Jewish,) as soon as I heard about it, one of his quotes got top of my 'favorite quotations' file:

"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion." - Pope Francis (2013)
The main problem is they do not teach Jesus' truths.

Every branch of the trinity religions belong in the great apostasy,( 1 cor 1:10)----- a major player of Babylon the great.
It can do all the good it wants--Matt 7:21-23-- if it is not doing Gods will or they are workers of iniquity--they will not enter Gods kingdom. Hail Marys = 0-- repentence = 100%-acts 3:19-- and according to 1 cor 6:9-11--- repentence = the stopping of the doing of the sin.

Jesus taught us how to pray---Our Father( YHWH(Jehovah)--- don't you think Jesus' teachers teach Jesus' truths?

Jesus didn't teach anyone how to pray. It is our invisible heavenly Father who teaches us everything about the past, present and future because He is our Creator, not the flesh of a saint called Jesus. No flesh can be a Creator because not even our flesh was created, it is only an illusion that comes from processed information, which is actually our created existence in the mind of our Creator.

Matt 6:9-----

Is this verse from man or from God?
Pope Francis knows who our Creator is.

theword does not.

If Pope Francis knew our Creator, he would be a homeless saint preaching the gospel for 42 months before his flesh is killed by unbelievers like yourself.
Jesus didn't teach anyone how to pray. It is our invisible heavenly Father who teaches us everything about the past, present and future because He is our Creator, not the flesh of a saint called Jesus. No flesh can be a Creator because not even our flesh was created, it is only an illusion that comes from processed information, which is actually our created existence in the mind of our Creator.

Matt 6:9-----

Is this verse from man or from God?

Written by mans hand but inspired by God.
Matt 6:9-----

Is this verse from man or from God?

Written by mans hand but inspired by God.

Most of the new testament consists of religious thoughts from the beast mixed with some thoughts from the invisible Christ that all us saints were created as. We saints are the only ones with the knowledge of God to understand the thoughts that came from the beast or the one's that come from our created existence as the invisible Word of God, also known as Christ.
Is this verse from man or from God?

Written by mans hand but inspired by God.

Most of the new testament consists of religious thoughts from the beast mixed with some thoughts from the invisible Christ that all us saints were created as. We saints are the only ones with the knowledge of God to understand the thoughts that came from the beast or the one's that come from our created existence as the invisible Word of God, also known as Christ.

There are some errors in trinity translations-- there is no trinity God-- it was a false Catholicism council teaching incorporated into Gods word by the will of satan through his great apostasy--this is how he does it--2 cor 11:12-15)----- Anyone who listens to Jesus' truths know its fact.
Written by mans hand but inspired by God.

Most of the new testament consists of religious thoughts from the beast mixed with some thoughts from the invisible Christ that all us saints were created as. We saints are the only ones with the knowledge of God to understand the thoughts that came from the beast or the one's that come from our created existence as the invisible Word of God, also known as Christ.

There are some errors in trinity translations-- there is no trinity God-- it was a false Catholicism council teaching incorporated into Gods word by the will of satan through his great apostasy--this is how he does it--2 cor 11:12-15)----- Anyone who listens to Jesus' truths know its fact.

Why are you trying to teach ME something I had MY prophets write about?
Most of the new testament consists of religious thoughts from the beast mixed with some thoughts from the invisible Christ that all us saints were created as. We saints are the only ones with the knowledge of God to understand the thoughts that came from the beast or the one's that come from our created existence as the invisible Word of God, also known as Christ.

There are some errors in trinity translations-- there is no trinity God-- it was a false Catholicism council teaching incorporated into Gods word by the will of satan through his great apostasy--this is how he does it--2 cor 11:12-15)----- Anyone who listens to Jesus' truths know its fact.

Why are you trying to teach ME something I had MY prophets write about?

Please sir--stay real.
There IS a true church today. Joseph Smith was called before God and made a Prophet. His order was to establish Gods church on earth once more among men.

There is a living breathing Prophet of God on Earth. As God promised there would be again.

Joseph Smith is a false prophet who was a very greedy lust-filled man who had sex with many women. God's saints are made sinless like the flesh that He's using to write this comment. This means we saints are totally obedient to God's commands.

If God is, doesn't it make sense that He's bigger than ALL the ancient stories, let alone any one of them?

Judge and you'll find yourself judged.
There are some errors in trinity translations-- there is no trinity God-- it was a false Catholicism council teaching incorporated into Gods word by the will of satan through his great apostasy--this is how he does it--2 cor 11:12-15)----- Anyone who listens to Jesus' truths know its fact.

Why are you trying to teach ME something I had MY prophets write about?

Please sir--stay real.

My voice is the only thing that is real in this world. Everything you see in this world are only illusions.
I don't believe in any religions but I do have the hidden knowledge of God available to me to know the past, present and future.
So you are a basic know-it-all.

I just know the past, present and future of God's eternal plan. That's all. The things of this world are only illusions that will be burned up soon so it's not that interesting to me anymore.
Well, now we know "theword" is: Batshitcrazy

All the saints of the first three centuries knew that an earthly kingdom ( Christianity, the symbolic toes and feet of iron and clay ) would come out of the fourth kingdom ( Roman Empire ).

Daniel 2:
36: "This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation.
37: You, O king, the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, and the might, and the glory,
38: and into whose hand he has given, wherever they dwell, the sons of men, the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air, making you rule over them all -- you are the head of gold.
39: After you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you, and yet a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth.
40: And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron, because iron breaks to pieces and shatters all things; and like iron which crushes, it shall break and crush all these.
41: And as you saw the feet and toes partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom; but some of the firmness of iron shall be in it, just as you saw iron mixed with the miry clay.
42: And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.
43: As you saw the iron mixed with miry clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.
44: And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand for ever;
45: just as you saw that a stone was cut from a mountain by no human hand, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold. A great God has made known to the king what shall be hereafter. The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure."

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