Pope-Euro Catholics to shelter refugees.

p kirkes

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2006
NW Louisiana
The Pope calls on European Catholics to shelter mid-east war refugees. Sounds noble but.......

These refugees are not western Europeans they are, by and large, mid-east Muslims and are very different, so much so that tensions will most certainly rise to the point of violence. They do not assimilate with the host country, they just suck the resources dry.

The refugee camps in that war torn region are maxed out and unsafe. The refugee's are preyed upon by forces from multiple sources, Military, bandit's, IS and rebels to name a few. The war has been going on too long, already a generation has grown up homeless. I don't blame them for trying to escape but they should try Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and the other rich gulf countries or all the 'stan countries.

Europe is putting itself in great danger by accepting more of these Muslim refugees. A cursory look at how the present Muslim population in Europe conducts itself is appalling. Separatism, violence, gettoe's, and they don't leave, just breed.

The solution promised by the IS would be good, except, all they want to do is rob, murder, rape, tax and pillage.

Is America planning on participating in this? Don't we have much the same thing happening to us with Hispanic's flooding in from south of our borders? I would hope we have better sense but I'm not that confident.

My two cents.
This is really irresponsible of the European leaders to allow these people in.
The countries involved are setting their people up for severe trouble down the road.
Muslims will not assimilate, and instead will get violent if the host countries do not bend over for their demands.
Native Europeans will be in grave danger going forward.

Europeans should immediately demand that these so-called refugees be relocated to countries like Saudi Arabia.

European leaders going along with this should be denounced.
People who denounce being and doing the Christian thing should be denounced.
This will be the beginning of the end, Europe as we know it is fading fast, with it the western way of life, the Pope wants to welcome them into an already failing system. This will sound harsh but..... These Syrians and Libyan's need to turn around and rise up and fight for their own nations, in the 70"s these countries had economies, employment, tourism. there is not one leader among them that can speak for the masses and rise up and make something out of their resources that at least benefits the majority of the masses. Reports say that 50% of the Syrian population is looking to leave and invade Europe. These dictators may have been cruel but their countries functioned at least now it is chaos, and yes we started it by overthrowing Saddam, and started the domino effect, but WTF is there no one in these countries willing to die to make it better for all or just the insane ISIS the only ones ready to fight,
This will be the beginning of the end, Europe as we know it is fading fast, with it the western way of life, the Pope wants to welcome them into an already failing system. This will sound harsh but..... These Syrians and Libyan's need to turn around and rise up and fight for their own nations, in the 70"s these countries had economies, employment, tourism. there is not one leader among them that can speak for the masses and rise up and make something out of their resources that at least benefits the majority of the masses. Reports say that 50% of the Syrian population is looking to leave and invade Europe. These dictators may have been cruel but their countries functioned at least now it is chaos, and yes we started it by overthrowing Saddam, and started the domino effect, but WTF is there no one in these countries willing to die to make it better for all or just the insane ISIS the only ones ready to fight,
You don't have the right answer, but I commend your insightfulness.
This will be the beginning of the end, Europe as we know it is fading fast, with it the western way of life, the Pope wants to welcome them into an already failing system. This will sound harsh but..... These Syrians and Libyan's need to turn around and rise up and fight for their own nations, in the 70"s these countries had economies, employment, tourism. there is not one leader among them that can speak for the masses and rise up and make something out of their resources that at least benefits the majority of the masses. Reports say that 50% of the Syrian population is looking to leave and invade Europe. These dictators may have been cruel but their countries functioned at least now it is chaos, and yes we started it by overthrowing Saddam, and started the domino effect, but WTF is there no one in these countries willing to die to make it better for all or just the insane ISIS the only ones ready to fight,
You don't have the right answer, but I commend your insightfulness.

Our forefathers stood up and died for liberty, and left an oppressive Europe to start this grand experiment, these "refugee's"/ "cowards" are running to a handout, My insights say a man stands up and fights for what is right not to run. These countries just like Mexico have vast resources and corrupt governments and religious institutions that need push back from the angry masses. weather it is pitchforks and torches or guns, it is the only way. Blood needs to be spilled to fight for liberty
Nah, there are better ways.

One way is not to emulate the country we were in the 1950s with our demonstrated cruelty to non-white peoples, whether citizens or to those overseas.
Wow! Pope thinks there's enough Euro-Catholics left to make a dent. Now I know for sure that this Pope doesn't know shit from shinola! Just, wow.........

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