Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

Not true actually......you have never been a match for me and I give you lots of shit because you live in it.

While it is always in their best interests to be diplomatic I can understand an intelligent officer of the state
simply having his fill of pubescent stupidity from news people who are supposed to be adults.
He treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...that simple.


Living down to your user name, whilst making sexist comments about the reporter. It was Pompeo who deserved to be called out, and he was. Of course being an asshole, he didn't like it. Tough shit.

Bullshit...the one thing I noticed that's missing from that hit piece is almost anything at all from the journalist...
Now why is that? Could it be that she was Rachel Maddow snide and condescending? Could it be that like most NPR journalists her questions are not really questions but instead statements with question marks on the end of them? Did it ever occur to you even once that the entire article has almost nothing at all in the way of information about what the journalist said and did in that office? No of course not! Articles like that were written for dupes like you who swallow ( no pun intended ) everything.

And what's this???...he used the F word? ( One of Obama's favorite adjectives btw ) Oh pahleese fucking grow up or get out of journalism Miss NPR lady....

The F word is only good for her when she has a mouth full of Cock and not when she's doing her job? Wow is that just a bit inconvenient or what eh?

LIke I said.....he treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...
stand by it...

And yes the moniker was carefully chosen after several years of being told that's what I am...

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He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
Nadler said Schiff verbally assaulted the Senate. It's even. Get over it.
I’d assault NPR too for all of its lies and sedition, especially if I knew they wanted to put us in Concentration Camps, Behead us, and bury us in Mass graves.

Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America

He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
NPR is VERY anti-white/anti-American/anti-GOP/etc = jackasses
my god--EVERY day they have a Hate Whitey story
..and they get tax $$$ for this HATE !!
..fk them--they need to be taken out-

Not true.
I turn it on almost everyday for a laugh---it's true
..I had stopped listening to NPR for a long time..after about a year, I turned it on and what do you know?? I hear a Hate Whitey story about how some whites financed and built a private pool so they could ''LEGALLY'' [ hahhahahahahahha ] be racists ......hahahah
etc etc EVERY day a Hate Whitey story
I’d assault NPR too for all of its lies and sedition, especially if I knew they wanted to put us in Concentration Camps, Behead us, and bury us in Mass graves.

Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America

He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
..they really put out crap all the time
..JESUS F CHRIST--they are getting tax $$ and they put out:
..Hate Whitey stories
..one time, they did a story about morphine in Uganda!!!!!! WTF??????!!!!! who cares about that stupid shit???!!!!
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
NPR is VERY anti-white/anti-American/anti-GOP/etc = jackasses
my god--EVERY day they have a Hate Whitey story
..and they get tax $$$ for this HATE !!
..fk them--they need to be taken out-

Not true.
I turn it on almost everyday for a laugh---it's true
..I had stopped listening to NPR for a long time..after about a year, I turned it on and what do you know?? I hear a Hate Whitey story about how some whites financed and built a private pool so they could ''LEGALLY'' [ hahhahahahahahha ] be racists ......hahahah
etc etc EVERY day a Hate Whitey story
NPR is like Fox News. Nothing but propaganda.
"All things considered" LOL! Stupid Moon Bat show for idiots.

NPR Libtard TDS afflicted bitch reporter?

Who gives a shit? Good for Pompeo!
NPR good in depth story's about food, science, world events ,medical info, political information delivered by both Republican & Democrat representatives of our government. & yes think it does lean more liberal, but nothing like MSMBC, FOX news, Russ, or other media that slants 90% of the news in only one direction.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
With that kind of educational background she is a truly dumbfuck. A woke dumbfuck.
I’d assault NPR too for all of its lies and sedition, especially if I knew they wanted to put us in Concentration Camps, Behead us, and bury us in Mass graves.

Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America

He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
Well, can she?

according to whom? Her? LMAO
She's not some dumbass redneck like you tRumplings.

She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1993, with degrees in Government and French Literature and in 1995 she completed her masters in European Studies at Cambridge University
Conspiracy theory crap.

Stop posting that shit, it's gonna rot yer alleged brain.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
NPR is VERY anti-white/anti-American/anti-GOP/etc = jackasses
my god--EVERY day they have a Hate Whitey story
..and they get tax $$$ for this HATE !!
..fk them--they need to be taken out-

Not true.
I turn it on almost everyday for a laugh---it's true
..I had stopped listening to NPR for a long time..after about a year, I turned it on and what do you know?? I hear a Hate Whitey story about how some whites financed and built a private pool so they could ''LEGALLY'' [ hahhahahahahahha ] be racists ......hahahah
etc etc EVERY day a Hate Whitey story
Nope, not true.

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