Poll: Voters think preventing gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights

May Laurence Tureaud have compassion for those who take polls seriously, any more. Remember that these pollsters predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 election.

The skew in such polls ought to be obvious. One who is at home, willing to take the time to handle a phone call from a pollster are going to tend to be more LIbEral than someone who, when the pollster calls, is not at home, because he's working at a job to support himself and his family.
Shame Congress can't get together, and satisfy both needs.

Of course, that would take a LOT of education.

For BOTH sides
All of this is mental masturbation. Secure SCOTUS secure the future of Right to Bear.
Jew Yoda is past her due date...the same with that commie Kennedy.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
Shame Congress can't get together, and satisfy both needs.

Of course, that would take a LOT of education.

For BOTH sides

Yeah, well.......there is only one way to make a Democrat happy, and that is give them ever single thing they want. There is no compromise with Democrats.
May Laurence Tureaud have compassion for those who take polls seriously, any more. Remember that these pollsters predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 election.

The skew in such polls ought to be obvious. One who is at home, willing to take the time to handle a phone call from a pollster are going to tend to be more LIbEral than someone who, when the pollster calls, is not at home, because he's working at a job to support himself and his family.

You mean the polls that predicted she would win the popular vote by 5 to 7 percent? yeah, they were wayyyy off. :21::21::290968001256257790-final:
So much for conservatives claiming "the country," "people/the people" doesn't want "this and that" re: gun control measures.

Fox News Poll: Voters favor gun measures, doubt Congress will act

I'll tell you what "people" don't want.
  • People don't want to tune into their news channel and hear about someone else being unlawfully shot dead.
  • People don't want their federally elected representatives to keep talking about how to dramatically reduce the quantities of people who are unlawfully shot dead; they want their elected office holders to do something about it.
I think people are putting their feet down and as politely yet sternly telling their elected representatives the following:
  • You've been given suggestions from constituents on the left and the right. Take the top two or three compatible suggestions from each one and implement them and we'll see if it gets the U.S unlawful homicide rate to a total of 3.250 or fewer deaths per year, by year, for a lustrum. If what you enact doesn't do it, you need to take more draconian measures. The one thing you're not going to do and retain your set in Congress is pay us "lip service" and pass "toothless" legislation and think we'll be thereby appeased.
It has never been so clear that easy access to guns for mass killing is a really bad idea.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
We regularly have mass shootings. Our law enforcement are killed weekly in shootings. Our police regularly shoot and kill people. Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have these problems. It's clear we need changed.
"Ban assault weapons".

Well damn, this must be a very objective poll. Must be the same firm that thought Hillary will win with 98% certainty.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
We regularly have mass shootings. Our law enforcement are killed weekly in shootings. Our police regularly shoot and kill people. Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have these problems. It's clear we need changed.

We've been through this before about a dozen times. Other countries do have their problems just like we do. You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours. Our violent crime and gun crime has been on the decrease since the 90's up until the Ferguson effect kicked in. We are in 11th place when it comes to mass murders in the world.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
We regularly have mass shootings. Our law enforcement are killed weekly in shootings. Our police regularly shoot and kill people. Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have these problems. It's clear we need changed.

We've been through this before about a dozen times. Other countries do have their problems just like we do. You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours. Our violent crime and gun crime has been on the decrease since the 90's up until the Ferguson effect kicked in. We are in 11th place when it comes to mass murders in the world.
Yes we can be compared to other civilized countries. I understand it doesn't work too well for you. We are 11th with only 3rd world countries ahead of us? Violent crime is up for 2 years in a row and counting. And we regularly bury our police and have mass shootings. These things don't happen regularly where there is strong gun control. FACT!
From the poll

. Do you think passing stricter gun control laws would make the country safer, less safe -- or not make much of a difference either way?
..................... Safer Less safe Nodifference (Don’t know)
18-21 Mar 18 44% 12 42 1
26-28 Jun 16 52% 24 20 3
Interesting how your map defeats your own argument. Compared to Mexico, South America and South Africa, our gun homicide rate might as well be some kid shooting off a pop gun.

In essence, we own the most firearms per capita in the world, but not the highest gun homicide rate. Is there anything else you would like to misconstrue this evening?
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Interesting how your map defeats your own argument. Compared to Mexico, South America and South Africa, our gun homicide might as well be some kid shooting off a pop gun.

In essence, we own the most firearms per capita in the world, but not the highest gun homicide rate. Is there anything else you would like to misconstrue this evening?
Yes because Mexico, South America, and South Africa are really politically and economically stable... They can't do anything right. But we should clearly have a homicide rate similar to Germany and Japan.
Interesting how your map defeats your own argument. Compared to Mexico, South America and South Africa, our gun homicide might as well be some kid shooting off a pop gun.

In essence, we own the most firearms per capita in the world, but not the highest gun homicide rate. Is there anything else you would like to misconstrue this evening?
Yes because Mexico, South America, and South Africa are really politically and economically stable... They can't do anything right. But we should clearly have a homicide rate similar to Germany and Japan.

That made absolutely no sense. Care to give that another... ahem... shot?
Interesting how your map defeats your own argument. Compared to Mexico, South America and South Africa, our gun homicide might as well be some kid shooting off a pop gun.

In essence, we own the most firearms per capita in the world, but not the highest gun homicide rate. Is there anything else you would like to misconstrue this evening?
Yes because Mexico, South America, and South Africa are really politically and economically stable... They can't do anything right. But we should clearly have a homicide rate similar to Germany and Japan.

That made absolutely no sense. Care to give that another... ahem... shot?

You are a slow one...

Was sarcasm. Clearly they are not economically or politically stable. Of course they have a high homicide rate. But Japan and Germany are economically and politically stable like us so we should have a similar homicide rate to them.

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