POLL: Republicans: What does your party do now?

What should the GOP do now?

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Most people would agree that the predicted massive red wave in the mid terms turned out to be something much less positive for the GOP.

So I wonder what Republicans here think about what the party should do next.

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VichyMac is upset that all his columns he pre-wrote blaming Democratic losses on Woke and Political Correctness will now go to waste.

Okay, let's look at a few sensible things.

1) The attempts by the GOP to scare people into thinking that the Drag Queens were coming for your kids fell flat (unlike what Mac Predicted).
2) It's pretty clear a lot of young people and women came out when they realized old men were trying to legislate their reproductive choices.
3) This election SHOULD have been a referendum on Biden, but because Trump just refuses to go away, it became a referendum on Trump.
4) The biggest winner was INCUMBANCY. The three Governorships and one senate seat that switched to the Dems were vacancies. If you had a job, you mostly kept that job. We talk every year about 'throwing the bums out", but very few of them were.
5) The massive defection of blacks and Hispanics to the GOP didn't happen like Mac predicted, either.

All that said, there's no reason for the GOP to abandon MAGA or even Trump. If the economy gets worse next year, the voters will want to take it out on the Democrats.
DeSantis is as bad as Trump, if not worse.
His hateful, racist, bigoted stunt of flying immigrants lawfully in the country to Massachusetts alone renders him unfit to be president – an act reckless, irresponsible, and a dishonest use of taxpayers’ dollars.
Desantis flew ONE FUCKING PLANE to Martha's Vinyard, with 50 migrants on it.

The Biden admin is flying MILLIONS of migrants all over the USA, multiply wasted tax dollars by a MILLION.

Biden is unfit to be president, and needs to be impeached for his lawless admin.

POLL: Republicans: What does your party do now?​

lol. What they've always been best at........

Most people would agree that the predicted massive red wave in the mid terms turned out to be something much less positive for the GOP.

So I wonder what Republicans here think about what the party should do next.

Please vote and comment.

Boy. Great question.

So, I'm looking at a Herschel Walker loss. Incredible, but ultimately predictable if you are capable of thinking beyond 2020. Though I believe he was a lousy candidate, he physically embodies all that is magaturd political strategy right at this moment, and as it turns out, it's wildly ineffective in getting their sorry ass candidates elected. They seem to be utilizing far left/regressive tactics

I truly thank Herschel for that. Though I flat out couldn't relate to anything he was saying during his entire campaign, I appreciate the commitment to the fellow grifters that propped up this un-vetted candidate's campaign and gave it their full 110%. Godspeed.

So, with the GOP midterm performance being more of a red leak instead of the predicted red wave, I've given thought in regards to your question, and here's my answer (I wish it was better):


The GOP will do precisely nothing to correct it's behavior until MAGA has little influence on policy, and/or doesn't bring in the PAC dollars anymore.Then they will run into way more problems.

It's been said time heals all wounds. Perhaps in the next incarnation of political dunces, maybe the GOP will lobby for legislation to run candidates that exist only as holograms. :auiqs.jpg:The advantages seem limitless.
Hahaha…you backwards as fuck libtardians are comical….You loons lecturing ANY conservative about “behavior” is like a midget lecturing NBA players about dunking. Stop it already…you’re making a complete ass of yourself in public.
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^^^^^^^ The resident triggered magaturd scumbag chimes in. ^^^^^^^ Folks, pay attention! Because, 'Merika?

Got anything more to add? Because so far, it sucks out loud.
Why the fuck do you even care?
No, don't answer that. You don't care. You want to stir the shit some more.
1. Because what happens politically in my country affects my country.
2. Because I'm curious (you wouldn't understand), and the behaviors of partisan politics fascinate me.

I'll put you down for Answer #5. You have no original thoughts and just want to bitch like an old Karen.
^^^^^^^ The resident triggered magaturd scumbag chimes in. ^^^^^^^ Folks, pay attention! Because, 'Merika?

Got anything more to add? Because so far, it sucks out loud.
Hannity and Tucker and Levin and Breitbart haven't told them what think yet.

So they just bitch and attack. It's not like they can think for themselves and contribute something.
DeSantis is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

His hateful, racist, bigoted stunt of flying immigrants lawfully in the country to Massachusetts alone renders him unfit to be president – an act reckless, irresponsible, and a dishonest use of taxpayers’ dollars.
If Trump is no longer a threat to liberals then the left will, just as Clayton suggests, spend all their ammo on DeSantis instead

Leftwing hate never goes away
DeSantis is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

His hateful, racist, bigoted stunt of flying immigrants lawfully in the country to Massachusetts alone renders him unfit to be president – an act reckless, irresponsible, and a dishonest use of taxpayers’ dollars.

Hey look the Talking Points have been released! They will fail
Boy. Great question.

So, I'm looking at a Herschel Walker loss. Incredible, but ultimately predictable if you are capable of thinking beyond 2020. Though I believe he was a lousy candidate, he physically embodies all that is magaturd political strategy right at this moment, and as it turns out, it's wildly ineffective in getting their sorry ass candidates elected. They seem to be utilizing far left/regressive tactics

I truly thank Herschel for that. Though I flat out couldn't relate to anything he was saying during his entire campaign, I appreciate the commitment to the fellow grifters that propped up this un-vetted candidate's campaign and gave it their full 110%. Godspeed.

So, with the GOP midterm performance being more of a red leak instead of the predicted red wave, I've given thought in regards to your question, and here's my answer (I wish it was better):


The GOP will do precisely nothing to correct it's behavior until MAGA has little influence on policy, and/or doesn't bring in the PAC dollars anymore.Then they will run into way more problems.

It's been said time heals all wounds. Perhaps in the next incarnation of political dunces, maybe the GOP will lobby for legislation to run candidates that exist only as holograms. :auiqs.jpg:The advantages seem limitless.
Walker's candidacy was not only an insult to a lot of Georgians, it laid bare the ugliest of partisan thinking -- we don't care how unqualified a person is, we don't care about their honesty or morality or intelligence. Just say what we want to hear, and we'll sell you our soul. Between Trump and Walker, these people have exposed themselves for what they are, loud and clear.

The parties don't learn shit. The Dems STILL refuse to admit that their ridiculous dependence on PC and Identity Politics played a big role in bringing us Trumpism in the FIRST place. The GQP? The rank & file are trained to say "just get rid of the evil RINOs and we'll clean up". The actual politicians know better, so we'll see if they can change minds.

As usual, the rank & file are going to follow MAGA media. If people like Hannity and Tucker find a way to change course without being too obvious, we may see some changes. But the rank & file aren't going to change on their own, because they just can't think for themselves.
C_Clayton_Jones is being honest

Dumping trump will not change the political and cultural schism in America

The Left will try to do to Trump what they did to DeSantis.

It will work on their people; they are lost.

It will not work on the big middle.

See: Walker lost, but Kemp won
Walker's candidacy was not only an insult to a lot of Georgians, it laid bare the ugliest of partisan thinking -- we don't care how unqualified a person is, we don't care about their honesty or morality or intelligence. Just say what we want to hear, and we'll sell you our soul. Between Trump and Walker, these people have exposed themselves for what they are, loud and clear.

Trump and Walker only prove that we are a celebrity obsessed society. Trump had a TV show and Walker was a famous football player.

The parties don't learn shit. The Dems STILL refuse to admit that their ridiculous dependence on PC and Identity Politics played a big role in bringing us Trumpism in the FIRST place. The GQP? The rank & file are trained to say "just get rid of the evil RINOs and we'll clean up". The actual politicians know better, so we'll see if they can change minds.

Well, we refuse to admit it because it just isn't true. White people have voted in the percentages they have since Tricky Dick in 1972. The ONLY reason why it is close now is because they've shrunk as a percentage of the population. Trump got the same percentages of the electorate at large and the white vote as Mitt Romney did.

The reason why Trump "won" (not really) was because so many people figured that since Hillary had it in the bag, they could piss away their vote on a third party to show how self-righteous they were.

As usual, the rank & file are going to follow MAGA media. If people like Hannity and Tucker find a way to change course without being too obvious, we may see some changes. But the rank & file aren't going to change on their own, because they just can't think for themselves.

Says the guy who keeps repeating all the same debunked talking points.

Here's the thing. MAGA and Trump aren't the problem. They are just the rash that it's broken out into. Just like the Tea Party was the rash it broke out into when white people had a collective freak out 14 years ago that a black man got into the White House.

The GOP has been playing on White Fragility and White Grievance since Tricky Dick and his Southern Strategy. The only problem is that it isn't bringing them the same returns it brought them in the 1970's and 1980's when they could ride that to 40+ state blowouts. Getting 60% of the white vote doesn't help if you are losing 70-90% of the minority vote.

On the other hand- and follow me here - if the GOP didn't have racial, sexual and religious fears to run on, all they would have is promoting the interests of the Investor Class over the Working Class. And the working class just won't go for that at this point.
Most people would agree that the predicted massive red wave in the mid terms turned out to be something much less positive for the GOP.

So I wonder what Republicans here think about what the party should do next.

Please vote and comment.

The Republicans have neutered that dumbass Potatohead by taking over the House. That means he will be a Lame Duck President and that is good for America because then he won't be able to do as much damage.

The Republican Senators will continue to use the filibuster rules to further reduce Poatohead's destruction.

In order to get this country back on track we need to get rid of the Democrat filth. Taking over the House was a great step forward but we need to get the shitheads out of the Senate and give the White House back to the people instead of it being controlled by the Chinese and welfare queens like it is now.
In order to get this country back on track we need to get rid of the Democrat filth. Taking over the House was a great step forward but we need to get the shitheads out of the Senate and give the White House back to the people instead of it being controlled by the Chinese and welfare queens like it is now.
So what is your plan for doing that, given how poorly MAGA Republicans performed in the mid terms?

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