POLL: Republicans: What does your party do now?

What should the GOP do now?

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The GOP took the House, ridding the country of treasonous Speake Nancy Pelosi.

Hopefully the GOP will strip proven criminal Adam Schiff and proven compromised criminal Fang Fang Swalwell from the House Intel Committee.

Funding for every govt program that promotes, aides, and abets the Biden administration's illegal invasion and drug / human / child trafficking should be cut.

FBI Director Wray and US AG Garland need to go.
- The FBI should be investigated, to include testimony by FBI whstleblowers.

Legislation banning TIk Tok use on all govt agency devices should be written and submitted for a vote (passed).

Legislation to prevent 'Cashless Bail' from being allowed / applied in cases of federal crimes should be passed.

Diversion of US arms to Ukraine instead going to terrorists needs to be investigated.

The FTX ponzi scheme involving tax dollars going to Democrats ... and McConnell ... need to be investigated, not led by criminal Maxine Waters.

A criminal investigation into the illegal physical abuse of J6 detainees by Capitol Police should be investigated.

An Independent Cousel should be appointed to investigate the Hunter Biden Laptop / Biden family scandals.

A GOP-led investigation of J6 should be conducted; Pelosi, Pelosi's daughter, the DC Mayor, FBI Director Wray, the FBI Agent in charge of tbe 3 'Entrapment Scheme' ops that testified and acknowledged these ops, Ray Epps, and Capitol Police who opened the doors for protestors to enter the Capitol should be subpoenaed to testify.

For starters...
So, basically, keep the grievance political agenda going at full speed. Embrace division, and essentially: do NOTHING. Magaturds like you are fucking clown shoes. :auiqs.jpg:
The war against drag queens is by no means over.

Yes, I am sure you will keep being told this is something you should be very upset about, because you never learn.

Hey, dude, remember when George W. Bush was going to save us from Gay Marriage. Ignore the fact the economy still sucks and we were bogged down in a pointless war in Iraq, Massachusetts just let gay people get married, and George W. Bush was going to save us all from Gay Marriage!

And then he got re-elected (not that he was actually elected the first time), and lo and behold, he completely forgot about the gay marriage thing. He did let the Banksters loot the country, though, and left the rest of us holding the bag with bailouts and underwater mortgages and high credit card rates.

And then in 2011, SCOTUS realized that there wasn't any reason to keep gay marriage illegal other than "I think it's icky when it's two dudes" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad."

So, yes, you can rail against the transgender, but big corporations have already decided that this isn't a fight they want to have. They are all changing internal company policies.
Why? Magaturds try to define democrat ideology in here 24/7. Fair is fair.
You don't have right wing media running a constant narrative claiming everyone on the left are racist, women hating, gay hating, etc. About the only criticism the right makes of the left is the whole groomer thing and even then, most of what you hear in that comes from just a few people...mostly here at usmb. And that's only a recent development.
I believe the wise thing to do is let Trump do it again in 2024 and when Democrats win bigly then DeSantis and his group pull a Reagan and reunite the party in 2026 and 2028.
This is actually a distinct possibility. When Trump inevitably eviscerates republicans in 2024, more and more people will get tired of losing so miserably.

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