Poll: Majority Oppose Transgender Athletes on Opposite-Sex Teams

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In his last year in office, The Surrender Monkey unilaterally reinterpreted Title IX in order to bully public schools into letting biological males play on girls' sports teams and use their bathroom and changing facilities or risk losing federal funding. As a result, the issue of biological males who “identify” as female playing on girls sports teams has become an increasing problem, even though Trumpofficially reversed this guidance in October 2018.

We’ve reported on a number of stories here at PJ Media of biological males who are breaking records by playing on girls' or women’s teams. In April, a transgender “woman” broke worldrecords in women's squat, women's bench press, and women's deadlift. (Note: Those records were ultimately revoked on a technicality because the weightlifter had not transitioned yet). n February, two Connecticut boys playing on girls' track teams broke state records , while actual girls found themselves unable to qualify for regional competitions, limiting their opportunities to be scouted by college coaches.

Unfortunately, many victims of the politically correct transgender rights movement feel they can’t speak out due to fear of being labeled a bigot. But, according to a new poll, they are part of a silent majority that opposes allowing transgender athletes to play on teams that don’t correspond to their biological sex.

In a poll released Tuesday , Rasmussen reveals that “just 28% of American Adults favor allowing transgender students to participate on the sports team of the gender they identify with, letting biological males, for example, play girls’ sports.” Roughly the same number, 31 percent, favor allowing transgender students to use bathrooms of the opposite biological sex.

This is a policy that Republicans are in the mainstream, while Democrats are not. “Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 52% of those not affiliated with either major political party oppose allowing transgender students on the teams of the gender they identify with,” according to Rasmussen. “Democrats support such a policy by a 43% to 36% margin, with 21% undecided. There’s a similar partisan breakdown when it comes to bathroom policy.”

What this poll tells us is how Republicans should frame the so-called “Equality Act,” which recently passed the House of Representatives , when it gets debated in the Senate. Every single Democrat supported the bill, and 2020 Democrats were falling all over each other to declare their support for it , including the “centrist” Joe Biden . The misnamed “Equality Act” would codify the rights of biological men to use bathrooms and changing rooms with girls, and play on their sports teams.

The American people are clearly not cool with having boys playing on girls' teams, or changing in front of little girls. Yet, Democrats endorse this madness wholeheartedly. We are always one election away from this insanity becoming the law of the land. The so-called Equality Act may not pass the Senate in 2019, but if Trump doesn’t win reelection in 2020, and Democrats gain control of the Senate, our wives, sisters, and daughters, will all be potential victims of radical policies like the “Equality Act” — be it by the invasion of privacy and safety in bathrooms, or in the realm of competitive sports, where biological males can easily power over their female counterparts.

May I add ...





#Homophobe .








I'm not sure who could seriously argue that people biologically born as males should be competing against females athletically. It's insane.
Their can't be any opposite sex teams.... everyone is free to identify with the sex they feel at the moment.

To have opposite sex teams implies gender is binary ... and we all know that isn't the case.
I'm not sure who could seriously argue that people biologically born as males should be competing against females athletically. It's insane.

I agree. No way a female can compete against a male athletically. Anyone who thinks they can is an idiot.

These transgenders shouldn't be allowed to compete against women.

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