Poll Indicates that Government Is Top Problem


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
How do Democrats keep getting reelected if this is what Americans believe?

DOJ Refuses to Press Charges for IRS Abuses | The Arizona Conservative

A recent Gallup poll revealed that the number one problem facing America, according to those polled, is “the government.” Twenty-one percent listed this as the worst problem facing the nation. Rounding out the top five problems were the economy (18%), unemployment (16%), healthcare (16%), and government debt (8%).

These poll results were dramatically out-of-sync with President Obama’s declaration that “income inequality” is this nation’s chief problem. Only 4% of the poll respondents agreed with his assessment.

As one poll respondent explained, “my work hours have been cut and my health insurance canceled. My wife has been unemployed for three years. We voted for Obama hoping he’d get us out of the Bush recession. As he promised, the government is doing more than ever, but things have just gotten worse.”

President Obama, though, denied government is to blame. “The vast majority of economic activity—manufacturing, distribution, jobs—is the responsibility of the private sector,” Obama said. “People pretty much get to do what they want. If they expect government to solve problems they’ve got to be willing to go where the government tells them and do as they’re told. Without this type of cooperation it isn’t fair that we are held accountable for people’s dissatisfaction with their lives.”​
They would be correct. The problem is that both parties have done nothing to reign in the power of the federal government. Have you ever tried not to be a disingenuous, partisan cock stain?

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