POll: Did the Trump campaign provide voter data to Russia?

Did the Trump campaign provide voter data to Russia for its trolls?

  • Definitely

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Most likely

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not likely, but possible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters

Fort Fun Indiana

Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
The paid Russian trolls seemed to have a knack for targeting the right groups of people with their fake ads and fake news. Either this is an amazing coincidence (not likely), or they had access to the type of voter data that campaigns hold.
What is "voter data"? Barry Hussein was in charge of the Country and the electoral system and it seems that the Trump organization was (illegally?) under surveillance by the Feds. As Secretary of State and a friend and member of Hussein's party, Hillary had access to a ton of classified material related to voting that civilian Trump probably never knew existed. Hillary was protected by Obama and Trump was seen as the enemy. The logical question is how the hell could Trump have any "voter data" and how he hell he could get away with sharing it with the Russians while Obama was in office?

A big $100,000 dollars worth of ads. A pittance but the left is claiming that Russia's chump change outdid Hillary's millions. Okey dokey. Means Clinton's campaign ads must have sucked big time.
What is "voter data"? Barry Hussein was in charge of the Country and the electoral system and it seems that the Trump organization was (illegally?) under surveillance by the Feds. As Secretary of State and a friend and member of Hussein's party, Hillary had access to a ton of classified material related to voting that civilian Trump probably never knew existed. Hillary was protected by Obama and Trump was seen as the enemy. The logical question is how the hell could Trump have any "voter data" and how he hell he could get away with sharing it with the Russians while Obama was in office?
That's not a mysterious question. Every campaign collects data on their target demographic voters. In fact, as candidates drop out, they offer their data to their former primary competitors. Look it up.
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A big $100,000 dollars worth of ads. A pittance but the left is claiming that Russia's chump change outdid Hillary's millions. Okey dokey. Means Clinton's campaign ads must have sucked big time.
A big $100,000 dollars worth of ads."

Which was over 3000 ads. And that is just Facebook, and is also just the ones we know about so far on Facebook. Germany just kicked 10,000 fake accounts off of Facebook before their election. Looks like Putin got the impression that it works, eh?
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The Russians have the best intelligence agency in the world, they don't need data from Trump.
What is "voter data"? Barry Hussein was in charge of the Country and the electoral system and it seems that the Trump organization was (illegally?) under surveillance by the Feds. As Secretary of State and a friend and member of Hussein's party, Hillary had access to a ton of classified material related to voting that civilian Trump probably never knew existed. Hillary was protected by Obama and Trump was seen as the enemy. The logical question is how the hell could Trump have any "voter data" and how he hell he could get away with sharing it with the Russians while Obama was in office?
We know for sure Russia had thousands of ads on Facebook. How would they know who to target.

Every time Trump said something was coming out about Hillary, a day later, Russia would release something.

Connect the dots.
The Russians have the best intelligence agency in the world, they don't need data from Trump.
Wow, the best in the world. You really, really like Russia, don't you?

Where are you posting from? Moscow? Siberia? Leningrad? Where?
What is "voter data"? Barry Hussein was in charge of the Country and the electoral system and it seems that the Trump organization was (illegally?) under surveillance by the Feds. As Secretary of State and a friend and member of Hussein's party, Hillary had access to a ton of classified material related to voting that civilian Trump probably never knew existed. Hillary was protected by Obama and Trump was seen as the enemy. The logical question is how the hell could Trump have any "voter data" and how he hell he could get away with sharing it with the Russians while Obama was in office?
We know for sure Russia had thousands of ads on Facebook. How would they know who to target.

Every time Trump said something was coming out about Hillary, a day later, Russia would release something.

Connect the dots.
Guess what? Nobody cares. Trump is the President. He won the election. All your bitching and moaning isn't going to change that, and your impeachment fantasy won't come true.
The Russians have the best intelligence agency in the world, they don't need data from Trump.
No, that's a huge stretch. It appears they almost certainly acquired voter data, which would have been the smart thing to do (efficiency). Whether or not they acquired it from the Trump campaign is an open question being investigated by Mueller's team.
What is "voter data"? Barry Hussein was in charge of the Country and the electoral system and it seems that the Trump organization was (illegally?) under surveillance by the Feds. As Secretary of State and a friend and member of Hussein's party, Hillary had access to a ton of classified material related to voting that civilian Trump probably never knew existed. Hillary was protected by Obama and Trump was seen as the enemy. The logical question is how the hell could Trump have any "voter data" and how he hell he could get away with sharing it with the Russians while Obama was in office?
We know for sure Russia had thousands of ads on Facebook. How would they know who to target.

Every time Trump said something was coming out about Hillary, a day later, Russia would release something.

Connect the dots.
Guess what? Nobody cares. Trump is the President. He won the election. All your bitching and moaning isn't going to change that, and your impeachment fantasy won't come true.
"Guess what? Nobody cares"

The interest in Roger Stone by Congress and Mueller's team shows that, in reality, some people care. Some very important people, in fact.
I don't know about where you live but out here in rural Missouri we had Russian tanks rolling the streets telling us how to vote. They even rounded us all up the morning of November 8th and forced us to vote for Trump.
I don't know about where you live but out here in rural Missouri we had Russian tanks rolling the streets telling us how to vote. They even rounded us all up the morning of November 8th and forced us to vote for Trump.

Now why would Putin have poured resources into his efforts? This wasn't the first time; he had done this in other elections around the world. Do you think he did it (again, this time to us) because he thought it was futlie, or because he thought it got results?
I don't know about where you live but out here in rural Missouri we had Russian tanks rolling the streets telling us how to vote. They even rounded us all up the morning of November 8th and forced us to vote for Trump.

Now why would Putin have poured resources into his efforts? This wasn't the first time; he had done this in other elections around the world. Do you think he did it (again, this time to us) because he thought it was futlie, or because he thought it got results?
I'm not allowed to say. All of our farms are being socialized and we have to keep quiet. I need to log off now. They're coming.
I don't know about where you live but out here in rural Missouri we had Russian tanks rolling the streets telling us how to vote. They even rounded us all up the morning of November 8th and forced us to vote for Trump.

Now why would Putin have poured resources into his efforts? This wasn't the first time; he had done this in other elections around the world. Do you think he did it (again, this time to us) because he thought it was futlie, or because he thought it got results?
I'm not allowed to say. All of our farms are being socialized and we have to keep quiet. I need to log off now. They're coming.
They won't find you , when your head is in the sand. You're totally safe. ;)
Putin buys ads. The US just overthrows regimes. Or spends a lot of effort and cash trying to. Still haven't been able to depose Assad despite $$$$$$$$$$$$ trying.

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