Poll: Cooling, Stable, Warming, AGW?

Poll: Cooling, Stable, Natural Warming, AGW?

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  • Poll closed .

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
1. Cooling.
2. Stable with only small variations up/down.
3. Warming by nature's hand with minor or no human causation.
4. Mostly or all AGW. (half+)
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So far two illiterate Trolls are closest to #2.
(and unwittingly admitted they really have nothing of note/merit to share in the section)
Many others will not vote to avoid losing their conservative/high-fiving appearance here.

EDIT: 1outluck again Trolls below, thanked by OddsterParrot.. who notably did NOT/could Not Vote.
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1. Cooling.
2. Stable with only small variations up/down.
3. Warming by nature's hand with minor or no human causation.
4. Mostly or all AGW. (half+)
I voted "cooling" for two reasons:

1) If the left says it's warming, then I KNOW it's cooling.
2) Southern Utah just had a record, accumulated snowfall this last winter. Beat all previous records by a long shot.
I voted "cooling" for two reasons:

1) If the left says it's warming, then I KNOW it's cooling.
2) Southern Utah just had a record, accumulated snowfall this last winter. Beat all previous records by a long shot.
So vote 'cooling.'
Further positive evidence would be constructive rather than being Troll #3 in a row.
So far two illiterate Trolls are closest to #2.
(and unwittingly admitted they really have nothing of note/merit to share in the section)
Many others will not vote to avoid losing their conservative/high-fiving appearance here.
You ask a question and when people answer, you call them "trolls." So who's the troll NOW?
Earth has its own thermometer, ocean/sea level.

That thermometer has not moved at all for 200 years, proving neither has Earth's climate...

which explains

NO BREAKOUT in Cane Activity

just the deliberate misinterpretation of Urban Heat Sink Effect in the Surface Ground series....
maybe we don't like canned polls Abu

It looks to me like the VAST Majority of the posters are EMBARRASSED about going on the record.

You Don't have to be 'Canned.'
You are Very Welcome to post a more Nuanced Opinion in your Own words, but not to be a TROLL.
So give us Your Uncanned opinion.

So many here are just partisan bashers in Climate threads but have No real opinion, or the opposite one as the one they mock to stay in the 'club.'

ie, EMH above is a 1 or a bit more 2 in His OWN WORDS.
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I'll count sparky as a #4. AGW believer.
These two posts among others.

Actually it;s the Right that Rejects science , except when it serves them , which yet again portays our Denier 'n chief as unable to lead by example
In the grander scope, Trump's top gov appointees , EPA , etc are all oilmen who downplay CC, while being funded for it's growing expenses
Maybe they can blame it all on an angry God, get the 'religmo end times' vote, eh?


May 20, 2019, Making fun of Trump, the 'Denier in Chief' (of Climate Change) and his 'Chinese Hoax.'
Posting a meme from 'Climate Science Denial.'
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I picked #3 ... though I'd like to have had a bit more room above ... if we include deforestation with AGW, I think the human component would be more than "minor", but less than "all" ...

The Urban Heat Island Effect is ... obviously ... all AGW ... just saying ... call it #3-1/2 ... or #3.1416, just for fun ...
I'll count sparky as a #4. AGW believer.
Fact is, you could easily convince me the human race is polluting itself into oblivion Abu

But you'll never convince me Big Green is anything more than globalism cloaked in the guise of our salvation

Fact is, you could easily convince me the human race is polluting itself into oblivion Abu

But you'll never convince me Big Green is anything more than globalism cloaked in the guise of our salvation

What is "Big Green"?

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