POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
I don't think minority voting is driven by issues, at this point.
Agreed! The GOP thinks that the improved economy will pull in a lot of votes, and they're wrong about that.

I agree about that. The GOP is stuck on thinking about governing as a way to get votes.

Trump has done some symbolic pandering, with pardoning dead guys and such stuff.
One thing that's clear on the board Joe is that you don't speak for anyone much less everyone on the board.

What's hilarious is that you twisted my point with selective editing then called me dishonest. You're a hoot. That's why I keep bantering with you

No, just don't have time to repeat all your babble.

Again your abysmal reading skills. That isn't what I said, Joe
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.
Hitler ordered the death of political opponents. Trump no.
Hitler controlled the media, Trump tweets a lot.
Hitler invaded over a dozen countries, Trump hasn’t attempted to invade one.
Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.
Hitler started a World War, that resulted in 5 million of his solders dying, Trump has started no wars.
Hitler believed in and practiced eugenics, Trump no.
Hitler had women sterilized, Trump no.
Hitler had mobile gas chambers to eliminate opposition, Trump has none.
Hitler had executed biological warfare against his enemies, Trump no.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Lastly, Obama and Trump both issued executive orders and on a couple occasions the courts bitch slapped them when they had to.

Get a grip people.

We saw some on the right compare Big Ears to Stalin, Mao, and Lenin. Some still do.

Now some on the left call Donnie Hitler.


I tend to think these people have been brainwashed by their media sources. If true, it reveals the power of the media and the few billionaires who own it. It is rather disconcerting to think these people walk among us.

I am very sadden to see that Joe is one of those people. I really thought he had a functioning mind.

Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.
Hitler ordered the death of political opponents. Trump no.
Hitler controlled the media, Trump tweets a lot.
Hitler invaded over a dozen countries, Trump hasn’t attempted to invade one.
Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.
Hitler started a World War, that resulted in 5 million of his solders dying, Trump has started no wars.
Hitler believed in and practiced eugenics, Trump no.
Hitler had women sterilized, Trump no.
Hitler had mobile gas chambers to eliminate opposition, Trump has none.
Hitler had executed biological warfare against his enemies, Trump no.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Lastly, Obama and Trump both issued executive orders and on a couple occasions the courts bitch slapped them when they had to.

Get a grip people.

We saw some on the right compare Big Ears to Stalin, Mao, and Lenin. Some still do.

Now some on the left call Donnie Hitler.


I tend to think these people have been brainwashed by their media sources. If true, it reveals the power of the media and the few billionaires who own it. It is rather disconcerting to think these people walk among us.

I am very sadden to see that Joe is one of those people. I really thought he had a functioning mind.

Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?
I don't believe MOST democrats citizens think as you describe. I don't think most democrat politicians do either. Yes there are exceptions, but I tend to think they are in the minority.

If you really think democrats as a whole want to eliminate free speech and turn the nation into a prison camp as Stalin, Mao, and Lenin did, I think you are badly mistaken and buying the propaganda from the right. This propaganda is designed to divide us and keep us fighting, while the ruling class enriches and empowers itself.
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.
Hitler ordered the death of political opponents. Trump no.
Hitler controlled the media, Trump tweets a lot.
Hitler invaded over a dozen countries, Trump hasn’t attempted to invade one.
Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.
Hitler started a World War, that resulted in 5 million of his solders dying, Trump has started no wars.
Hitler believed in and practiced eugenics, Trump no.
Hitler had women sterilized, Trump no.
Hitler had mobile gas chambers to eliminate opposition, Trump has none.
Hitler had executed biological warfare against his enemies, Trump no.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Lastly, Obama and Trump both issued executive orders and on a couple occasions the courts bitch slapped them when they had to.

Get a grip people.

We saw some on the right compare Big Ears to Stalin, Mao, and Lenin. Some still do.

Now some on the left call Donnie Hitler.


I tend to think these people have been brainwashed by their media sources. If true, it reveals the power of the media and the few billionaires who own it. It is rather disconcerting to think these people walk among us.

I am very sadden to see that Joe is one of those people. I really thought he had a functioning mind.

Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?
I don't believe MOST democrats citizens think as you describe. I don't think most democrat politicians do either. Yes there are exceptions, but I tend to think they are in the minority.

If you really think democrats as a whole want to eliminate free speech and turn the nation into a prison camp as Stalin, Mao, and Lenin did, I think you are badly mistaken and buying the propaganda from the right. This propaganda is designed to divide us and keep us fighting, while the ruling class enriches and empowers itself.

You have battered wife syndrome. Open your eyes and see what the left has become. That right and left are both not perfect does not mean that right = left. The left is way worse. I hate the Republican party. Read my sig. But they aren't nearly the threat to my liberty that the left has become.

As for speech, sure, it's the minority that are actually going out and advocating shutting down free speech aloud. But the silence from the rest of the left is deafening. Here's a dollar, buy a clue to where their silence shows they really stand
...a pattern promoted by the ruling class and it's media, designed to divide.
This is the power of ideology. You can't talk them out of this. They REALLY DO BELIEVE it. It's not like they're lying or playing games.

That's the problem, and this kind of thing is spreading.
Lunacy is a disease that can spread. Perhaps they can find a cure one day.
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.
Hitler ordered the death of political opponents. Trump no.
Hitler controlled the media, Trump tweets a lot.
Hitler invaded over a dozen countries, Trump hasn’t attempted to invade one.
Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.
Hitler started a World War, that resulted in 5 million of his solders dying, Trump has started no wars.
Hitler believed in and practiced eugenics, Trump no.
Hitler had women sterilized, Trump no.
Hitler had mobile gas chambers to eliminate opposition, Trump has none.
Hitler had executed biological warfare against his enemies, Trump no.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Lastly, Obama and Trump both issued executive orders and on a couple occasions the courts bitch slapped them when they had to.

Get a grip people.

We saw some on the right compare Big Ears to Stalin, Mao, and Lenin. Some still do.

Now some on the left call Donnie Hitler.


I tend to think these people have been brainwashed by their media sources. If true, it reveals the power of the media and the few billionaires who own it. It is rather disconcerting to think these people walk among us.

I am very sadden to see that Joe is one of those people. I really thought he had a functioning mind.

Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?
I don't believe MOST democrats citizens think as you describe. I don't think most democrat politicians do either. Yes there are exceptions, but I tend to think they are in the minority.

If you really think democrats as a whole want to eliminate free speech and turn the nation into a prison camp as Stalin, Mao, and Lenin did, I think you are badly mistaken and buying the propaganda from the right. This propaganda is designed to divide us and keep us fighting, while the ruling class enriches and empowers itself.

You have battered wife syndrome. Open your eyes and see what the left has become. That right and left are both not perfect does not mean that right = left. The left is way worse. I hate the Republican party. Read my sig. But they aren't nearly the threat to my liberty that the left has become.

As for speech, sure, it's the minority that are actually going out and advocating shutting down free speech aloud. But the silence from the rest of the left is deafening. Here's a dollar, buy a clue to where their silence shows they really stand
Then we are in full agreement.
  • Thanks
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This is a political tactic..............to enrage their base in hopes of taking seats come November.......Doesn't matter it's all BS..............the far left....maybe 20% of them total are pretty RADICAL.............easy to bring to a boil .............polarize.......get them pumped......and off to cause CHAOS...........

Nothing new here except it is worse than I've ever seen it.
I saw a story about a Gay Jewish Nazi fellow, Otto Rahn, looking for the holy grail for Himmler. It's mind boggling. People can be THAT deluded and yet be so self destructive. Then I think of the ranting and ravings of the left, and the hate, and propaganda they spew. Mass delusions of the left are SO much better, for some unexplained reason.
But liberals are different ,because.. (?) Their delusions are so much better. WHY? They're getting scary violent and confrontational like brown shirts in 1933 Berlin. Like that, so if anyone wants to paint anyone in a bad light, liberals better think twice here.
I saw a story about a Gay Jewish Nazi fellow, Otto Rahn, looking for the holy grail for Himmler. It's mind boggling. People can be THAT deluded and yet be so self destructive. Then I think of the ranting and ravings of the left, and the hate, and propaganda they spew. Mass delusions of the left are SO much better, for some unexplained reason.
But liberals are different ,because.. (?) Their delusions are so much better. WHY? They're getting scary violent and confrontational like brown shirts in 1933 Berlin. Like that, so if anyone wants to paint anyone in a bad light, liberals better think twice here.

A synagogue locked out a film crew of a pro-life RvW movie being made in Louisiana when they found out that the movie was not pro-abortion.

The primary characteristic of jews is their refusal to accept God's law.
I saw a story about a Gay Jewish Nazi fellow, Otto Rahn, looking for the holy grail for Himmler. It's mind boggling. People can be THAT deluded and yet be so self destructive. Then I think of the ranting and ravings of the left, and the hate, and propaganda they spew. Mass delusions of the left are SO much better, for some unexplained reason.
But liberals are different ,because.. (?) Their delusions are so much better. WHY? They're getting scary violent and confrontational like brown shirts in 1933 Berlin. Like that, so if anyone wants to paint anyone in a bad light, liberals better think twice here.

A synagogue locked out a film crew of a pro-life RvW movie being made in Louisiana when they found out that the movie was not pro-abortion.

The primary characteristic of jews is their refusal to accept God's law.
So, being kosher and not indulging in infanticide is wrong? Religions are funny like that. And Muslims tax non- Muslims and punish gays and....and so on and so forth. So religion, well I don't know how that factors in here. Which leads me to another off topic question: So what mortal "KNOWS" the word of god? Or even IF there is a GOD? And what does that have to do with this thread even?
A lot of talk, not really saying much of anything.

You certainly did not justify your stupid comparison. YOu just, again, talked about how you had done so in the past. lol.


And you totally missed my point about the concept of political support vs cult of personality. Right over your little head.

Only a fucking asshole would claim that a man who wants to send people home is the same as a man who wants to send people to the gas chamber.

HIs focus most recently was trying to get rid of nuclear weapons in South Korea.

NOw he is moving on to Trade Issues, trying to bring jobs back to the US.

I've talking to a lot of people who have valid opposition to those policies.

But pretending he is fucking Hitler, is something only a fucking asshole would do.
You're just a typical internet troll who doesn't know what he's responding to.
You have battered wife syndrome. Open your eyes and see what the left has become. That right and left are both not perfect does not mean that right = left. The left is way worse. I hate the Republican party. Read my sig. But they aren't nearly the threat to my liberty that the left has become.

As for speech, sure, it's the minority that are actually going out and advocating shutting down free speech aloud. But the silence from the rest of the left is deafening. Here's a dollar, buy a clue to where their silence shows they really stand
We have a President who calls the free press the "enemy of the state" and an Annapolis shooter who was influenced by the alt-right and you say the left doesn't believe in free speech?

That's just lunacy!
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
Trump supporters are Nazis. Trump thinks Nazis are "fine people". If the shoe fits, stop quacking like a duck!

You are a very sick individual. Quick question, were you ever incarcerated? If so, what crime did commit in front of the police?
As an American I want our borders secure. I want our laws enforced. There is a legal way to become a citizen and to work here.

Left.............responds.........Your a fucking Nazi, Bigot, Homophobe.......you put kids in cages and feed them dog food..............We have to stop you Nazi MFR's before it's too late............

Then these idiots think we are the one with the problem..............Were they dropped on their heads at birth.
Trump supporters are Nazis. Trump thinks Nazis are "fine people". If the shoe fits, stop quacking like a duck!
It is most unfortunate that there are Americans like you. You clearly are a dupe for the criminal ruling class.

You and those like you as well as those on the right who believe similar idiocy, are the reason why we are so divided. You are playing right into the hands for the criminal ruling class, but too stupid to know it.

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