POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
You and the voices in your head? Obviously pro-lifers consider abortion to be murder, which is clearly in the bible. I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean that I can't read her post and understand what she said. You've got the worst reading skills, Joe. Just horrible

Except the Bible doesn't say abortion is murder. In fact, it says QUITE the opposite.

In fact, the Bible specifically says this.

Numbers 5

5:19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse: (5:19) "And the priest shall ... say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee ... be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse."
(5:20) "But if ... some man have lain with thee beside thine husband,"

(5:21) "The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell."

(5:22) "And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen."

So they had no problem causing an abortion in an unfaithful woman.

Then you have this little gem.

Exodus 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

Sounds pretty clear to me. Killing a someone else's fetus is only worthy of a fine.

You can have that debate with Kosher. My point was that your reading skills are horrible that you couldn't read her post. You obviously couldn't since you had to ask her.

Joe: "Okay.. .Please point out to me in the Bible where Abortion is prohibited. "

Obviously she is referring to that she believes it's murder, which is in the Bible. I mean duh
What he said is clear, and that's not what he said. Again with the horrible reading comprehension. He called the press that lies the enemy of the people, not the press that "disagrees with him."

The problem is, the Press isn't lying, is it? Oh, wait, it doesn't say what the Fuhrer wants to hear, so it must be lying.

You know for a "Libertarian", you aren't too clear on the whole "Liberty" thing. A free press is one that CAN criticize the President without being called "An Enemy of the People".

Fake news is lying. They lie so much they make Trump look like a Vulcan. But that's beside the point.

The point is that you didn't grasp what Trump even said. He said that fake news is the enemy of the people. He did not say a free press is the enemy of the people as you claimed.

You've got virtually no English comprehension. You misread and misquote over and over and over. If you were right about Trump, you'd want to hold him to what he actually said. That you have to misread and lie about what he said shows that even you know there's something wrong with your argument
Conversations with you always end up being so dumbed down. Of course they didn't play the exact same doctor. But there is obviously a theme that makes the doctor who he is. McCoy said he had never watched the Doctor, and that was obvious. Clearly that's what I was saying. Again, your English comprehension is just horrible. McCoy said he had never seen the Doctor when he played the part. You thought that I meant every doctor was exactly the same? Seriously?

Um, guy, you said.

He said he never watched the doctor and wanted to make the part his own.

to which I replied,

EVERY actor has made the part his (and now her) own. That's kind of the point.

But you know, here's the funny thing about it. Actors only really do characterization. The actual development of the character is done by the WRITERS. And the writers were the same guys who had been working on the show for years.

So he wasn't a fan of the show. Not seeing that as bad or good. a lot of actors who played the role really didn't watch the series before getting the job.

And some who were real fanboys and their portrayals left much to be desired.

Fake news is lying. They lie so much they make Trump look like a Vulcan. But that's beside the point.

The point is that you didn't grasp what Trump even said. He said that fake news is the enemy of the people. He did not say a free press is the enemy of the people as you claimed.

You've got virtually no English comprehension. You misread and misquote over and over and over. If you were right about Trump, you'd want to hold him to what he actually said. That you have to misread and lie about what he said shows that even you know there's something wrong with your argument

Like I said, guy, Trump could devour a puppy on live television, and you fucking cultists would be back here telling us how the puppy totally had it coming and then talk about the nutritional value of puppies.

Oh, yeah, and mention that Obama ate dog meat once when he was a child in Indonesia... because no Defense of your Fuhrer is complete without a "but, but, but.... OOOOOOObama".

Trump called a free press "The enemy of the people', not because they report "fake news" (they don't) but because they are critical of him.
Conversations with you always end up being so dumbed down. Of course they didn't play the exact same doctor. But there is obviously a theme that makes the doctor who he is. McCoy said he had never watched the Doctor, and that was obvious. Clearly that's what I was saying. Again, your English comprehension is just horrible. McCoy said he had never seen the Doctor when he played the part. You thought that I meant every doctor was exactly the same? Seriously?

Um, guy, you said.

He said he never watched the doctor and wanted to make the part his own.

to which I replied,

EVERY actor has made the part his (and now her) own. That's kind of the point.

But you know, here's the funny thing about it. Actors only really do characterization. The actual development of the character is done by the WRITERS. And the writers were the same guys who had been working on the show for years.

So he wasn't a fan of the show. Not seeing that as bad or good. a lot of actors who played the role really didn't watch the series before getting the job.

And some who were real fanboys and their portrayals left much to be desired.

kaz said: Sylvester said he never watched the doctor and he wanted to make the part his own

Joe heard: He wanted to make the part their own, gets a stick up his ass

What we have here is yet another example of your abysmal reading skills. Obviously I'm talking at another level where he said he's glad he never watched the show

And you're seriously a Doctor Who fan, and you don't realize that the Doctors are different, but there's a basic theme they all follow? You seriously don't know that?
Fake news is lying. They lie so much they make Trump look like a Vulcan. But that's beside the point.

The point is that you didn't grasp what Trump even said. He said that fake news is the enemy of the people. He did not say a free press is the enemy of the people as you claimed.

You've got virtually no English comprehension. You misread and misquote over and over and over. If you were right about Trump, you'd want to hold him to what he actually said. That you have to misread and lie about what he said shows that even you know there's something wrong with your argument

Like I said, guy, Trump could devour a puppy on live television, and you fucking cultists would be back here telling us how the puppy totally had it coming and then talk about the nutritional value of puppies.

Oh, yeah, and mention that Obama ate dog meat once when he was a child in Indonesia... because no Defense of your Fuhrer is complete without a "but, but, but.... OOOOOOObama".

Trump called a free press "The enemy of the people', not because they report "fake news" (they don't) but because they are critical of him.

I didn't even vote for Trump and I'm a "cultist." What does that you make for Hillary? It's not her boots you want to lick, is it?

It's hilarious how you idiots say things like "but Obama" after eight years of your bringing up W all through the Obama administration.

Both of those actually show the same thing. The real point is not "but Obama," it's just about your hypocrisy. Which you practice again here
What we have here is yet another example of your abysmal reading skills. Obviously I'm talking at another level where he said he's glad he never watched the show

I guess... it you really think that's the point. I'd be more worried if he had watched the show and just tried to imitate what Tom Baker did because that was the one everyone liked.

And you're seriously a Doctor Who fan, and you don't realize that the Doctors are different, but there's a basic theme they all follow? You seriously don't know that?

Um, yeah, and how did McCoy deviate from that theme, exactly, bud.

He was still an eccentric time traveller who went around having adventures with human companions (usually young and female). He really didn't break from the formula. If anything, he stuck to the formula too much. He even managed to hit the "Big Three" of adversaries, having one appearance by the Daleks, Cybermen and the Master.

Also, I've kind of given you a pass here, (which is always a mistake) of taking it at face value that McCoy said he never watched the show. Because I remember at least one interview where he compared his Doctor to Patrick Troughton (the Second Doctor). (Troughton isn't well known to American fans because few of his episodes ever aired here, and most of them have been lost.)

Not to worry, you obsession with me being what it is, you'll probably claim I never saw an episode of the series...
I didn't even vote for Trump and I'm a "cultist." What does that you make for Hillary? It's not her boots you want to lick, is it?

No, I voted for Kasich in the primary and if the GOP had a lick of good sense and nominated him, I'd have voted for him in the general.

There were only two people who were going to be president... wasting a vote on a dope smoking hippy wasn't an option.

It's hilarious how you idiots say things like "but Obama" after eight years of your bringing up W all through the Obama administration.

Well, if I brought up Bush (who I voted for twice), it was to criticize things he actually did.

Now, here's the thing. I really, honestly wish I could say I turned on Bush after Iraq or Katrina.. but it wasn't until his fuckups had an effect on my life that I changed my mind about him.
What we have here is yet another example of your abysmal reading skills. Obviously I'm talking at another level where he said he's glad he never watched the show

I guess... it you really think that's the point. I'd be more worried if he had watched the show and just tried to imitate what Tom Baker did because that was the one everyone liked.

And you're seriously a Doctor Who fan, and you don't realize that the Doctors are different, but there's a basic theme they all follow? You seriously don't know that?

Um, yeah, and how did McCoy deviate from that theme, exactly, bud.

He was still an eccentric time traveller who went around having adventures with human companions (usually young and female). He really didn't break from the formula. If anything, he stuck to the formula too much. He even managed to hit the "Big Three" of adversaries, having one appearance by the Daleks, Cybermen and the Master.

Also, I've kind of given you a pass here, (which is always a mistake) of taking it at face value that McCoy said he never watched the show. Because I remember at least one interview where he compared his Doctor to Patrick Troughton (the Second Doctor). (Troughton isn't well known to American fans because few of his episodes ever aired here, and most of them have been lost.)

Not to worry, you obsession with me being what it is, you'll probably claim I never saw an episode of the series...

Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan. Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?
I didn't even vote for Trump and I'm a "cultist." What does that you make for Hillary? It's not her boots you want to lick, is it?

No, I voted for Kasich in the primary and if the GOP had a lick of good sense and nominated him, I'd have voted for him in the general.

There were only two people who were going to be president... wasting a vote on a dope smoking hippy wasn't an option.

Undo the spin, and you still voted for Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump, yet I'm a "cultist." That clearly makes you a licker for Hillary. And not her boots

It's hilarious how you idiots say things like "but Obama" after eight years of your bringing up W all through the Obama administration.

Well, if I brought up Bush (who I voted for twice), it was to criticize things he actually did.

Now, here's the thing. I really, honestly wish I could say I turned on Bush after Iraq or Katrina.. but it wasn't until his fuckups had an effect on my life that I changed my mind about him.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

You need to work on your story. Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach

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