Politics, "Wokeness" and Absurdity

The only people who think removing instruction manuals from schools that teach preteen boys how to perform fellatio is an abridgement of "free speech" are those who want preteen boys learning the act.
No one needs to teach anyone how to perform fellatio, it's pretty straight forward. What we need to teach is acceptance of the gay community and gay teens.
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
:itsok: Awww.... someone needs a hug. Awww.
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
When you go out of your way to uncover what you believe are societies absurdities, the obsession becomes all consuming. You want to control said absurdities, but you can't, because that would infringe upon the freedom and liberty of others. :dunno:

This is a profound waste of time to me.
Smoking effeminizing cannabis is a different thing than thinking one is the opposite gender they were born with: their birth genome will always already be their birth sex, their birth gender. No chemical hormones or scalpels can change that fact. They are simply playing name games in their "woke" heads.
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?

Become? We're already there.
The number of cases is legion. But here are six cases where people were arrested, prosecuted or sued that ultimately were overturned by the Supreme Court:

I am not condoning what happened in any of these or any similar cases. In fact I would be vocal criticizing or condemning these kinds of things. But SCOTUS was correct that the people doing them have the constitutional right to do so.

In effect the high court has been consistent in refusing to uphold 'hate speech' as a prosecutable offense unless there is material or bodily harm to an offended party.
Those cases actually make my point in that over 75 years, the courts have consistently struck down attempts to legislate against free speech, including attempting to restrict it by defining it as hate, obscenity, blasphemy etc. The bar for slander, defamation or libel is very for that reason. It also makes the point that this is not a left or right issue.
That belongs in your church Sunday School, you do not have any right to impose your religious views on others.

I've got every right to let people know that its wrong and I'll continue to do so. One other thing, why would anyone want to force someone to do something. That has to come from within. Can you comprehend that?
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No, we need to teach our young children that homosexuality is wrong and an abomination and NEVER to be accepted or condoned.
You can try to teach your children that sort of intolerance but they are getting counter programing from so many different avenues, including their own ability to have rational thoughts, that you're fighting a losing battle. You're a dinosaur.
That belongs in your church Sunday School, you do not have any right to impose your religious views on others.
LGBTQ becomes a religion where it most goes wrong, even if having accepted the more benign part of the alphabet: LBG. When it got to T, it may as well have been the foundations, a la blm, of a new religion. T is the pathological pivot, the major mistake taken into three real-time dimensions.
Your reasoning is circular and a weaponized name game based on illusion.
I don't think you know what circular reasoning is or are able to recognize objective reality from illusion. Homosexuality is natural in many animals including humans. That's an objective fact. The circular logic comes from idiots who's proof that homosexuality is a sin comes from the tenets of a God they can't prove exists.
And, this misinformation coming from all different sources must be corrected and that's what I do.
You don't do any such thing. Your Bible and your faith are being rejected by more and more young people who have no time or patience for your ignorant bigotries.

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