Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Staying on topic.....So the best we have come up with is that Americans benefit from diversity for the food recipes?
Why doesn't Gavin Newsom and other politicians just say that then...that we are great because we have better access to a variety of foods?
Nope it makes you a whiny bitch so we all know to avoid you in public.

Well come on bud...this should be an easy task for you and Gavin Newsom...show us some spread sheets and shit...show us how we are better for our diversity?
I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?

They don’t. Your fear is the barrier.

Do you honestly believe people gravitate toward others they have nothing in common with?

If you were human, you’d know that we all have more in common than not.

haha..that sounds sooo deep and noble...!

Only because you are so shallow and ignoble.

You should look in the mirror. He has a point. Again, I disagree with it but he has one.
They don’t. Your fear is the barrier.

.....His gripe is legitimate. ....

Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.
.....His gripe is legitimate. ....

Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong
Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?

Was that a rhetorical question?
They don’t. Your fear is the barrier.

.....His gripe is legitimate. ....

Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

....your livelihood is dependent upon population. .....

Everyone’s is, dumbass.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?

Was that a rhetorical question?
Oh no, he was just judging his own retardation with what others may have...
You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic
.....His gripe is legitimate. ....

Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

You keep saying that.,.what does that mean?
I’m weak and scared of what?

Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

....your livelihood is dependent upon population. .....

Everyone’s is, dumbass.

You mean like the folks in Canada where 36.7 million people occupy 3.85 million square miles?
Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Look Teach...I've made a very simple request...You and the likes of Gavin Newsom should easily be able to SHOW us how Americans benefit from diversity. You haven't because you can't and that scares you. Sack up and explain it...you're a smart dude....GO!
Of anyone who looks superficially different to any degree, and anything about which you are ignorant (which is just about everything).

Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Professor, you’re losing this debate to him and badly. Maybe it is you who has never studied logic. I am still waiting for you to explain how an opinion may be wrong.
Look bud, you're a teacher, Father Government owns your ass...

There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Look Teach...I've made a very simple request...You and the likes of Gavin Newsom should easily be able to SHOW us how Americans benefit from diversity. You haven't because you can't and that scares you. Sack up and explain it...you're a smart dude....GO!

Diversity is fine in terms of food, religion and such but not to culture and America 1st attitude.
Diversity is what fucked this country up.

We need to be a country of White European immigrants, not a country of third world assholes.
There’s that ignorance again.

Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Look Teach...I've made a very simple request...You and the likes of Gavin Newsom should easily be able to SHOW us how Americans benefit from diversity. You haven't because you can't and that scares you. Sack up and explain it...you're a smart dude....GO!

Diversity is fine in terms of food, religion and such but not to culture and America 1st attitude.

Where we’ve gone terribly wrong is simply identifiable.
Just to be candid...We have essentially FORCED our citizenry to pay extremely low grade foreigners to ruin our education system, our healthcare system, our communities, cities and even states....Further, we have forced our citizens to roll the red carpet out for them and conform to their ‘ways’. This wouldn’t and doesn’t make sense anywhere else....Anybody sane and without ties to the foreign filth would see it that way.
Do you agree Golfing Gator ...YES or NO?
Prove him wrong

He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Look Teach...I've made a very simple request...You and the likes of Gavin Newsom should easily be able to SHOW us how Americans benefit from diversity. You haven't because you can't and that scares you. Sack up and explain it...you're a smart dude....GO!

Diversity is fine in terms of food, religion and such but not to culture and America 1st attitude.

Where we’ve gone terribly wrong is simply identifiable.
Just to be candid...We have essentially FORCED our citizenry to pay extremely low grade foreigners to ruin our education system, our healthcare system, our communities, cities and even states....Further, we have forced our citizens to roll the red carpet out for them and conform to their ‘ways’. This wouldn’t and doesn’t make sense anywhere else....Anybody sane and without ties to the foreign filth would see it that way.
Do you agree Golfing Gator ...YES or NO?

My parents were immigrants but they learned the language, learned the culture, both diehard Pats fans and to them America is first and foremost. That is assimilation. They came here legally. They came here to be Americans. Not to change America.
Next time you see a black man thank him for helping to build the US for free...

Should I also thank him for all the stores that closed around here forcing me to deal with Amazon for everything I buy, or perhaps for my property value being half of what it was when I bought the place 25 years ago?
I buy from Amazon also yet my property values have not decreased...They tripled since 1998...And yes they be black folks around here, more than when I moved here...

Then it's a very small percentage. We didn't have a problem here until we became 35% black. That's when things went downhill.

My movie theater turned into a Baptist church,
My doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place.
My heating and AC place turned into a Manpower outlet.
My hardware store turned into a Goodwill outlet.
And all the small stop and shop stores either turned into daycare centers, hair salons, or cell phone/ pager places.

We used to have one murder every fifteen years or so. Now it's over three a year. All the stores that closed down had to because of shoplifting and robbery. Our K-Mart, which stood for generations, finally closed down about six months ago. Now we don't have one department store within 20 miles of here.
I went through that during Reagan in OKC the old grocery store I worked at become a big Baptist church..The neighborhood, (majority white) had run down within 16 years after I moved away..The K-Mart in a town I lived in Arkansas shut down due to Sam Walton who owned Walmart. The town I live close to over half of the shops are closed and have been since 2008 it's a dying town as are all the small towns in the area but it is not because of black humans.

Maybe not. I don't know exactly where you're talking about so it's hard to research. But wherever blacks move to in quantity, the area goes to hell. It happened here in the neighborhood I was born in, the neighborhood I grew up in, and the neighborhood I live in now.
Next time you see a black man thank him for helping to build the US for free...

Should I also thank him for all the stores that closed around here forcing me to deal with Amazon for everything I buy, or perhaps for my property value being half of what it was when I bought the place 25 years ago?
I buy from Amazon also yet my property values have not decreased...They tripled since 1998...And yes they be black folks around here, more than when I moved here...

Then it's a very small percentage. We didn't have a problem here until we became 35% black. That's when things went downhill.

My movie theater turned into a Baptist church,
My doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place.
My heating and AC place turned into a Manpower outlet.
My hardware store turned into a Goodwill outlet.
And all the small stop and shop stores either turned into daycare centers, hair salons, or cell phone/ pager places.

We used to have one murder every fifteen years or so. Now it's over three a year. All the stores that closed down had to because of shoplifting and robbery. Our K-Mart, which stood for generations, finally closed down about six months ago. Now we don't have one department store within 20 miles of here.
I went through that during Reagan in OKC the old grocery store I worked at become a big Baptist church..The neighborhood, (majority white) had run down within 16 years after I moved away..The K-Mart in a town I lived in Arkansas shut down due to Sam Walton who owned Walmart. The town I live close to over half of the shops are closed and have been since 2008 it's a dying town as are all the small towns in the area but it is not because of black humans.

Maybe not. I don't know exactly where you're talking about so it's hard to research. But wherever blacks move to in quantity, the area goes to hell. It happened here in the neighborhood I was born in, the neighborhood I grew up in, and the neighborhood I live in now.

You should see what Mexicans do to a community.
There is not one single predominantly Hispanic community here in south Mexifornia that isn’t a disgusting shithole...NOT ONE.
He can't...His proof would be rooted in the 'feelz'
There is no rational debate to be had....Logic vs. 'Feelz'

Wrong again, dumbass. The prisoner to his emotions here is you, and it seems very unlikely you have ever studied logic

Look Teach...I've made a very simple request...You and the likes of Gavin Newsom should easily be able to SHOW us how Americans benefit from diversity. You haven't because you can't and that scares you. Sack up and explain it...you're a smart dude....GO!

Diversity is fine in terms of food, religion and such but not to culture and America 1st attitude.

Where we’ve gone terribly wrong is simply identifiable.
Just to be candid...We have essentially FORCED our citizenry to pay extremely low grade foreigners to ruin our education system, our healthcare system, our communities, cities and even states....Further, we have forced our citizens to roll the red carpet out for them and conform to their ‘ways’. This wouldn’t and doesn’t make sense anywhere else....Anybody sane and without ties to the foreign filth would see it that way.
Do you agree Golfing Gator ...YES or NO?

My parents were immigrants but they learned the language, learned the culture, both diehard Pats fans and to them America is first and foremost. That is assimilation. They came here legally. They came here to be Americans. Not to change America.

That’s awesome and we welcome those types.
Unfortunately that’s definitely not the mentality of this era of ‘immigrants’.
The crazier thing about it; our politicians force Americans to change, pay their way and ‘fit them in’ whereas your parents probably felt is was their responsibility / duty to ‘fit in’ to American culture.
Should I also thank him for all the stores that closed around here forcing me to deal with Amazon for everything I buy, or perhaps for my property value being half of what it was when I bought the place 25 years ago?
I buy from Amazon also yet my property values have not decreased...They tripled since 1998...And yes they be black folks around here, more than when I moved here...

Then it's a very small percentage. We didn't have a problem here until we became 35% black. That's when things went downhill.

My movie theater turned into a Baptist church,
My doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place.
My heating and AC place turned into a Manpower outlet.
My hardware store turned into a Goodwill outlet.
And all the small stop and shop stores either turned into daycare centers, hair salons, or cell phone/ pager places.

We used to have one murder every fifteen years or so. Now it's over three a year. All the stores that closed down had to because of shoplifting and robbery. Our K-Mart, which stood for generations, finally closed down about six months ago. Now we don't have one department store within 20 miles of here.
I went through that during Reagan in OKC the old grocery store I worked at become a big Baptist church..The neighborhood, (majority white) had run down within 16 years after I moved away..The K-Mart in a town I lived in Arkansas shut down due to Sam Walton who owned Walmart. The town I live close to over half of the shops are closed and have been since 2008 it's a dying town as are all the small towns in the area but it is not because of black humans.

Maybe not. I don't know exactly where you're talking about so it's hard to research. But wherever blacks move to in quantity, the area goes to hell. It happened here in the neighborhood I was born in, the neighborhood I grew up in, and the neighborhood I live in now.

You should see what Mexicans do to a community.
There is not one single predominantly Hispanic community here in south Mexifornia that isn’t a disgusting shithole...NOT ONE.

Well that's something we up north have little experience at. I can only go by what I'm told. In my later teen years a friend of mine moved to CA with his mother. When he came back for a visit, he stated they don't have any problems with blacks, but the Mexicans are the problem.

Not that we don't have them up here, but they are few and far between. So I really can't comment on something I've never experienced. We had one Mexican family where I grew up. It was a single mother with three kids. Rumor had it she was a prostitute on the side. I really liked the daughter. Her two brothers became problems with the cops after they got older. But again, I can't paint all Mexicans with too broad of a brush just because of that.

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