Political Wish List for 2020


May 23, 2014
Well, I’m sure everyone that taps into the political forum on this site has one. Liberal, moderate, or conservative. Here goes:
#1) Trump wins re-election by a landslide comparable to Reagan’s in 1984.
#2) Republicans regain control of the House despite Pelosi and California vote rigging.
#3) Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies.
Ginsburg health scare raises prospect of election year Supreme Court battle
#4) Republicans gain control of more state houses and governorships.
#5) China is brought to their economic knees by DJT.
Political Wish List for 2020
I have only one "political wish" for 2020:

May every politician, bureaucrat, lobbyist and assorted sycophant in Washington D.C. get exactly the justice they deserve in 2020.

"Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim. Others will see evil incarnate getting exactly what's deserved." --
Emily Thorne
#1) Trump chokes on a Big Mac thus making America great again
#2) RGB replaced by Trump special interest pick, prompting the Dem President and Dem House and Senate to expand the court to 11 Justices after the inauguration
#3) Like they did after Dubya, conservative America again realizes they've been played for fools and enter self-examination; this time there's no black President to make them lose their minds again
#6) The GOP keeps the senate and has a 60 vote majority
#7) Justices Thomas and Breyer retire and Trump adds a total of (3) new supremes, including RBG's seat.
#8) After the election and GOP control they add a new VAT (sales) tax, and a new "transaction tax on all financial transactions" and Balance the Budget
1. The White House and the Senate to be held by different parties. Which has which is meaningless.
1. The White House and the Senate to be held by different parties. Which has which is meaningless.

That would save the President the hassle of making appointments that need confirmation, or signing legislation.

The President could concentrate on Executive Order signings, and the Senate could work on their investigations of the President. House members could concentrate of flag requests and service academy appointments.
- Germany finds back to old strength, enslaves traitors, expels criminals, makes true alliances and secures the social market economy.
1. The White House and the Senate to be held by different parties. Which has which is meaningless.

That would save the President the hassle of making appointments that need confirmation, or signing legislation.

The President could concentrate on Executive Order signings, and the Senate could work on their investigations of the President. House members could concentrate of flag requests and service academy appointments.

It decreases the number of unqualified people that would be nominated or approved to positions they have no business being in.

Other than that, it would not have any effect on legislation...look at this past week...when these two groups that supposedly hate each so very much want they can come together awful quick and easy and pass a slew of bills and have them all signed.
Keeping in mind sanity I EXPECT Trump to win reelection I just don't want him to go nuts on guns and free speech as he has kicked at in the past 3 years. If he manages to do that then its a win...the man has no concept of how the constitution works and is no pro gun president as many want to believe.

For a REALLY big reach wish. I want the downfall of the entire rotten system and a civil war.
#1) Trump chokes on a Big Mac thus making America great again
#2) RGB replaced by Trump special interest pick, prompting the Dem President and Dem House and Senate to expand the court to 11 Justices after the inauguration
#3) Like they did after Dubya, conservative America again realizes they've been played for fools and enter self-examination; this time there's no black President to make them lose their minds again
So you want a court packing plan because liberals can’t win elections?
Keeping in mind sanity I EXPECT Trump to win reelection I just don't want him to go nuts on guns and free speech as he has kicked at in the past 3 years. If he manages to do that then its a win...the man has no concept of how the constitution works and is no pro gun president as many want to believe.

For a REALLY big reach wish. I want the downfall of the entire rotten system and a civil war.
We have civil wars every two four years...at the ballot box.
I don't feel politics plays that big of a role in my life. It is sort of like football's offensive line where it's not noticed until it messes up. So as NightFox posted above (#2) a wish for justice, that sounds spot on to me.
I don't feel politics plays that big of a role in my life. It is sort of like football's offensive line where it's not noticed until it messes up. So as NightFox posted above (#2) a wish for justice, that sounds spot on to me.
It plays a role everyday whether you like it our not. All those government policies from transportation, taxes, health care, law enforcement, public services, gun control, federal judges...all based on politics. It affects you everyday since the day you were born.
That all nutters on both ends find another fucking hobby.

Not holding my breath.
Nutters...like Jefferson and Adams...Republicans and Federalists going back to 1796 and 1800?
That all nutters on both ends find another fucking hobby.
Not holding my breath.
Nutters...like Jefferson and Adams...Republicans and Federalists going back to 1796 and 1800?
Yes, the men responsible for inspiring the communication, collaboration and innovation that led to our Constitution.

But we've lost that capacity. Use it or lose it. We're petulant, vulgar, shameless children compared to them.
That all nutters on both ends find another fucking hobby.
Not holding my breath.
Nutters...like Jefferson and Adams...Republicans and Federalists going back to 1796 and 1800?
Yes, the men responsible for inspiring the communication, collaboration and innovation that led to our Constitution.

But we've lost that capacity. Use it or lose it. We're petulant, vulgar, shameless children compared to them.
Adams and the Federalists passed the “Alien and Sedition Acts” a complete violation of the First Amendment and wanted to throw Jefferson and Madison in prison. For their part Jefferson and Madison wrote the “Virginia and Kentucky Resolves” and the idea of “nullification” was brought forth for the first time. We can flash forward to Andrew Jackson and the “Coffin Handbill” put our by pro- John Quincy Adams supporters that accused Jackson of executing his own men in Florida during Creek Wars. Also, pro and anti Jackson newspapers sprang-up across the United States. One in Cincinnati, at the urging of Henry Clay published that Mrs. Jackson had not been divorced 20 years before when she married the Colonel. Thus calling her a whore. Jackson newspaper responded that John Quincy Adams helped procure prostitutes for the Crown Prince of Russia and his staff when he visited New York City. I could go on-and-on. Politics has always been dirty and always led by the political polar extremes.
Public support for Nixon decreased across all party lines as more Watergate evidence was revealed. Could we see the same in Trump’s impeachment trial?
Public support for Nixon decreased across all party lines as more Watergate evidence was revealed. Could we see the same in Trump’s impeachment trial?
Nope. Nothing there to begin with and Trump didn’t spy on anyone. He released the transcripts publically.

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