101 reasons – Obama in 2012 will not be re-elected


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
101 reasons – Obama in 2012 will not be re-elected

Obama 2012 – 101 reasons why he will lose.
1.Unemployment after 4 years of Keynesian economics is still over 7%. If Americans are out of work so will be the President.
2.US debt is over 14 trillion dollars and counting. He tripled the debt. We had a party and our children will have to pay.
3.We are still fighting an undeclared war in the Middle East with American men and women on the ground taking casualties with no end in sight. This really upsets me. It is not Obama’s fault but America should only fight declared wars, because undeclared wars are a never ending battle.
4.The budget is not yet balanced and 60 percent of the money goes to entitlements.
5.Change did not come.
6.Obama looks exhausted. As a leader he physically looks like life is a chore. He looks too skinny and will lose some votes based on his look. I know it is superficial but people vote on this.
7.Inflation is picking up. He is allowing the currency to be inflated.
8.Health care is not fixed. Not his fault. The Republicans only allow a watered down version to get ,through. Yet on the other hand, my thinking is there are better ways to fix health care than the Obama plan, such as a negative income tax, free market and light regulation such as not allowing people to be dropped for pre-existing conditions.
9.The housing market is far from recovered.
10.China is rising faster than the USA.
11.US jobs are going overseas.
12.Pro family Americans question Obama’s core values.
13.He accepted the Nobel peace prize for nothing.
14.Still no real business experience, only an academic.
15.Liberals feel betrayed as he did not follow through with transforming America with a liberal vision. Too much compromise.
16.Increased taxes.
17.Half the country is conservative.
18.After the initial honeymoon with international leaders, the global community respects him only for his title rather than his ability to lead.
19.Tea party.
20.Herman Cain, the conservative Obama.
21.His party turns against him.
22.2012 is the apocalypse?
23.Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Alex Jones, Drudge Report, National Review, Freeman, Greg, Mankiw, American Thinker
24.Wikileaks did not help the American image.
25.Jimmy Carter lite. He was elected to restore trust in the office of the Presidency, but ineffective as a leader.
26.Does not understand economics. Never read the classics from Adam Smith to Hayek to Milton Friedman. Filled with a mix of Keynesian and populous ideas.
27.Too many vacations at critical times.
28.Too many bailouts of big US businesses.
29.Special interest president.
30.Mysterious past from which passport he used to got to Pakistan to college records, to fake social security number and drug use.
31.Questionable lavish trips for his family
32.Some surprises will come out right before the 2012 election.
33.Expansion of government and unaffordable entitlement programs.
34.US military is being poorly run. Valuable resources are being wasted.
35.Well rehearsed for speeches, but lacks charisma.
36.Was basically an anti-Bush blame candidate. But after 4 years of failed policies it will be hard to blame Bush.
37.Continues setting presidential golf records.
38.Putin embarrasses him.
39.An Asian dictator embarrasses him.
40.A Middle Eastern Emir embarrasses him.
41.Chavez makes him look bad.
42.Lacks support in the congress which is a reflection of the sentiment of the US. If reelected he will be a 4 year lame duck president.
43.Rebuilding Iraq, but not our roads and schools.
44.Freedom is decreasing and the constitution has taken a back seat to government central control, for example the TSA or potential regulation of the Internet.
45.Too many people drawing metaphors to 1984 (the book, not the year). Big brother is alluded to in many headlines.
46.Comedians will begin to roast him and the youth will lose respect for him.
47.Food, healthcare, education and oil increases or at least agri-inflation, have you been to the grocery store lately?
48.Illegal immigration problem never solved.
49.Drug problem never solved or not even a dent in it.
50.Violent crimes are many fold higher than other nations.
51.America is slipping more as an economic leader and relative standard of living is in decline.
52.Blatant unrepentant globalist, putting America second.
53.Minor irritants for the US citizens like body scanners more paperwork and forms.
54.States are in crisis and the is only the beginning and Obama has done little to help.
55.Latest census shifted the political balance in swing states.
56.Was not a landslide in the first election.
57.Trade deficit is worst.
58.Many people I personally know that crossed lines have told me it was a mistake.
59.Lacks the combination of vision and ability to implement, like Ronald Reagan. He talks about united the parties instead of doing it.
60.America is too divided.
61.The U.S. trade deficit with China increased by 26% last year.
62.Independent voter and minor parties are shifting their alliances away from the Democrats.
63.Obama is getting too much advice from George Clooney.
64.South Park will produce some parodies that will hit home at Obama’s weaknesses.
65.Substance wins over symbolism the second time around.
66.Double dip recession at the end of 2012 could derail any chance of an Obama victory.
67.Obama is no Roosevelt because opposition to Roosevelt usually conceded for the greater good. The opposite is happening in the USA. The Obama presidency is polarizing the country.
68.Arizona, Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Missouri, Oregon, Washington ,Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, California, Nevada, are bankrupt and cannot meet their obligatory payments. The last drips of Federal money will expose the dire economic situation of these states.
69.Majority of the polls currently show an Obama loss in the 2012 election.
70.Republicans learned from their mistakes and will not elect someone like McCain to represent them again. That is the four pillars of the republicans are: social and religious conservatives, fiscal conservatives, imperialists and war hawks and moderate Republicans who can cross party lines. McCain was a War hawk conservative with some social ideas. Not a combination needed during an economic crisis. You need a fiscal and religious conservative that appeals to moderates. Hawks do not swing elections unless there is a real Peal Harbor.
71.Exceptions were too high for the first term.
73.Florida the key swing state demographically is changing more conservative. Whoever wins Florida will have a good chance at the White House in 2012.
74.Arizona, Texas, Utah, Georgia and South Carolina all Republican states picked up electorates.
75.Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York Pennsylvania all democratic states lost electorates.
76.It is showdown of Big Government vs the US citizens, I am pulling for the Americans.
77.Vegas and psychics and predictors of the sort are edging towards a Republican win.
78.Barack broke the promise of raising taxes for capital gains and dividends for the top percentage of wage earners.
79.Broken promise of double funding for after school programs.
80.Centralize lobbying and ethics reporting for US citizens to view, another broken promise.
81.Phase out exemptions for high earning tax payers. Another broken promise.
82.Repeal Bush tax cuts for the top earners, another Obama unfulfilled promise.
83.Obama promised to end income taxes for seniors making less than 50k. This was a huge issue in the sunbelt swing states, Obama did not do this.
84.A score of other broken promises too many to list. This does not help his credibility.
85.Is Obama Keynesian or Kenyan? To date there is still some confusion in some people’s minds.
86.Much of the Hollywood crowd that were his darlings in the 2008 Presidential elections are not as zealous in the 2012 Presidential elections.
87.Republicans have a real candidate in 2012.
88.Has an extreme anti-life voting record.
89.Obama is soft on crime.
90.Relief for the middle class never materialized and many stimulus injections of cash were temporary and favoring a few rather than the majority who will pay with taxes.
91.Obama wants a European style social economy which does not fit the American spirit. Obama is not a socialist, rather more follows the French economic model than the American.
92.Extension of Bush foreign policy, pax America. The sun never sets on the union jack (make the world England), I mean stars and bars.
93.Unemployment benefits have run out of federal money for chronically unemployed and people underemployed and out of work are looking for new ideas and answers rather than government money and temporary fixes.
94.Many good ideas proposed in 2008, but few implemented even with a Democratic majority in the congress. It is really hard to be Obama, as there is a lot of political infighting and most of the US money is being consumed my entitlement spending and a pittance is for these new interesting ideas.
95.Has done nothing to curb the close ties between the military business infrastructure and government spending.
96.Bailed out Wall Street not Main street. I thought he said things would be different. Most jobs are created by small companies, close to 70% as well as innovation, but the large dinosaurs got the funds.
97.Alex Conant, a GOP election campaign advisor said President Barack Obama cannot be a bipartisan candidate in 2012, like he was in the last election because American voters know him now as something different. He will lose many center and independent voters.
98.After 25 years of the Bush and Clinton dynasties, Americans have less tolerance for legacy candidates and more focused on results. That is just because they know someone, no longer is a good reason to reelect them.
99.Traditionally candidate who spend more money on election bids win. This is a reasonably strong correlation. For example, Democrats spent $956,049,411 in 2008 while the Republicans spent $792,186,627. This is contrast with 2004 where the Republicans spent $875,704,006 and the Democrats spent $710,416,993. It is not just that when a campaign has more money it is an indicator of real sentiment, but money and marketing does influence people. At this point Republicans have the momentum and mount an all out attempt to dethrone Obama in 2012 as they see it as an attempt to save the USA.
100.Crazy indicators that could mean nothing or something, such height of the Candidates, Obama being 6’1” would lose against Mit Romney at 6’4”. Many of the crazy indicators point to an Obama lose in 2012. Hair also counts, and Obama’s salt and pepper thin hair is no competition for the flowing hair of Sarah Palin’s for example.
101.I will not vote for him and I usually vote for winners (not always). I have an even better track record with predicting elections. Sometimes I am a sucker for lost causes.
101 reasons – Obama in 2012 will not be re-elected

Obama 2012 – 101 reasons why he will lose.
1.Unemployment after 4 years of Keynesian economics is still over 7%. If Americans are out of work so will be the President.
2.US debt is over 14 trillion dollars and counting. He tripled the debt. We had a party and our children will have to pay.
3.We are still fighting an undeclared war in the Middle East with American men and women on the ground taking casualties with no end in sight. This really upsets me. It is not Obama’s fault but America should only fight declared wars, because undeclared wars are a never ending battle.
4.The budget is not yet balanced and 60 percent of the money goes to entitlements.
5.Change did not come.
6.Obama looks exhausted. As a leader he physically looks like life is a chore. He looks too skinny and will lose some votes based on his look. I know it is superficial but people vote on this.
7.Inflation is picking up. He is allowing the currency to be inflated.
8.Health care is not fixed. Not his fault. The Republicans only allow a watered down version to get ,through. Yet on the other hand, my thinking is there are better ways to fix health care than the Obama plan, such as a negative income tax, free market and light regulation such as not allowing people to be dropped for pre-existing conditions.
9.The housing market is far from recovered.
10.China is rising faster than the USA.
11.US jobs are going overseas.
12.Pro family Americans question Obama’s core values.
13.He accepted the Nobel peace prize for nothing.
14.Still no real business experience, only an academic.
15.Liberals feel betrayed as he did not follow through with transforming America with a liberal vision. Too much compromise.
16.Increased taxes.
17.Half the country is conservative.
18.After the initial honeymoon with international leaders, the global community respects him only for his title rather than his ability to lead.
19.Tea party.
20.Herman Cain, the conservative Obama.
21.His party turns against him.
22.2012 is the apocalypse?
23.Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Alex Jones, Drudge Report, National Review, Freeman, Greg, Mankiw, American Thinker
24.Wikileaks did not help the American image.
25.Jimmy Carter lite. He was elected to restore trust in the office of the Presidency, but ineffective as a leader.
26.Does not understand economics. Never read the classics from Adam Smith to Hayek to Milton Friedman. Filled with a mix of Keynesian and populous ideas.
27.Too many vacations at critical times.
28.Too many bailouts of big US businesses.
29.Special interest president.
30.Mysterious past from which passport he used to got to Pakistan to college records, to fake social security number and drug use.
31.Questionable lavish trips for his family
32.Some surprises will come out right before the 2012 election.
33.Expansion of government and unaffordable entitlement programs.
34.US military is being poorly run. Valuable resources are being wasted.
35.Well rehearsed for speeches, but lacks charisma.
36.Was basically an anti-Bush blame candidate. But after 4 years of failed policies it will be hard to blame Bush.
37.Continues setting presidential golf records.
38.Putin embarrasses him.
39.An Asian dictator embarrasses him.
40.A Middle Eastern Emir embarrasses him.
41.Chavez makes him look bad.
42.Lacks support in the congress which is a reflection of the sentiment of the US. If reelected he will be a 4 year lame duck president.
43.Rebuilding Iraq, but not our roads and schools.
44.Freedom is decreasing and the constitution has taken a back seat to government central control, for example the TSA or potential regulation of the Internet.
45.Too many people drawing metaphors to 1984 (the book, not the year). Big brother is alluded to in many headlines.
46.Comedians will begin to roast him and the youth will lose respect for him.
47.Food, healthcare, education and oil increases or at least agri-inflation, have you been to the grocery store lately?
48.Illegal immigration problem never solved.
49.Drug problem never solved or not even a dent in it.
50.Violent crimes are many fold higher than other nations.
51.America is slipping more as an economic leader and relative standard of living is in decline.
52.Blatant unrepentant globalist, putting America second.
53.Minor irritants for the US citizens like body scanners more paperwork and forms.
54.States are in crisis and the is only the beginning and Obama has done little to help.
55.Latest census shifted the political balance in swing states.
56.Was not a landslide in the first election.
57.Trade deficit is worst.
58.Many people I personally know that crossed lines have told me it was a mistake.
59.Lacks the combination of vision and ability to implement, like Ronald Reagan. He talks about united the parties instead of doing it.
60.America is too divided.
61.The U.S. trade deficit with China increased by 26% last year.
62.Independent voter and minor parties are shifting their alliances away from the Democrats.
63.Obama is getting too much advice from George Clooney.
64.South Park will produce some parodies that will hit home at Obama’s weaknesses.
65.Substance wins over symbolism the second time around.
66.Double dip recession at the end of 2012 could derail any chance of an Obama victory.
67.Obama is no Roosevelt because opposition to Roosevelt usually conceded for the greater good. The opposite is happening in the USA. The Obama presidency is polarizing the country.
68.Arizona, Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Missouri, Oregon, Washington ,Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, California, Nevada, are bankrupt and cannot meet their obligatory payments. The last drips of Federal money will expose the dire economic situation of these states.
69.Majority of the polls currently show an Obama loss in the 2012 election.
70.Republicans learned from their mistakes and will not elect someone like McCain to represent them again. That is the four pillars of the republicans are: social and religious conservatives, fiscal conservatives, imperialists and war hawks and moderate Republicans who can cross party lines. McCain was a War hawk conservative with some social ideas. Not a combination needed during an economic crisis. You need a fiscal and religious conservative that appeals to moderates. Hawks do not swing elections unless there is a real Peal Harbor.
71.Exceptions were too high for the first term.
73.Florida the key swing state demographically is changing more conservative. Whoever wins Florida will have a good chance at the White House in 2012.
74.Arizona, Texas, Utah, Georgia and South Carolina all Republican states picked up electorates.
75.Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York Pennsylvania all democratic states lost electorates.
76.It is showdown of Big Government vs the US citizens, I am pulling for the Americans.
77.Vegas and psychics and predictors of the sort are edging towards a Republican win.
78.Barack broke the promise of raising taxes for capital gains and dividends for the top percentage of wage earners.
79.Broken promise of double funding for after school programs.
80.Centralize lobbying and ethics reporting for US citizens to view, another broken promise.
81.Phase out exemptions for high earning tax payers. Another broken promise.
82.Repeal Bush tax cuts for the top earners, another Obama unfulfilled promise.
83.Obama promised to end income taxes for seniors making less than 50k. This was a huge issue in the sunbelt swing states, Obama did not do this.
84.A score of other broken promises too many to list. This does not help his credibility.
85.Is Obama Keynesian or Kenyan? To date there is still some confusion in some people’s minds.
86.Much of the Hollywood crowd that were his darlings in the 2008 Presidential elections are not as zealous in the 2012 Presidential elections.
87.Republicans have a real candidate in 2012.
88.Has an extreme anti-life voting record.
89.Obama is soft on crime.
90.Relief for the middle class never materialized and many stimulus injections of cash were temporary and favoring a few rather than the majority who will pay with taxes.
91.Obama wants a European style social economy which does not fit the American spirit. Obama is not a socialist, rather more follows the French economic model than the American.
92.Extension of Bush foreign policy, pax America. The sun never sets on the union jack (make the world England), I mean stars and bars.
93.Unemployment benefits have run out of federal money for chronically unemployed and people underemployed and out of work are looking for new ideas and answers rather than government money and temporary fixes.
94.Many good ideas proposed in 2008, but few implemented even with a Democratic majority in the congress. It is really hard to be Obama, as there is a lot of political infighting and most of the US money is being consumed my entitlement spending and a pittance is for these new interesting ideas.
95.Has done nothing to curb the close ties between the military business infrastructure and government spending.
96.Bailed out Wall Street not Main street. I thought he said things would be different. Most jobs are created by small companies, close to 70% as well as innovation, but the large dinosaurs got the funds.
97.Alex Conant, a GOP election campaign advisor said President Barack Obama cannot be a bipartisan candidate in 2012, like he was in the last election because American voters know him now as something different. He will lose many center and independent voters.
98.After 25 years of the Bush and Clinton dynasties, Americans have less tolerance for legacy candidates and more focused on results. That is just because they know someone, no longer is a good reason to reelect them.
99.Traditionally candidate who spend more money on election bids win. This is a reasonably strong correlation. For example, Democrats spent $956,049,411 in 2008 while the Republicans spent $792,186,627. This is contrast with 2004 where the Republicans spent $875,704,006 and the Democrats spent $710,416,993. It is not just that when a campaign has more money it is an indicator of real sentiment, but money and marketing does influence people. At this point Republicans have the momentum and mount an all out attempt to dethrone Obama in 2012 as they see it as an attempt to save the USA.
100.Crazy indicators that could mean nothing or something, such height of the Candidates, Obama being 6’1” would lose against Mit Romney at 6’4”. Many of the crazy indicators point to an Obama lose in 2012. Hair also counts, and Obama’s salt and pepper thin hair is no competition for the flowing hair of Sarah Palin’s for example.
101.I will not vote for him and I usually vote for winners (not always). I have an even better track record with predicting elections. Sometimes I am a sucker for lost causes.

Overkill, always overkill. about ten of these reasons might some have validity. the rest are pretty much bullcookies.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

I'm not sure where you got that from, exactly.

Romney got about 61 million votes, about a million votes more than McCain and a million votes less than Bush.

So I'm not sure who all these conservatives were who didn't vote for Romney because he was a "Mormon". True, I didn't vote for him for that and a lot of other reasons. But for all their big talk about Mormons being heretics and Mormonism being from Satan, the Funditards still voted for the Satanic Heretic over the Black guy.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

Don't worry, I'm sure Mr Gerry Mander will sort it out for the GOP.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

The re-election of President Obama was a plus for the nation. After all, when he took office, the economy was in free fall, and it looked for sure that we were going to experiance the Second Great Republican Depression. Today, the market is at record levels, the jobs are coming back, and we are doing far better than the other nations that tried the austerity that the GOP was pushing.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

Obama used the IRS to hamper his political enemies

NOt really, but even if he did, so what?

The real problem the GOP had was not that people weren't willing to reconsider. Obama got 3 million less votes than he got in 2008.

The problem was, Romney didn't make the sale.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

The re-election of President Obama was a plus for the nation. After all, when he took office, the economy was in free fall, and it looked for sure that we were going to experiance the Second Great Republican Depression. Today, the market is at record levels, the jobs are coming back, and we are doing far better than the other nations that tried the austerity that the GOP was pushing.

Actually..we are doing Austerity here.

It's just that spending that should have went to create jobs..are pumping up the market instead.

Conservatives really should be happy about this.

Its that desperate in Hope Change Land

Economy still sucks and Zimmerman wasn't a white Jew

The economy is improving. You cannot deny it. Zimmerman would not have much impact on an election, but if he did, polls show the majority of Americans would have found him guilty of at least manslaughter, so that issue would not have hurt Obama either. You are just full of nothing but sour grapes. Watch out for the gas. Blow it out your ear ..... :D
Hell no, that is not what the "Conservatives" wanted. They wanted a complete economic debacle so they could have the Second Civil War that the are constantly hoping for.

The idea of the nation returning to prosperity is an anthema to them.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

3 million stayed home because they were part of the 47% and their natural candidate dissed them.
One reason the GOP lost in 2012. The GOP.

You are right!
3 million conservatives stayed home because they idiotically believed 4 more years of Obama would be better then 4 years of a Mormon!
Pretty stupid reasoning by my observation of my fellow conservatives!

NOW when will Democrats make similar admissions of stupidity regarding electing Obama?

Won't happen!

Obama was and remains a superior choice to whatshisname...

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