Political Correctness Is A Communist Invention: Canadian PM Trudeau Scolds Woman On "Mankind"...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Another one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.' "Peoplekind?" What an insufferable Leftist jerk.

Come on Canada, get it together. Dump the Communist nutters.

Another one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.' "Peoplekind?" What an insufferable Leftist jerk.

Come on Canada, get it together. Dump the Communist nutters.

About 20 years ago I did a piece for Sky and Telescope magazine. Even back then they wanted me to change Mankind to Humankind. I said no.

Good on ya. Trudeau is such an insufferable Leftist douchebag.
The way libturds seem to change the meanings of words themselves is Orwellian.

1984 was supposed to be a warning to future socialists, these assholes have used it as a game plan.

The way libturds seem to change the meanings of words themselves is Orwellian.

1984 was supposed to be a warning to future socialists, these assholes have used it as a game plan.

Lenin's army of 'Useful Idiots.' All part of the Agenda.
That mincing, girlish, namby-pamby fairy is an abomination to my gender. And he's dumber than Obama.
Another one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.' "Peoplekind?" What an insufferable Leftist jerk.

Come on Canada, get it together. Dump the Communist nutters.

Justin's sixth grade English teacher must be spinning-------either in her grave or
rocking chair. Isn't there a mechanism in Canada for getting rid of a PM? ----
short of lead to the brain?
That mincing, girlish, namby-pamby fairy is an abomination to my gender. And he's dumber than Obama.

Unlike most gay idiots, Milo has the balls to speak out against Islam's gay public executing, gay torturing, gay slaughterhouse on this planet, Pisslam. Liberals love to condemn Christians for looking at gays wrong, while frantically defending a religion whose majority of members overwhelmingly support the death penalty for homosexuality. I believe the technical term for that is being "more full of shit than an overfed goose." And of course, liberals riot over it because they're too cowardly to handle the truth about the most violent, sadistic hate ideology on this planet.
Another one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.' "Peoplekind?" What an insufferable Leftist jerk.

Come on Canada, get it together. Dump the Communist nutters.

you need to stop whining about Russia when you think it's ok that Vladimir hand-picked the orange idiot.

Yeah, lay off the Democrat Fake News sista. It's driving you mad. :cuckoo:

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