Police: When you Shoot ;Please Shoot to Kill

So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
It's Bush92. He is always calling for killing someone.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
It's Bush92. He is always calling for killing someone.
he could really use another hobby.
What many, if not most, people don't understand about police is ... police don't mete out punishment.

Police solely enforce the law. They require compliance with the law, but only the courts can demand punishment for non-compliance with the law.

If someone will not comply with the law, it's the job of the police to bring them before the court, where punishment is decided.

Police shooting to punish wouldn't be justice as it is embodied by our legal system.
What many, if not most, people don't understand about police is ... police don't mete out punishment.

Police solely enforce the law. They require compliance with the law, but only the courts can demand punishment for non-compliance with the law.

If someone will not comply with the law, it's the job of the police to bring them before the court, where punishment is decided.

Police shooting to punish wouldn't be justice as it is embodied by our legal system.
didn't really think about it like that. interesting perspective.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
Criminal culture is shit.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
Criminal culture is shit.

I'm still trying to get my head around how stupid criminals can be. Trying to understand the culture is early days for me.

Working in the corporate world for 35 years did not prepare me for the weapons-grade stupid I encounter on a daily basis as a cop.
What many, if not most, people don't understand about police is ... police don't mete out punishment.

Police solely enforce the law. They require compliance with the law, but only the courts can demand punishment for non-compliance with the law.

If someone will not comply with the law, it's the job of the police to bring them before the court, where punishment is decided.

Police shooting to punish wouldn't be justice as it is embodied by our legal system.

This story is not very informative. How many police officers were shooting at this guy? When did they know he was hit and started to go down?

I mean after all, if he was down and the gun released and the cops kept shooting, that's one thing. But if they just continued to shoot until they knew he was was disabled from further attack, I don't call that as dishing out justice.

I remember reading one story (and I have it in my folder) of a woman who was alone with her kids when a criminal broke into her home. She ran into a bedroom with her children and revolver, and when the guy opened up the closet door, she gave him all five rounds and he still ran out of the room. He lived, was charged and imprisoned.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
1. they do not shoot to stop---you shoot to kill--because it is VERY hard to hit the target!!
--you have to aim center mass
--I fired pistols a lot in the USMC and it's hard to hit bull's eyes at even 10 yards without practice and discipline
------add adrenaline/target movement/etc etc --more difficult
if anyone does any research on police marksmanship, they will find it is very inaccurate!!!--for many reasons
[[sure --you have ''trick shooters--that practice ''trick/bull's eye shots-shooting/etc day after day/etc ]] but even with ''normal'' practice, it is not easy to hit center mass, much less the bull's eye

2. I was thinking about this subject today
I saw a video of these jackasses following a lady, hitting her on the HEAD, and then robbing her
--if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them [ in the back, or anytime ] then you need to go to Wonderland

SHOOT to KILL these jackasses--in the back, hands up--I don't care
YOU should feel SAFER when these dangerous jackasses DIE
What many, if not most, people don't understand about police is ... police don't mete out punishment.

Police solely enforce the law. They require compliance with the law, but only the courts can demand punishment for non-compliance with the law.

If someone will not comply with the law, it's the job of the police to bring them before the court, where punishment is decided.

Police shooting to punish wouldn't be justice as it is embodied by our legal system.

This story is not very informative. How many police officers were shooting at this guy? When did they know he was hit and started to go down?

I mean after all, if he was down and the gun released and the cops kept shooting, that's one thing. But if they just continued to shoot until they knew he was was disabled from further attack, I don't call that as dishing out justice.

I remember reading one story (and I have it in my folder) of a woman who was alone with her kids when a criminal broke into her home. She ran into a bedroom with her children and revolver, and when the guy opened up the closet door, she gave him all five rounds and he still ran out of the room. He lived, was charged and imprisoned.

I agree, there is no way to evaluate in the seconds allotted just how effective your fire has been. The unknown effectiveness of your fire, the knowledge that an assailant can close the distance between you and him in less time than it takes you to assess your fire, and plain old everyday adrenaline will cause most shooters to keep going even beyond the minimum necessary to subdue or deter.

My post was intended to address the original OP statement "Law enforcement please kill these fuckers."

That isn't what we do. I explained our role in the process so the OP would understand that.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
1. they do not shoot to stop---you shoot to kill--because it is VERY hard to hit the target!!
--you have to aim center mass
--I fired pistols a lot in the USMC and it's hard to hit bull's eyes at even 10 yards without practice and discipline
------add adrenaline/target movement/etc etc --more difficult
if anyone does any research on police marksmanship, they will find it is very inaccurate!!!--for many reasons
[[sure --you have ''trick shooters--that practice ''trick/bull's eye shots-shooting/etc day after day/etc ]] but even with ''normal'' practice, it is not easy to hit center mass, much less the bull's eye

2. I was thinking about this subject today
I saw a video of these jackasses following a lady, hitting her on the HEAD, and then robbing her
--if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them [ in the back, or anytime ] then you need to go to Wonderland

SHOOT to KILL these jackasses--in the back, hands up--I don't care
YOU should feel SAFER when these dangerous jackasses DIE

This story is very vague. I would like to know how many officers and what distance they were firing from. After all., the farther away they are, the less likely they are to hit their target and they know this.

On the other hand, the suspect had no insurance, and he wasn't covered under any social programs. So does the hospital lose out if the city doesn't pay for his injuries?
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.
.....this isn't Alice's Wonderland--but the US where DANGEROUS jackasses violently rob/murder/rape--and will keep doing that crap till they are dead or in jail
..they are WORSE than animals---so you need to KILL them or put them in a cage
What many, if not most, people don't understand about police is ... police don't mete out punishment.

Police solely enforce the law. They require compliance with the law, but only the courts can demand punishment for non-compliance with the law.

If someone will not comply with the law, it's the job of the police to bring them before the court, where punishment is decided.

Police shooting to punish wouldn't be justice as it is embodied by our legal system.

This story is not very informative. How many police officers were shooting at this guy? When did they know he was hit and started to go down?

I mean after all, if he was down and the gun released and the cops kept shooting, that's one thing. But if they just continued to shoot until they knew he was was disabled from further attack, I don't call that as dishing out justice.

I remember reading one story (and I have it in my folder) of a woman who was alone with her kids when a criminal broke into her home. She ran into a bedroom with her children and revolver, and when the guy opened up the closet door, she gave him all five rounds and he still ran out of the room. He lived, was charged and imprisoned.

I agree, there is no way to evaluate in the seconds allotted just how effective your fire has been. The unknown effectiveness of your fire, the knowledge that an assailant can close the distance between you and him in less time than it takes you to assess your fire, and plain old everyday adrenaline will cause most shooters to keep going even beyond the minimum necessary to subdue or deter.

My post was intended to address the original OP statement "Law enforcement please kill these fuckers."

That isn't what we do. I explained our role in the process so the OP would understand that.

I don't know what the OP had in mind, but I don't think when people are in need to defend themselves with a firearm, that they are thinking shoot to injure or shoot to kill. They are just thinking shoot to hit the target.

When I was younger I spent years in martial arts training. When I was studying for my blackbelt, it occurred to me I knew several ways to kill an attacker in just a few moves, so I questioned my teacher about it.

He told me the way it's written, the law protects you if you are using self-defense. As long as you stop after you disable your attacker from further attack, even using deadly moves is legal provided you didn't agree to a fight (and were actually attacked) where you were simply defending yourself. If you did agree to fight somebody such as in a bar situation and killed your opponent by accident, you could face a manslaughter charge.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
Criminal culture is shit.
It really sucks when they are running the WH.
.....this isn't Alice's Wonderland--but the US where DANGEROUS jackasses violently rob/murder/rape--and will keep doing that crap till they are dead or in jail
..they are WORSE than animals---so you need to KILL them or put them in a cage

IMO, if you shoot at a police officer, or anybody that you know is armed and can shoot back, you're one crazy SOB and desperate enough to do anything.
This bucket of shit should have took one right in his goddamn face. Why are taxpayers footing the bill for his behavior? Law enforcement please kill these fuckers.
City to pay $480G in medical costs for suspect injured after allegedly shooting police officer: reports
It’s not incidences like this. How about the cops who shot the hard of hearing home owner who was walking around with his gun in his own home after he called 911?

I don’t want to give good cops shit but they all need training and what are they teaching them?
This bucket of shit should have took one right in his goddamn face. Why are taxpayers footing the bill for his behavior? Law enforcement please kill these fuckers.
City to pay $480G in medical costs for suspect injured after allegedly shooting police officer: reports
It’s not incidences like this. How about the cops who shot the hard of hearing home owner who was walking around with his gun in his own home after he called 911?

I don’t want to give good cops shit but they all need training and what are they teaching them?

That's an anomaly and not the norm; a very rare circumstance.

But our police cannot wait until somebody points a gun and shoots at them first before returning fire. That one shot is one that can kill you.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
1. they do not shoot to stop---you shoot to kill--because it is VERY hard to hit the target!!
--you have to aim center mass
--I fired pistols a lot in the USMC and it's hard to hit bull's eyes at even 10 yards without practice and discipline
------add adrenaline/target movement/etc etc --more difficult
if anyone does any research on police marksmanship, they will find it is very inaccurate!!!--for many reasons
[[sure --you have ''trick shooters--that practice ''trick/bull's eye shots-shooting/etc day after day/etc ]] but even with ''normal'' practice, it is not easy to hit center mass, much less the bull's eye

2. I was thinking about this subject today
I saw a video of these jackasses following a lady, hitting her on the HEAD, and then robbing her
--if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them [ in the back, or anytime ] then you need to go to Wonderland

SHOOT to KILL these jackasses--in the back, hands up--I don't care
YOU should feel SAFER when these dangerous jackasses DIE

You are an idiot. If you shoot the man, and he goes down, do you keep shooting? If you do, you can have the cell next to Jason Van Dyke. Shoot to stop means you stop shooting when there is no longer a threat. You shoot center mass, but that does not guarantee a kill. If you don’t know the vernacular then you should either shut up and stay with the poor white guy threads, or learn. The latter seems unlikely in your case.

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