Polar Bears Forced onto Land Losing Weight


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
The loss of sea ice is dramatically reducing the number of seals with their high fat content, consumed by polar bears. A recent study found that other foods have too little fat and require too much effort for the bears to find. They are losing weight badly.

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Good old Crack Pot . Always guaranteed to be first in line to swallow the nonsense .
Fortunately Polars are too fat already and a good slimming regime is required .
Regardless , none of us are that keen or bothered about their welfare .
Knowing none are around will make summer vacations feel safer and fish stocks will grow .
Looks like a Win -Win for the Hate Polars Brigade
The loss of sea ice is dramatically reducing the number of seals with their high fat content, consumed by polar bears. A recent study found that other foods have too little fat and require too much effort for the bears to find. They are losing weight badly.

That idiot Al Gore said 20 years ago that there would be no more polar bears by now. Since there are now more polar bearts than then you Environmental Wackos are now changing it to the polar bears are losing weight? LOL!

My god you are idiots. Absolute imbeciles!
The loss of sea ice is dramatically reducing the number of seals with their high fat content, consumed by polar bears. A recent study found that other foods have too little fat and require too much effort for the bears to find. They are losing weight badly.

That’s a big problem, alright!

I think you should go help those noble bears. Go to Alaska, trap some seals and feed them to those hungry animals before they waste away.

Approach them with deference, kneel before one and hold up the sacrifice for them to eat.

Weren’t you progressives a couple of decades ago whining about how native Americans, also known as Eskimos, were hunting seals and being cruel? You really think a polar bear is less cruel than an Eskimo?
I appreciate all the passionate response. Does anyone have any comments about the study's methodology or conclusions?
That idiot Al Gore said 20 years ago that there would be no more polar bears by now. Since there are now more polar bearts than then you Environmental Wackos are now changing it to the polar bears are losing weight? LOL!

My god you are idiots. Absolute imbeciles!
Indeed, Al Gore was wrong and after a 20 year search, we haven`t found Gomer Bush`s WMDs either. Gore`s bullshit didn`t get thousands of people killed. Can you see the difference?
The loss of sea ice is dramatically reducing the number of seals with their high fat content, consumed by polar bears. A recent study found that other foods have too little fat and require too much effort for the bears to find. They are losing weight badly.

tell ya what................if you and everyone else this concerned would follow john kerry to a huge lava lake and throw yourselves in it.........you will instantly vaporize with no carbon trace, so that is efficient....you will be part of the land again and things will grow from you eventually, how eco green can ya get?......all of you combined will be enough to close the gap on the warmin

you can make a difference....sacrifice your life for the planet and mankind and i'll get an electric stove........deal???????

btw....john kerry would never be joining you
That idiot Al Gore said 20 years ago that there would be no more polar bears by now.
Al Gore is not a climate scientist nor an expert on polar bears nor are he or his writings involved in this study . The loss of Arctic sea ice has been dramatic and has affected the health of the polar bears.
Since there are now more polar bearts than then you Environmental Wackos are now changing it to the polar bears are losing weight? LOL!
The study discusses the differences in results and values between population-level studies and studies of individual bears such as this one. I suggest you read it.
My god you are idiots. Absolute imbeciles!
You sound like me. Enlightening.
Indeed, Al Gore was wrong and after a 20 year search, we haven`t found Gomer Bush`s WMDs either. Gore`s bullshit didn`t get thousands of people killed. Can you see the difference?
george bush ain't no fucking republican and he sucked big time......his buddy cheney's daughter ran the show...the womans whose ass you sniff you pos

slick willy let osama blow up buildings and bush really fucked up after that with lizzys daddy

gwb sucks....like he sucks mike obamas big floppy penis
I appreciate all the passionate response. Does anyone have any comments about the study's methodology or conclusions?
my sil grandkids came up to me recently and said they were afraid we are going to burn up.......................no shit................12 fucking yrs old...i told them that was nonsense...what the fuck are they teaching you to be afraid of????

YOU and your fellow nutjobs cooking this shit up to scare kids like that

are you fucking ashamed of yourself god damned you?
Al Gore is not a climate scientist nor an expert on polar bears nor are he or his writings involved in this study . The loss of Arctic sea ice has been dramatic and has affected the health of the polar bears.

The study discusses the differences in results and values between population-level studies and studies of individual bears such as this one. I suggest you read it.

You sound like me. Enlightening.
none of this shit can be reversed no matter what you fucking say jack off

you bastards never mention russia, china, and india of causing 80% of this shit while the usa has good quality air

go to fucking china and scream all day long......they are the problem coward..go to china and parts of you will be distributed in an eco friendly method
my sil grandkids came up to me recently and said they were afraid we are going to burn up.......................no shit................12 fucking yrs old...i told them that was nonsense...what the fuck are they teaching you to be afraid of????

YOU and your fellow nutjobs cooking this shit up to scare kids like that

are you fucking ashamed of yourself god damned you?
Did you explain to them what scientists are actually saying? There are lots of good resources explaining this stuff in simpler terms. NASA and National Geographic have always been big on science education for kids.


The loss of sea ice is dramatically reducing the number of seals with their high fat content, consumed by polar bears. A recent study found that other foods have too little fat and require too much effort for the bears to find. They are losing weight badly.

The loss of seals is due to the Chinese depleting the fish in the Arctic Sea. This has been going on for years.

It has nothing to do with "climate change."
none of this shit can be reversed no matter what you fucking say jack off
If we started it, we can stop it. It's not going to happen overnight so we need to get going.
you bastards never mention russia, china, and india of causing 80% of this shit while the usa has good quality air
The whole world has caused it. This thread concerns polar bears found in Canada.
go to fucking china and scream all day long......
This discussion board is open to anyone on the planet.
they are the problem coward..go to china and parts of you will be distributed in an eco friendly method
Why so much anger? You want to kill me because I tell you of a study that shows polar bears are starving? Does that seem reasonable to you?
The loss of seals is due to the Chinese depleting the fish in the Arctic Sea. This has been going on for years.

It has nothing to do with "climate change."
I'm afraid it has almost everything to do with climate change. Seals and polar bears are both dependent on sea ice for their normal feeding behavior.
I'm afraid it has almost everything to do with climate change. Seals and polar bears are both dependent on sea ice for their normal feeding behavior.

It doesn't matter. Polar bears suck. I hate those fucking things, with their sharp claws and bitey teeth.

I hate Pandas even more.

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