I've been giving this some thought and come to the conclusion that regardless of all the scientific debate over the causes of climate change, be it man made or not man made, to regulate on one set of conslusions seems to be an effort that would enrich only a few rather than benefit everyone. Having said all that our nation needs to be able to secure a energy futire that is free of the need to depend upon nations that do not have our interests at heart and most of the time use the very monies that are paid them by us to finanace terrorist operations against this nation. So consider, each time you go to the gas pump you are in a small way helping fund the very people that have set out to kill Americans the world over including here. Another issue that our nation has faced for a number of years is the loss of jobs to foreign nations due to several reasons, among them cheaper labor, less restrictive environmental policies, and lower tax burdens. So rather than focus on the why's of the science,as a nation it would seem to me to be the prudent thing to focus on what is the best way to secure our energy future. In my mind that future should begin in applying all the new technologies and make them available and produce them in this nation. Take Plug-In Hybrids fir instance. Toyota has annoced it's intention to build and sell by 2011 a plug-in hybrid that will get upwards of 135 milies a gallon. If you apply technologies such as these, along with an upgraded energy grid that includes, solar, wond, nuclear, natural gas, domestic oil, clean coal, geo-thermal, and many others. Then you have not only created jobs and long term ones, you have created a Stimulus that will secure a bright future for our children and grandchildren.