Please critique my proposed policy to ensure an honest vote

Thank you, I'll have to start looking at some of those. :p
If you have any interest in unbiased reporting, the best sources are:

Associated Press
The Associated Press was founded in 1846. The renowned global news organization has 53 Pulitzer Prizes under its belt. It is and has always been the epitome of clear and unbiased news journalism and reporting. It is actually where most journalists seek out their own news stories to report on.
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal is well known for reporting the news as it is. It serves a healthy dose of reality from both sides of the political spectrum. It isn't likely you'll see a Wall Street Journal White House correspondent trading blows with the President in the Press Room. The reason for this isn't because WSJ loves the president. It's because you won't often find antagonistic stories on the front page that are lambasting either side.
Reuters is well-respected unbiased news outlet with a strong focus on clean, accurate reporting. News events on this site are written with some of the most straightforward reporting seen anywhere.
4. BBC
The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting service and one of the largest news services in the world. If you want to know what's going on globally, the BBC is the place to go. There is a good chance you will find better information than the same stories at a US news site.
It may seem ironic that US news organizations appear far more censored and filled with pro-government propaganda than British news organizations. These days, US foreign policy includes so much government cooperation with corporate US news media. So, the only alternative for Americans (or anyone for that matter) is to turn to foreign news sources for the whole story.

Other Unbiased News Sources Worth Mentioning
C-Span, The Financial Times, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and Pew Research

If you have any interest in unbiased reporting, the best sources are:

Associated Press
The Associated Press was founded in 1846. The renowned global news organization has 53 Pulitzer Prizes under its belt. It is and has always been the epitome of clear and unbiased news journalism and reporting. It is actually where most journalists seek out their own news stories to report on.
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal is well known for reporting the news as it is. It serves a healthy dose of reality from both sides of the political spectrum. It isn't likely you'll see a Wall Street Journal White House correspondent trading blows with the President in the Press Room. The reason for this isn't because WSJ loves the president. It's because you won't often find antagonistic stories on the front page that are lambasting either side.
Reuters is well-respected unbiased news outlet with a strong focus on clean, accurate reporting. News events on this site are written with some of the most straightforward reporting seen anywhere.
4. BBC
The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting service and one of the largest news services in the world. If you want to know what's going on globally, the BBC is the place to go. There is a good chance you will find better information than the same stories at a US news site.
It may seem ironic that US news organizations appear far more censored and filled with pro-government propaganda than British news organizations. These days, US foreign policy includes so much government cooperation with corporate US news media. So, the only alternative for Americans (or anyone for that matter) is to turn to foreign news sources for the whole story.

Other Unbiased News Sources Worth Mentioning
C-Span, The Financial Times, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and Pew Research

AP and Reuters ate run by the same people

They're NOT unbiased, far from it

But if you like propaganda, they're kinda fun
AP and Reuters ate run by the same people

They're NOT unbiased, far from it

But if you like propaganda, they're kinda fun

They are? Reuters is a far older agency and headquartered in Canada. AP is headquartered in New York City. That must be one hell of a commute!

Why do you post such asinine comments? That's like saying New York and California are run by the same people!
That and the huge variations between voter turn out in the 2020 election compared to all previous elections has destroyed the people's confidence in the system and process. I am suggesting a way to restore that and ensure honest elections.
Wasn't that huge at all. Only 62 per cent. I'm surprised it wasn't higher due to what was on the line.
They are? Reuters is a far older agency and headquartered in Canada. AP is headquartered in New York City. That must be one hell of a commute!

Why do you post such asinine comments? That's like saying New York and California are run by the same people!

It's okay, I'm not here to educate you.

Do a little research. Open the book, not just the cover
AP and Reuters ate run by the same people

They're NOT unbiased, far from it

But if you like propaganda, they're kinda fun
Good guess but not so.
Reutters is private owned business by Thomson Reuters of Toronto Canada but was founded in UK 165 years ago. It's customers span the globe. Thomson Reuters is now a major provider of financial and general information, both historical and current, to businesses, governments, and individuals worldwide.

The Associated Press is a non-profit cooperative owned by all radio, TV, and newspapers who use their services. They serve a diverse news and information market of a million customers in 140 countries.

No two news and information organization could be any more different that these two. They are competitors in the news business, but both serve all political, national, religious, and business interests. One commonality is that they are two of most respected news organizations in the world. Where Reuters serves both news and non-news businesses, the AP serves primarily news outlets. The reporters that write most the stories you read whether from the New York Times or Fox News get their facts from one of these two services.
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Any attempt to fight voting fraud will be protested by Democrats as voter suppression. This is the setup for voter fraud in '22.
Any significant voter fraud that is likely to influence elections results will occur at vote counting centers, not at the polls. Yet republicans are only interested in making changes that make it more difficult for people to vote because they believe that will reduce the number of Blacks and Hispanics votes which are usually democrat votes.
There has been no voter fraud so yes, it's obviously suppression for no reason
True, voter fraud is rare and based on cases that have gone before a judge the fraudulent votes were just as likely to benefit republicans as democrats.
Good guess but not so.


How little you know.

Anyone can cut and paste propaganda, but that's all it is.

Follow my logic here - do you think people who lie to you all the time, are going to tell you the truth about who they are?
True, voter fraud is rare and based on cases that have gone before a judge the fraudulent votes were just as likely to benefit republicans as democrats.
Stop with the authority fallacy.

These are the same cretins that think money is speech.
True, voter fraud is rare and based on cases that have gone before a judge the fraudulent votes were just as likely to benefit republicans as democrats.
they are all mistakes by people and are no organized conspiracy to change anything. The only way to steal an election is the way trump tries to do it. The votes are counted honestly and checked pretty damn well.

How little you know.

Anyone can cut and paste propaganda, but that's all it is.

Follow my logic here - do you think people who lie to you all the time, are going to tell you the truth about who they are?
Give us a call when you figure out the difference between journalism and garbage propaganda, super duper. Change from your one channel and stop listening to conspiracy nuts on the Internet for God's sake

How little you know.

Anyone can cut and paste propaganda, but that's all it is.

Follow my logic here - do you think people who lie to you all the time, are going to tell you the truth about who they are?
Sounds like you're getting ready to hatch a new conspiracy theory, involving thousands of news organization around the globe.
Decades ago there was cheating and hanky panky in elections, but never did we have an electorate as suspicious and convinced of malfeasance or as fearful that elections can be stolen as we have now. Without faith that elections are fair and honest, it is unlikely that our constitutional republic will survive.

So I propose what I believe is a system/policy that, if implemented, will ensure roughly 99.9% honest and fair elections. Do you agree? If not please state your reason why it would be bad policy.

Any person who is unable to secure a certified Driver's License w/photo or other valid photo ID may provide proof of citizenship and residence and apply for a free photo ID in the city or county where the person resides.

All U.S. citizens who are not felons and who are sufficiently mentally competent to register to vote via their own intentional effort should go to the city or county clerk's office where they reside and:
1. Provide certified photo ID, proof of citizenship, proof of home residency, proof of age.
2. Anyone who moves out of his/her precinct must re-register in order to be allowed to vote.
3. Voter registration must be done 2 to 6 weeks prior to the election so that the person can be added to the official voter rolls.
4. Any person not voting in either the primary or general election in any given election year will be dropped from the voter rolls and must re-register to vote.
5. Some provision will be made for those who otherwise qualify but cannot physically go to the city or county clerk's office to register but the registration must be taken by a person with the city or county clerk's office.
5. Anyone falsifying his/her voter registration or knowingly accepting or creating fake registrations is subject to prosecution for a felony offense and, if convicted, will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment.

1. All persons physically able must go to the polls in their assigned precinct personally and present positive certified photo ID and certify under oath that they live at the address shown on their voter registration. Early voting if allowed in any state may not exceed ten days prior to election day and must include all safeguards in place on election day.
2. Those who must or need to vote absentee will apply for an absentee ballot with a signed and notarized application.
3. The completed absentee ballot must be delivered to the precinct polling location no later than the close of the polls on election day. No ballots will be accepted from any source after the polls close. Every absentee ballot should be able to be matched with a notarized application for the ballot. No person having been issued an absentee ballot may vote by any means other than that absentee ballot.
4. Anyone voting in somebody else's name or hindering the timely delivery of absentee ballots to the polling place or discouraging or hindering people's ability to get to the polls will be subject to prosecution for a felony with penalties fines and/or imprisonment.
5. Only properly registered persons living within the United States and/or its territories are eligible to vote.

1. All interested parties must be allowed to have representatives present and able to observe the counting process. Those representatives must be allowed to remain until the counting is completed and will be given a certified document verifying what the final count is.
2. All ballots will be via paper ballots and hand counted. Counting will continue without interruption, even if people have to be replaced, until all ballots are counted and the results provided to the city or county officials as well as to the poll watchers.

Recognizing that for every rule, there can be necessary exceptions for truly valid reasons such as natural disasters or whatever, the above should insure that never again will any person have to wonder whether an election was stolen.
I agree with most. But instead of absentee or vote by mail. Can be done much more secure by computer. YES there are very secure website, Banks have them everywhere.

(1) Face recognition software.
(2) Use of a password provided when you register
(3) Out of wallet questions

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