Pinch Me, I Think I'm Still Sleeping


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This can't be true. It.Just.Can't.

No way. I'm hallucinating. I knew I had one too many shrimp last night (real ones, not those 'tiger shrimp')

Maybe I shouldn't have made my own Cocktail Sauce...... :dunno:

Video: “Where Were The People That Could Have Come [To Benghazi]? I’m Going To Ask That Question Until I Get An Answer” Says . . . Chris Matthews…

[ame=]MSNBC's Chris Matthews Wants Answers From Hillary, Obama On Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

Am I dreaming?

Via RCP:

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, Jay Newton-Small, about the politics of this thing. I know it’s a hot opportunity for the Republicans, but my interest is on facts, and the questions I have about this are what was the State Department’s role in real time, not beforehand, but at the time of the attack in defending the lives of their people, especially the U.S. ambassador, who was a friend, a friend of the Secretary of State’s, Hillary Clinton? What was their actions, what was the tick-tock? What did they do when they got the warning of the attack?

JAY NEWTON-SMALL: Well, Hillary in her testimony before Congress said she was there, she was, you know, on the ground, in the State Department listening to the response in real time on the phone as it was happening, and so, she knew what was happening. But again, they also testified that there were waves of attacks, so they thought that, you know, after the first wave that things were quieting down. That’s when they said, well, maybe we don’t need to send help, and help was really far away. It wasn’t like it was next door. It was several hours away in Italy, so –

MATTHEWS: But the fight went on for seven hours.

NEWTON-SMALL: Yeah, but then if you’re doing it in waves, you think the attack is over and sending somebody is not going to help anymore, right? Then all of a sudden, they attack again.

MATTHEWS: I’m going to ask you something. If that what your brother or father in there, would you say that’s an acceptable response? ‘Oh, it’s probably over by now, it’s no good to send anybody.’ Or would you say, ‘I don’t care if it’s over or not, I’m going to collect the bodies if nothing else. I’m going to get there and show I cared.’ That’s what I’d do.

NEWTON-SMALL: These are questions that Hillary will have to answer if she runs for president in 2016 –

MATTHEWS: And the president and the National Security Adviser and everybody sitting in that Situation Room. We had lots of coverage of people when we killed bin Laden, we had a lot of coverage of that. There’s a lot of photographers around during that. How come this is shrouded in mystery? What I can’t understand is all these months later we’re still trying to figure out what happened. I just want to know, as an American, what happened? Did everybody do what they were supposed to do? Did everybody make a really good desperate effort to save the lives of our people over there or didn’t they? If they didn’t, that’s a problem, but I want an answer.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Is Matthews sincere?

Is he really on the side of justice and truth or is he just shilling and wasting our time?

I don't have an opinion on that one but I wouldn't bet on his sincerity, he IS a dimocrap afterall
If he and other loyal democratic mouth pieces are doing this then the info is coming out that the Government fucked up and they can not stop it so are trying to cover up how they helped hide it for almost a year.
If he and other loyal democratic mouth pieces are doing this then the info is coming out that the Government fucked up and they can not stop it so are trying to cover up how they helped hide it for almost a year.


I think the Moonbat Media is jumping on the Benghazi Story in order to divert attention away from the Epic Fail of Obamacare.
It really doesn't matter. We've allowed a tyrannical, fascist government to develop and move into power, and they are in charge now. They will remain in charge until (if) someone forcibly removes them.
Is Matthews sincere?

Is he really on the side of justice and truth or is he just shilling and wasting our time?

I don't have an opinion on that one but I wouldn't bet on his sincerity, he IS a dimocrap afterall

Of course he's not sincere.. He's just decided that Hilliary is not enough of a Socialist Revolutionary. He's already looking forward to backing a Dem in 2016 that will REALLY bring hope and change and "social justice"........

Maybe Al Franken will get the HardBall endorsement..
I think the Moonbat Media is jumping on the Benghazi Story in order to divert attention away from the Epic Fail of Obamacare.

You could be right, and it could also be that they are in CYA Mode. They ran from this story last year when it would have seriously jeopardized President Asshole's reelection chances, but the story was always full of meat. It's typical of the MSM to have these moments of reflexed outrage once a story has already passed any chance of being used for a big political swing.

And you can see they're bailing on Obama now with Obamacare too, but it's because they have no choice, they need to at least pretend to give a flying fuck about the rabble in this country who pay the taxes and get the shaft.
Is Matthews sincere?

Is he really on the side of justice and truth or is he just shilling and wasting our time?

I don't have an opinion on that one but I wouldn't bet on his sincerity, he IS a dimocrap afterall

I don't think so.

but he is a seasoned journalist and he smells that it is now appropriate for him to pretend the outrage and wish to know. Otherwise he would look too brown-nose-ish ( he still is, but he does not know it)
I think the Moonbat Media is jumping on the Benghazi Story in order to divert attention away from the Epic Fail of Obamacare.

What a choice eh? I guess they COULD do the phone tapping story.. Seems like the story that's getting assembled today -- is that BHObama doesn't seem to know ANYTHING about the mistakes of his Admin..
This can't be true. It.Just.Can't.

No way. I'm hallucinating. I knew I had one too many shrimp last night (real ones, not those 'tiger shrimp')

Maybe I shouldn't have made my own Cocktail Sauce...... :dunno:

Video: “Where Were The People That Could Have Come [To Benghazi]? I’m Going To Ask That Question Until I Get An Answer” Says . . . Chris Matthews…

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Wants Answers From Hillary, Obama On Benghazi - YouTube

Am I dreaming?

Via RCP:

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, Jay Newton-Small, about the politics of this thing. I know it’s a hot opportunity for the Republicans, but my interest is on facts, and the questions I have about this are what was the State Department’s role in real time, not beforehand, but at the time of the attack in defending the lives of their people, especially the U.S. ambassador, who was a friend, a friend of the Secretary of State’s, Hillary Clinton? What was their actions, what was the tick-tock? What did they do when they got the warning of the attack?

JAY NEWTON-SMALL: Well, Hillary in her testimony before Congress said she was there, she was, you know, on the ground, in the State Department listening to the response in real time on the phone as it was happening, and so, she knew what was happening. But again, they also testified that there were waves of attacks, so they thought that, you know, after the first wave that things were quieting down. That’s when they said, well, maybe we don’t need to send help, and help was really far away. It wasn’t like it was next door. It was several hours away in Italy, so –

MATTHEWS: But the fight went on for seven hours.

NEWTON-SMALL: Yeah, but then if you’re doing it in waves, you think the attack is over and sending somebody is not going to help anymore, right? Then all of a sudden, they attack again.

MATTHEWS: I’m going to ask you something. If that what your brother or father in there, would you say that’s an acceptable response? ‘Oh, it’s probably over by now, it’s no good to send anybody.’ Or would you say, ‘I don’t care if it’s over or not, I’m going to collect the bodies if nothing else. I’m going to get there and show I cared.’ That’s what I’d do.

NEWTON-SMALL: These are questions that Hillary will have to answer if she runs for president in 2016 –

MATTHEWS: And the president and the National Security Adviser and everybody sitting in that Situation Room. We had lots of coverage of people when we killed bin Laden, we had a lot of coverage of that. There’s a lot of photographers around during that. How come this is shrouded in mystery? What I can’t understand is all these months later we’re still trying to figure out what happened. I just want to know, as an American, what happened? Did everybody do what they were supposed to do? Did everybody make a really good desperate effort to save the lives of our people over there or didn’t they? If they didn’t, that’s a problem, but I want an answer.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

I guess Mathews lost the tingle.
Is Matthews sincere?

Is he really on the side of justice and truth or is he just shilling and wasting our time?

I don't have an opinion on that one but I wouldn't bet on his sincerity, he IS a dimocrap afterall

Of course he's not sincere.. He's just decided that Hilliary is not enough of a Socialist Revolutionary. He's already looking forward to backing a Dem in 2016 that will REALLY bring hope and change and "social justice"........

Maybe Al Franken will get the HardBall endorsement..

Elizabeth Warren is their choice.
Is Matthews sincere?

Is he really on the side of justice and truth or is he just shilling and wasting our time?

I don't have an opinion on that one but I wouldn't bet on his sincerity, he IS a dimocrap afterall

He sounds racist.

He wants answers because Obama is black.

He wouldn't be questioning this if it were a white president.


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