Perry supported TARP


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008

That's the letter that he co-signed with the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Gov. Rick Perry, saying he's "sick and tired" of the partisan gridlock in Washington, slammed the federal government on Tuesday for failing to agree on a rescue of the U.S. financial markets.

"Washington needs to get over the partisan bickering," Perry said. "They've got their work cut out, but one of them is to get over the initial behind their names and start being Americans first and quit being Democrats and Republicans."

Perry slams Washington for bailout failure - Houston Chronicle

So if it's really going to be between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney the Republicans might as well just run John McCain again, or throw all of their support behind Obama.

From the article:

"My concern is that Washington is so inept at addressing these issues that are important to Americans, whether it's securing our borders or whether it's securing our financial future," Perry said. "Washington has been absolutely abject failures at this."

Perry stopped short of endorsing any particular approach to the U.S. financial meltdown and warned against any measures that would allow shady business practices to continue.

"We're sick and tired of watching Washington bicker with each other while financial markets are roiled," he said. "The other side of that is we're certainly not interested in Washington bailing out a bunch of irresponsible mortgage brokers in an industry that has too often been run on greed."

The point was he was tired of the partisan politics.

The article you cite says Perry DIDN'T specifically endorse TARP.
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That's the letter that he co-signed with the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Gov. Rick Perry, saying he's "sick and tired" of the partisan gridlock in Washington, slammed the federal government on Tuesday for failing to agree on a rescue of the U.S. financial markets.

"Washington needs to get over the partisan bickering," Perry said. "They've got their work cut out, but one of them is to get over the initial behind their names and start being Americans first and quit being Democrats and Republicans."

Perry slams Washington for bailout failure - Houston Chronicle

So if it's really going to be between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney the Republicans might as well just run John McCain again, or throw all of their support behind Obama.

You know what, you may have an idea there.

If the Republicans throw all there support behind President Obama, the Liberals and Democrats like TDM will all think there is something up and since they would never agree to vote in agreement with Republicans, they will vote for the Republican candidate instead. The Republicans then also vote for the Republican even though they verbally supported Obama and they could actually have a landslide despite the "independent" vote. :)

And yes, I think liberals are that gullible.



From the article:

"My concern is that Washington is so inept at addressing these issues that are important to Americans, whether it's securing our borders or whether it's securing our financial future," Perry said. "Washington has been absolutely abject failures at this."

Perry stopped short of endorsing any particular approach to the U.S. financial meltdown and warned against any measures that would allow shady business practices to continue.

"We're sick and tired of watching Washington bicker with each other while financial markets are roiled," he said. "The other side of that is we're certainly not interested in Washington bailing out a bunch of irresponsible mortgage brokers in an industry that has too often been run on greed."

The point was he was tired of the partisan politics.

The article you cite says Perry DIDN'T specifically endorse TARP.

The very first sentence:

"Gov. Rick Perry, saying he's "sick and tired" of the partisan gridlock in Washington, slammed the federal government on Tuesday for failing to agree on a rescue of the U.S. financial markets."

Not to mention the letter urging Speaker Pelosi to pass TARP.

That's the letter that he co-signed with the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Gov. Rick Perry, saying he's "sick and tired" of the partisan gridlock in Washington, slammed the federal government on Tuesday for failing to agree on a rescue of the U.S. financial markets.

"Washington needs to get over the partisan bickering," Perry said. "They've got their work cut out, but one of them is to get over the initial behind their names and start being Americans first and quit being Democrats and Republicans."

Perry slams Washington for bailout failure - Houston Chronicle

So if it's really going to be between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney the Republicans might as well just run John McCain again, or throw all of their support behind Obama.

You know what, you may have an idea there.

If the Republicans throw all there support behind President Obama, the Liberals and Democrats like TDM will all think there is something up and since they would never agree to vote in agreement with Republicans, they will vote for the Republican candidate instead. The Republicans then also vote for the Republican even though they verbally supported Obama and they could actually have a landslide despite the "independent" vote. :)

And yes, I think liberals are that gullible.



If it's Rick Perry or Mitt Romney then there's no reason to vote for them over Obama since they're exactly the same. Might as well save time and energy moving Obama out and them in, and just leave Obama there.

That's the letter that he co-signed with the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Perry slams Washington for bailout failure - Houston Chronicle

So if it's really going to be between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney the Republicans might as well just run John McCain again, or throw all of their support behind Obama.

You know what, you may have an idea there.

If the Republicans throw all there support behind President Obama, the Liberals and Democrats like TDM will all think there is something up and since they would never agree to vote in agreement with Republicans, they will vote for the Republican candidate instead. The Republicans then also vote for the Republican even though they verbally supported Obama and they could actually have a landslide despite the "independent" vote. :)

And yes, I think liberals are that gullible.



If it's Rick Perry or Mitt Romney then there's no reason to vote for them over Obama since they're exactly the same. Might as well save time and energy moving Obama out and them in, and just leave Obama there.

One thing different about Perry, he supports breaking the country into pieces. I definitely cannot get on board with that one.

TESTA & VERRET: Deliberately misjudging Rick Perry - Washington Times

He was prompted with a “gotcha” question on whether Texas should secede after speaking at a Tea Party rally against federal government intrusion into local issues and responded:

“There’s a lot of different scenarios. Texas is a unique place. When we came in the Union in 1845, one of the issues was whether we would be able to leave if we decided to do that. My hope is that America, and Washington in particular, pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

Mr. Perry made a strong threat to respond to federal intrusion into matters traditionally left to the states. That threat should be considered along the lines of his previous responses in standing against the federal strings tied to stimulus money or in a sovereignty resolution he pushed through the Texas Legislature.

And to those who read this article and ask why I would use it since it disagrees with my stance on what Gov. Perry says, that is exactly why I used it. Besides another quick and easy link was the Huffington Post and well, you can imagine how they spun it. I wasn't planning on voting for either party. I cocked my ear when Perry entered the race. I cannot support him partly because of this stance.

You know what, you may have an idea there.

If the Republicans throw all there support behind President Obama, the Liberals and Democrats like TDM will all think there is something up and since they would never agree to vote in agreement with Republicans, they will vote for the Republican candidate instead. The Republicans then also vote for the Republican even though they verbally supported Obama and they could actually have a landslide despite the "independent" vote. :)

And yes, I think liberals are that gullible.



If it's Rick Perry or Mitt Romney then there's no reason to vote for them over Obama since they're exactly the same. Might as well save time and energy moving Obama out and them in, and just leave Obama there.

One thing different about Perry, he supports breaking the country into pieces. I definitely cannot get on board with that one.

TESTA & VERRET: Deliberately misjudging Rick Perry - Washington Times

He was prompted with a “gotcha” question on whether Texas should secede after speaking at a Tea Party rally against federal government intrusion into local issues and responded:

“There’s a lot of different scenarios. Texas is a unique place. When we came in the Union in 1845, one of the issues was whether we would be able to leave if we decided to do that. My hope is that America, and Washington in particular, pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

Mr. Perry made a strong threat to respond to federal intrusion into matters traditionally left to the states. That threat should be considered along the lines of his previous responses in standing against the federal strings tied to stimulus money or in a sovereignty resolution he pushed through the Texas Legislature.

And to those who read this article and ask why I would use it since it disagrees with my stance on what Gov. Perry says, that is exactly why I used it. Besides another quick and easy link was the Huffington Post and well, you can imagine how they spun it. I wasn't planning on voting for either party. I cocked my ear when Perry entered the race. I cannot support him partly because of this stance.


I believe he was pandering to the crowd he was speaking to. I doubt he really wants Texas to secede.
If it's Rick Perry or Mitt Romney then there's no reason to vote for them over Obama since they're exactly the same. Might as well save time and energy moving Obama out and them in, and just leave Obama there.

One thing different about Perry, he supports breaking the country into pieces. I definitely cannot get on board with that one.

TESTA & VERRET: Deliberately misjudging Rick Perry - Washington Times

He was prompted with a “gotcha” question on whether Texas should secede after speaking at a Tea Party rally against federal government intrusion into local issues and responded:

“There’s a lot of different scenarios. Texas is a unique place. When we came in the Union in 1845, one of the issues was whether we would be able to leave if we decided to do that. My hope is that America, and Washington in particular, pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

Mr. Perry made a strong threat to respond to federal intrusion into matters traditionally left to the states. That threat should be considered along the lines of his previous responses in standing against the federal strings tied to stimulus money or in a sovereignty resolution he pushed through the Texas Legislature.

And to those who read this article and ask why I would use it since it disagrees with my stance on what Gov. Perry says, that is exactly why I used it. Besides another quick and easy link was the Huffington Post and well, you can imagine how they spun it. I wasn't planning on voting for either party. I cocked my ear when Perry entered the race. I cannot support him partly because of this stance.


I believe he was pandering to the crowd he was speaking to. I doubt he really wants Texas to secede.

That is almost as bad.

Just what we need another panderer.

One thing different about Perry, he supports breaking the country into pieces. I definitely cannot get on board with that one.

TESTA & VERRET: Deliberately misjudging Rick Perry - Washington Times

And to those who read this article and ask why I would use it since it disagrees with my stance on what Gov. Perry says, that is exactly why I used it. Besides another quick and easy link was the Huffington Post and well, you can imagine how they spun it. I wasn't planning on voting for either party. I cocked my ear when Perry entered the race. I cannot support him partly because of this stance.


I believe he was pandering to the crowd he was speaking to. I doubt he really wants Texas to secede.

That is almost as bad.

Just what we need another panderer.


Well Perry is a politician, after all.
Unlike the Failed Stimulus Tarp was essential. That is what staved of a Depression not the Damn Stimulus. What is so bad about supporting it. Over 70% of what was actually spent has already been paid back.

Treasury: TARP Money Returned to Taxpayers Exceeds $250 Billion - Real Time Economics - WSJ

The Treasury Department on Tuesday updated its projections for the cost of the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program, saying that for the first time the amount of funds that has been returned to taxpayers exceeds $250 billion.

TARP was created to be a $700 billion program, but much of the money wasn’t used. The Dodd-Frank financial overhaul law essentially capped the amount of money that could be used at $475 billion. “Nearly 70% ($477 billion) of the original $700 billion has been repaid, offset with profits, or canceled,” Treasury said on Tuesday.

Treasury projected that more money would continue to come in through the program, and it reiterated an October estimate that the “overall lifetime cost” of the program would be roughly $50 billion.

Stop a Financial Meltdown and the total cost ends up being 50 Billion. Not to bad. To bad we had to go Blow fucking a few Trillion more after that on Failed Stimulus Spending Programs.
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Yeah we save the banksters from meltdown, alright.

We're still saving them from meltdown, too.

Meanwhile we're deciding which Americans to throw under the bus.

That's the letter that he co-signed with the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Gov. Rick Perry, saying he's "sick and tired" of the partisan gridlock in Washington, slammed the federal government on Tuesday for failing to agree on a rescue of the U.S. financial markets.

"Washington needs to get over the partisan bickering," Perry said. "They've got their work cut out, but one of them is to get over the initial behind their names and start being Americans first and quit being Democrats and Republicans."

Perry slams Washington for bailout failure - Houston Chronicle

So if it's really going to be between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney the Republicans might as well just run John McCain again, or throw all of their support behind Obama.

So what!!

Plenty of people were fooled into supporting it. Course not so many were tricked into supporting the Porkulus bill.

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